Today is as special day of me and my husband. Today we watched our two daughters graduate from the US Army Airborne School. For us it has a special meaning for our family. You see when I first came to the US I joined our military to help gain my citizenship. While I served I won those same wings, so you can see why this was so special to me. For my husband who is from the UK and had served in their military as a British Paratroop it was doubly so. You see his father and his grandfather were also British Paratroopers going all the way back to WW2. This morning as we were pinning our daughters wings to their uniforms I realized that they were the fourth generation for our family to earn those tiny pieces of silver that so many have worn over the years. I normally do not do double postings, but today I could not get their story out of my head. So instead of fighting I sat down in our hotel room and typed it out then posted A Daughter Gets Her Wings. I hope you all enjoy it, but I’ll be honest and tell you now that short is there for my children to show them how proud I am of them both.
Your pride shows
I am glad to see and read about how your family have served over the years, and for that I can ONLY salute you and yours. I'm a member of the Commonwealth and have family members that served well. Thank you for you and your Family's service over the years!
As the child of someone who
As the child of someone who kept his Canadian citizenship, while still serving in the USAF, I certainly understand. (They wanted to fast track his citizenship so they could send him to Officer's Cooking School, but he declined and stayed a staff sgt)
I have not served myself, because I have a very poor attitude towards stupidity (There'd be dead me or dead DI's), but I have a number of family that have served. I'm grateful for them giving up years of their lives for everyone, and sometimes their lives; even if they live, they aren't the same person afterwards.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Silver Wings upon their chest
…Mix - Ballad of the Green Berets - [HD] - - - SSGT Barry SADLER
by YouTube
I have nothing but great admiration for those soldiers!