Tink: A Strange Fairytale 8

On Saturday morning, Teri flew glumly to the table full of Whitman girls, holding her tray of so called breakfast that had been specially made just for her. A mouselike girl she didn't know very well, called Pepper, looked at the unflavoured porridge, buttered toast, a cut up apple, and a small cup of milk, and said, “My grandmother eats that for breakfast.”

“I know. They said I can't have any sugar, or caffeine,” Teri replied in a world weary voice. “No more sweet cereal, chocolate, candy, maple syrup, chocolate, honey, high sugar juice, chocolate, ice cream, soda, chocolate, freeze pops, cake, pie, chocolate, hot chocolate, mocha's, coffee, chocolate, red bull, milk shakes, chocolate, chocolate milk, chocolate milk and red bull, sports drinks, fast food, chocolate, bacon covered chocolate, or chocolate.”

“But you can still have bacon right?” Serena asked, before biting into her bacon and egg sandwich.

“OH RIGHT!!!” Teri flew off and returned a minute later, dodging energy blasts and thrown food from hungry students, carrying a still steaming tray full of freshly cooked bacon. “Now this is a good breakfast!” she said, throwing a small stack of bacon onto her toast.

The girls helped themselves to the bacon bounty, emptying it seconds before a kitchen worker, who was so angry sparks were leaping from his fingers, could sweep in to take it back.

“Where do you put all of that food?” Grace asked, throwing a few pieces of bacon into her frog like mouth.

“They told me yesterday my stomach is super efficient, and about five sizes larger than it should be, so I eat it and it gets converted to sugar and fat in a few seconds. I need all of it to keep flying and work my PK field, so I'll never get fat. Fairy Power for the WIN!”

There were angry grumbles from the non-exemplars and energizers, who were picking at fruit and tiny pieces of food.

As the bacon feast was slowly devoured, and not so slowly in Teri's case, as she ground it up into the porridge and onto her apple, Serena asked, “So what happened yesterday? There were a couple of mobs hunting down birds, while carrying pitchforks and torches, while you were getting tested.”

Teri finished licking the bacon grease from the now empty bowl of bacon porridge, trying to hide a blush. “Well, you see, I kind of, sort of, had a rager incident.”

“A rager incident. But no one died or got beat up,” Page said, looking at her strangely.

“It's not a rager, rager incident. I just became a bit irrational, insanely hyperactive, and had my powers increase to the point that I'm now classified as a speedster while flying. They're thinking of making a new UV armband just for me,” she said, with a silly smile.

That got several strange looks. “Uh, Teri,” Serena said. “That's not something to be proud of.”

“But it means I'm special. Maybe I can get them to make it pink.”

There were a few moments of uncomfortable silence as the girls tried to think of what to say.

“Well will you look at the time, I have do some homework,” Serena said, grabbing a handful of bacon in a napkin and headed for the door with her tray. The rest of the table slowly finished eating and headed off to start their day.

Three little fairies came flying down from the upper floors as Teri put her empty tray on a stack of dirty ones.

“Teri!” they shouted. “Come on up, a friend of ours wants to meet you!”

“Another fairy?!” she exclaimed.

“No,” Brunhilde said, “our friend Fey. She's a member of Venus Inc., and was asked to pass on a message for you, since they heard that we know you.”

“Oh! Maybe they're going to ask me to join!” Grabbing Brunhilda and Trixie by the hands, they flew up to the third floor were a table held a large group of pretty girls and one handsome boy. Teri remembered the girl who looked like Ryoko from a pamphlet on the first day saying the girl was off limits for bullying or fighting, so she was curious why the girl leaned away from her as she flew down to give Generator a hug.

“HI!” she said to everyone, standing on Generators shoulder and holding an ear for balance. “Oh, hi A-Ayla, right?” she said to the girl with short, spiky black hair.

There was a round of hello's. Then the most beautiful redhead Teri had ever seen took over. “Teri, I'm Fey. I'm a-”

Teri landed right in front of her. “Oh you're pretty. Have you ever thought of modeling for cosplay? I know a lot of anime sites that would love to have an elf modeling for them. If you want I can get Mouser to ask some of them and maybe set up a double shoot, the mystic elf and the wild fairy! She'd be able to get us top dollar!”

