Glamour Mag Woman of the Year

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Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’

Who cares? She can be woman of the year if the editors pick her as such. Jeeze ladies, get a life. Someone made a choice, they run the magazine and decide the articles. If anyone is jealous maybe they might start taking lessons on how to act like a woman, or man, or whatever, and find happiness living in their own skin. Maybe start their own magazine and choose their own stories.

Get a grip. Get a life. Get a job. Start a hobby. Volunteer for social community projects. Obviously have too much free time to think about controlling other people's lives.


Women? Or Thomas D Williams PhD?

laika's picture

"Thomas D. Williams PhD" (I'm always suspicious of anyone so self-important they feel the need to lead with their PhD) has cobbled together a bunch of different sources and declared
"WOMEN CRY FOUL"... as if he knows what all women think. And if you read his other stuff about gays and such this is clearly more about HIS agenda than any women. I'm sure some do cry foul, someone's always crying about something, but his piece reminds me of the "uproars" and "firestorms of controversy" about some T-shirt with a risqué slogan or something equally minor that Yahoo News is always fabricating based on a few disgruntled tweets, hardly what I'd call a firestorm, just to get their commenters riled up and screaming about how everybody is "overly sensitive" and "PC" except them (and generating advertising profits for Yahoo, which I suspect is their real purpose), not realizing that they're totally being played...

His language is totally hostile and sneering; and BRIETBART itself comes off as somewhere to the right of FOX NEWS, only way less fair and balanced. I'm sure I could find something even more offensive from some even fringier publication, but why post a blog about it and give these jerks exposure?? Fuck em.

Not to mention that GLAMOUR MAGAZINE can declare I'm the Empress of the Moonmaids
but it's not really going to give me any power or authority over anything...
hugs, Laika

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

I Vote For Laika!

joannebarbarella's picture

Yes,Jill. Veronica is the one.

What a nasty, sneering, supercilious article that was. It does say much more about the attitudes and prejudices of its author than about Caitlyn.

We are talking about...

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

... someone who used the phrase “hasn’t even made a sandwich yet.” to define womanhood!
