Transgender murders rise in 2015

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I found this on the Guardian website which I must have missed earlier, might have been on holiday. If the conclusions are correct, then it's a frightening prospect especially for transgender people from black or other ethnic minorities. I have blogged about it before but it's still happening and needs to be brought to public awareness. Thanks to the Guardian for that.



I am unsure if I want this to be simple Detroit and Philadelphia crime or a hate crime. The sad thing is the more this happens the more people are forced to become aware that there is violence against the silent minority but I also hope that it isn't groups of people who are hurting people just because they are different.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

To pass or not to pass

It brings up that old question.

I had that discussion at Fantasia Fair in the US this year. I said passing was important when I transitioned back in 1990 as that was a safety issue. The transadvocate I talked to did not think that was necessarily needed anymore given transadvances, socially.

So now we have a tension imho. The current flavor of advocacy is trans-visibility but the flip-side imho that it can make you a target. I am a visible minority myself, being Asian but I have kept a pretty low profile in my regular post-op life. And, yes, I am very passable. Out and proud is one thing but I think there has to be more caution here.

Unfortunately not new

Unfortunately, that trans people (esp. trans women) get battered and murdered for being trans is not new. What's new is that people are tracking it. And even now, there are probably a lot of murders of trans people which aren't being reported as trans murders. So we don't really know if it's happening more often or less often, or it's just that the reporting has gotten better.

And it's not new that (in the USA) it's mostly black people and members of other disadvantaged groups that are the victims. Nor surprising -- black people in general are victims of violence at a much higher rate than white people.

Today's vocabulary word: intersectionality.

A Cautionary Tale

About ten years ago, while I was living in Northern Virginia, I helped organize a job fair for an inner city Washington, D.C. transgender group. At most of the meetings, held at a community center for TGs who were living in distressed conditions, I was the only non-African American/Latino present. For me, it was an eye opening experience, for all my previous work with TG groups in the late 80’s and early 90’s had been with groups that, upon reflection, were comprised of well heeled, almost exclusively Caucasian TGs.

The plight of TGs in minority communities is unlike anything most readers here, I expect, can imagine. The expedients the TGs I dealt with over the course of a year in helping to organize a job fair for TGs had to resort to simply to survive were, and I have no doubt still are, horrifying to someone even as hardened to the realities of life as I am. Most of the girls were whores, a term they openly used among themselves, for political correctness had no place in the gutters of the nation’s capitals. Some were illegal aliens, without a single piece of legal, legitimate documentation. Going to companies, corporations, even government agencies in an attempt to get them to be part of the job fair was an ordeal. While no one slammed a door in our face, many came as close to sticking their fingers in their ears and singing ‘La,la,la. I can’t hear you,' as I have ever seen an adult do. (Only going to III Corps G-3 and asking for an increase in training ammunition comes close).

That there is an increase in reported TG deaths among minorities in the U.S. should come as no surprise, for police are more willing, due to public pressure, to better identify the nature of victims. Another possible cause, one many here will pick apart, is the increase visibility of TGs in the media and across the cultural spectrum is encouraging more people to stop hiding their gender issues and be more open. This can result in making themselves more likely to be targets of discrimination and violence, particularly if they are having to make a living on the streets. I know it is politically incorrect to point out some of the grimmer aspects of reality, but people who venture into harms way, either by choice or necessity, are more likely going to find themselves having to deal with the darker side of human nature.

In the late 80’s and early 90’s one of the first lessons those of us who came out was take care where and when you ventured out. For me, who started my journey in Kansas, this was critical. The second was always maintain situational awareness. The third, go with your gut instincts. If something tells you it is unsmart to do something or go somewhere, don’t. I was able to pick and chose where and when. Not everyone can. So my advise is be smart and be aware. Flash traffic, not everyone loves us.

Any who, that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it.

Nancy Cole
a.k.a. HW Coyle

~ ~ ~

"You may be what you resolve to be."

T.J. Jackson


Angharad's picture

you could do a fictionalised account of that and educate those like me who've never experienced such worlds and possibly the public at large. I would certainly promise to read it.


murder of what we fear

First I have been aware of this. How threating is a young tg moving toward womanhood ? A man with a 5oclock shadow wearing a dress and a wig at best is amusement, but no reason to beat almost to death, and then Kill. Bullies and thugs exist. I fear we, as a society are spiraling downward faster and faster. Beware, Look around you. But even this will not keep us protected from the barbarians at the gate. Hate is always around us. I hate Big noses, women, gays, straights, Irish, Italians, Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, irrationally, it is here.
As the line goes, " I hate people who hate"

Seems to me that as the religious right gets more and more

adamant about their "religious liberty" they are more and more enthusiastic about denying liberty and even life to those who they see as violating their narrow view of what's moral and what's immoral. Strange that they don't know how to follow their own 10 commandments.

Once again... Statistics is a terrible science.

Disclaimer: I'm greatly saddened by the number of murders. Any murder is a terrible crime and we should do anything to reduce the number of them.

But... Statistically being transgender reduces your chances to be murdered in US. Total number of the murders in US is not yiet released for the 2015, but many cities show 60 to 70% increase in murders compared to 2014. With such rates we can assume that at least 12000 (about the nypumber in 2014) were already commited this year. 21 murders out of 12000 is under 0.2% of the total. And estimated number of transgendered people in US is somwhere close to 0.4%.

So statistically transgender people are about twice less likely to be murdered in US.

My point is - we should be more concerned with overal increase in violent crimes. 70+ % increase in murders in some cities in US this year is especially worrying. This kind of increase will reflect on everybody including TG people.

Situational Awareness

Mostly, I just do what other women do. When the sun goes down I am usually in, unless I am escorted. I'm very careful about the neighborhood I'm in. I don't have a car right now, so I've been riding my bike, and I have good lights, a reflector vest, and mace. The nice thing about a bike is that the 10-12 miles per hour I ride will usually outrun an assailant.

I don't do bars or pubs alone.


I second that

That is an essential survival strategy.

Never get yourself into a surrounding where you will be physically vulnerable. Sadly, for M->F it means less physical freedom. It comes with the territory folks.


I mentioned in a comment to my latest chapter of A longer War that I had been doing a piece for TDoR, and it was something for a national, government organisation. I did a lot of reading for it, and one thing that hurt was the repetition of the word 'multiple'. Stabbings, shootings, reversing over with a car, it was all 'multiple', all hate crime to the nth power. I don't pass that well, as Angharad can testify, and have had a few recent attacks, verbal as well as physical, so I have some understanding of the issues.
No solutions offered from me, just sympathy and empathy. And a little bit of despair.