There was laughter from around the table, and Teri realized she had maybe, possibly jumped the gun.

“I'm a sidhe, not an elf. And that is a generous offer but I'll let my agent deal with modeling contracts,” Fey said, not angrily, but not quite as warmly as she had spoken a moment before.

“Oh,” she replied, drawing a line on the table with her shoe and a small drop of apple juice. “Sorry.”

“I'm with Venus Inc., and we're interested in your portfolio. But there are some concerns about,” the beautiful girl frowned unhappily, “your appearance. So as a group we'd like to talk to you and see if you'll fit in the group. Are you free this afternoon right after lunch?”

She thought for a moment, the only important thing going on that day was her flying class, but she'd been hoping to get into town to see the tailor Cecilia for some clothes. Still that could wait, when opportunity arose she had to jump on it, eviscerate it and cook it up in a goulash, Mouser always said. “I'll be there. What should I wear?”

“Just wear something nice,” Fey said. Then looking at Teri's mouse costume added, “If you have it, something a model would wear.”

“Got it! Thank you so much for this chance, Fey,” she said, flying up to give Fey a hug. Turning back to the table. “Bye! Generator I'll definitely be in class on Monday, see you then!”

With that she flew off to get ready for her flying class.


Flying class was held outside Laird Hall, although according to the schedule if it was a yellow or red flag day they'd hold things in Arena 77. Wearing a polyester flight suit that looked remarkably like the uniforms worn in Neon Genesis Evangelion, just hers was done up in pink. It had cost her a pretty penny, but it was worth it.

She saw the cloud boy she'd flown with the day before sitting against the wall in his human body, which was fairly dumpy and pimply. Flying over to him, she landed on his knee. “Hi, I never caught your name when we flew together, I'm Teri.”

“I'm Ralph. Why are you in the class, you're a great flier?” he asked, his voice cracking.

“I need to practice flying higher. A strong wind knocks me for a loop. What about you, I'd think being lighter than air would work great for you.”

He snorted. “Yeah right, I can float and change shape, but wind rips me apart and if I try to move quickly I end up leaving parts of myself all over the sky.”

“Doesn't that hurt?” she asked.

“Nah, I just need to take the time pulling myself back together.” His eyes moved away from her, and his jaw dropped. “Who are those?”

Teri turned and saw two beautiful girls, both blonde haired and blue eyes, the older one had angel wings, the other one looked like a wingless angel. “No idea.” Jumping off of Ralph's knee she looked at the rest of the class, which was made up of twenty five students, twelve of whom had wings, two who had jet packs, and the rest looked land bound, but that didn't mean anything here.

A woman walked up to the class, she was very plain except for her golden snake like eyes. The angel winged girl moved to stand beside her. “Good morning class, and welcome to Flying 1. Here you will be learning how to fly, or if you already know how to fly, how to do it better. My name is Mrs. Cavallo, Angel is my TA.”

She took a moment to look at everyone, her eyes seemed to narrow when they fell on Teri. “This class can be dangerous. We won't be flying high enough to have to contact the FAA, so if you fall you're more likely to hit the ground before we can catch you. Also, after we see how well you can handle flying, we'll begin doing obstacle courses, coordinated flying, stunts and rescue scenarios. We have almost as many injuries as Basic Martial Arts, and that is not something I'm proud of. If you intentionally interfere with another student, you will get a detention. If your interference or blatant stupidity causes another student or yourself to become injured, you will fail. Are there any questions?”

There was silence.

“Alright,” Mrs. Cavallo said. “First lets divide you into groups. Who considers themselves a good flier?”

Teri raised her hand, flying up so that people could actually see her. Fifteen others raised their hands, almost all the students with wings, and one of the jetpack kid. Angel reached into a bag and pulled out a few balls, handing one to everyone who'd raised their hand. Teri noticed she was careful to drop them into the hands of the boys, while placing them into the girls hands.

“Now, you lot will show me what you've got. Spread well out, and press the red button on the snitch, it will fly straight up and begin doing some simple maneuvers. You're job is to catch the snitch within one minute, without crashing,” the teacher instructed.

