I'm really annoyed today for lots of different reasons, and I can't really concentrate on work or the stories already in progress.
So to get my head in order, I'm asking for some challenges and ideas.
If you can please give me one or more of the following:
1) a really strange plot hook, 1 to 2 sentences.
2) three or more things, settings, locations, characters, etc, that don't seem to fit together.
3) a single sentence, the stranger the better, that has to be properly used in the story.
I'll take one or more of the suggestions and make a short story out of it, and post it tonight or early tomorrow. That should get my creativity flowing again without ending in horrifying darkness and bloodshed.
This is kinds of hard but Ill give it a try :D
1: The water felt so inviting as she dropped into the ocean, her clothes melting off of her. Her human features dissolved into the stuff of nightmares, rows and rows of teeth inside a large mouth.
2: Marilyn the sea creature, Suburban homes built near the ocean, A family that knows what Marilyn is and has a wet couch prepared for her for when her favorite tv shows are on.
3: Marilyn felt most at home in the sea, but often took trips to the surface to watch her favorite television shows.
Sowwy if this suckzies.
Quite good
Not sure if I'll use it, I'll start writing after my daughter goes to bed, but there's lots of potential here. So I'll definitely consider it.
More confusing ones that are totally opposite of each other are also welcome.
Re: Challenge
OK, hopefully this isn't too evil for you. See if you can figure out a way of including the following in a story:
1) Jenny Jones is an up and coming teenage singer who has found fame via Youtube and she is now in great demand for TV and appearances despite never showing her face. The reason is that she is really a fifty year old plumber called Matthew who happens to be good at impressions, and he doesn't know what to do.
2) A double decker bus, the Paris catacombs, and a Tyrannosaurs Rex.
3) "Please sir, can I have some more fish fingers and custard?"
This is as random and unrelated as I can come up with. Good luck.
Oh man!
This and the first suggestions, I could make a whole novel. Love these!
Random Thoughts...
1. The city was alive tonight; the sounds of partying and of fighting filled the air. As he walked by a alley, a tentacle reached out from the dark and grab him.
2. Being from Brooklyn, the Kansas prairie was scary as shit; it was so flat. There were no power line, cell tower, hell even trees for mile all around. It foretold of his social isolation. He was told their are no natural lakes; only man-made reservoirs and pond called cattle tanks. As he walked to the top of a small rise, the land dropped away to revival an Ark!
3. He focused on the simple mantra: " Slow is smooth and smooth is fast."
So many ideas now.
So many ideas now.
You Asked For It
A protagonist, sometimes male and sometimes female, travels seamlessly between subtly different versions of reality. These could be metaphors for the protagonist's real-life transition.
An abandoned Space Shuttle launch pad. Hundreds of people on a nearby hillside sketching it. Black Sedan cars with opaque windows are parked in a strange formation; from the air it almost looks like a message...
Here every human imperative seemed muted, as if the atmosphere itself was laced with apathy and disillusion.
1) Aliens/Extra-Dimensional beings infiltrate Whateley to steal the Crystal Hall chefs' recipe for Lemon Vanilla Pie.
2) A seedy strip club inside the Vatican, the alchemist who made Jane Seymour & Racquel Welch's longevity potions, and a three year old talking Alaskan Malamute named Dave.
3) Dad, I told you, Elvis said it was perfectly fine to use his flying Eldorado.
~And so it goes...
1) My image in the mirror looked unchanged. Why was I so scared.
2) A pipe wrench, a Victorian corset and a merry-go-round.
3) As I staggered out of the alley, I stumbled over a naked mannequin.
My turn
(1) Two girls are looking into a mirror together,
(2) a broken bottle that has spilled on both girls, Belphegor from Whateley, a Lolita dress, and
(3) "Well Allie, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into!"
Thanks, it's over now
Ok, I've got the story planned in my head. And it incorporates at least one thing from every suggestion. It's going to be funny, or a disaster which can also be funny.
Thanks for all the suggestions. It should be posted in 5 or 6 hours.
3: The colorless banana, occupied by the pale-heavy galaxy, took peace with the naked chaos umbrella.
I don't want to give any examples of 1. I want mine for myself.
2: Alphabet, cheese, LaTeX.
2: Orion's Belt, an adult banker age-regressed to a young redheaded teen singer and actress, a TRS-80 Model II.
-- Daphne Xu
Hum? I'll give it a go, Domoviye
Teenager leaves high school very late and alone due to falling asleep in the men's room after detention. James got detention because he insulted that strange new chemistry teacher nobody can remember much about, even her name, other than she dresses like a older Goth and is never seen out during the day.
Our intrepid teenager walks thru a series of stereotypical BAD places because he is late for supper. IE takes a short cut thru the overgrown yard of that vacant Victorian mansion where those unspeakable multiple murders occurred 50 years ago to the very day/hour! That strange house that is on the edge of the old cemetery that even the stoners/drunks instinctively avoid. Right down the dead end road from that abandoned summer camp.
The weather suddenly turns for the worse as dark clouds hide the moon and stars. It begins to rain and fog rises...perhaps rising from the graveyard? No, just his imagination.
He takes a further chance and cuts down the ally between the abandoned tannery and the mental asylum that burned down when some of the inmates rioted many years before.
He thinks he sees that Goth teacher down a side street but cannot be sure it is her. I mean she never had wings, a barbed tail and hooves before...or did she?
He imagines, or does he, hearing an unearthly voice in the wind crying "Come back Shane!"
He hears wolves(?) howling and swears some woman is calling his name again and again or is she chanting it? Was that strange teacher just in the last doorway? And why did her eyes seem to glow?
But with the rain and fog it is hard to be certain of anything.
Feeling strangely tired and cold, his clothes seeming suddenly wrong, he spots a Starbucks. Our teen rushes inside to the comparative warmth and safety.
He pulls off his soaked hoodie revealing long curly red hair down to her sexy ass. Her fashion model worthy face is highlighted by hypnotically glowing red eyes. The fact she is not wearing a bra is made obvious by the wet top clinging to her generous assets.
She slinks up to the counter, holds out her card with slender fingers accented with black nail polish. In a sensuous voice she orders...
"I'll have a pumpkin latte, vente, skim milk, with a dash of powdered aardvark."
HAH! Try and do something with that!
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Too easy
But it won't fit in with the story I'm planning, so I'll write it later this week.
If you're ever looking for something like this again
there's a Writer's Challenge section of the site forums, and I've posted I believe 3 years' worth of weekly/monthly/yearly challenges there, for a grand total of 195 potential story ideas (though admittedly it's probably closer to 150 after taking into account "try this one again" type challenges.)
Just go in there and look up Melanie E.'s Ultimate Writer's Challenge.
Melanie E.
Thanks, but the problem with
Thanks, but the problem with that is I choose the challenge and I might go too easy on myself, for a one time thing, the randomness is like giving my muse speed.
I posted the first half. The
I posted the first half. The next half will be out tomorrow.