They spread out giving each other at least fifty feet of space to all sides. As they did that, Mrs. Cavallo transformed, the air around her seemed to solidify, gaining colour and texture. Within seconds a giant rainbowed feathered, winged serpent, easily twenty feet long sat coiled up where the teacher had been. It's giant reptilian eyes looked over them, while a long forked tongue flicked in and out of a mouth that could swallow a child in one bite.

Several of the students did their own transformation. Gaining wings, muscular bodies, glowing auras and more. They waited while Mrs. Cavallo flew into the sky on thirty foot long wings. When she was about a hundred feet up, she roared, “Go!'

Teri hit the snitch and watched as the ball silently rocketed upwards. When it was thirty feet up, it slowed down and began spiraling through the air. She took off after it, ignoring a scream and a muffled explosion to her right and a long drawn out scream that was quickly fading off to the left.

The snitch had stopped moving and was floating quite leisurely above her. Putting on a burst of speed, she tried to catch it only to have it jink to the side. Spinning on a dime, she followed, using every bit of speed she had. They headed for the ground, where the students were watching, gasping and laughing as they watched the performance.

Green grass filled her eyes, the snitch looked like it was going to plow right into it, but at the very last second it seemed to hit an invisible floor and bounced high into the air twice as fast. Teri ducked her head, spun onto her back and jackknifed her body, so she didn't break her neck. Slapping her feet against the grass she jumped to increase her speed, barely keeping up with the thing.

Angel yelled out, “Thirty seconds!”

Simple maneuvers my ass, Teri thought, when the snitch began zigzagging, dropping like a stone and soaring back up.

“Fifty seconds!”

Gritting her teeth, there was no way she was going to let some cheating ball get the best of her. Her wings stiffened, and when the snitch rose into the air, going from twenty feet to a hundred in three seconds, she was less then an inch away from it the entire way. As it slowed to change course, Teri drove her hand into it, shattering the shell.


Breathing hard, Teri flew to the ground, the snitch surrounding her hand like a glove. She saw jet pack girl working her smoking machine, growling as it snapped and popped at her. Three students were on the ground nursing bruises, four were sitting around triumphantly holding their snitches, three more were flying down with big smiles. The rest were sinking to the ground looking unhappy.

Mrs. Cavallo flew down, her body turning to mist until her human form was standing before them again. “Most of you did quite well,” she said with a smile. “Even some of you who didn't catch the snitch show promise. Those of you who managed to catch a snitch are going to be the leaders of your groups.”

The next two minutes were spent giving each leader three students to help out, all except for Teri, she got four, two of them were students who had gotten hurt trying to catch the snitch, and the other two look terrified.

“Hi, I'm Teri!” she said, while trying to pry the snitch off her hand.

As she rolled on her back, kicking the snitch with her feet, the students introduced themselves. Mr. Awesome, a handsome boy who had a bad goose egg and could manifest bat wings from his arms. Cleo a soft spoken girl who could levitate and do some simple flying. Sue, who had nearly broken her leg trying to get off the ground. And Mitchell, who couldn't stop fidgeting, and said he could fly on a jet of flame.

After being given a few minutes to get to know each other, Mrs. Cavallo got down to business. “Leaders, you are going to help your teammates, and keep an eye on any problems. You don't have to fix a problem, just point it out and let Angel or I know about it, if it doesn't improve. Everyone else, it's in your best interest to help out and listen. You will be graded both independently and as a group, 50/50, and the final exam is a group test.”

Giving them a second to consider that fact, she went back to shouting. “Now lets get into the air, just ten or twenty feet, nice and slow.”

“Come on guys, this is easy!” Teri said flying up.

Mr. Awesome grew his wings, and leapt into the air, going up twenty feet and circling as tightly as possible. Sue jumped nine feet into the air and came back down to earth, stopping just shy of the grass, then flapping her arms like they were wings, she slowly rose to ten feet and was able to stop flapping. Cleo walked up like she was taking the stairs, and stopped at exactly ten feet, sitting down to wait. Mitchell didn't move.

Flying down, Teri landed on his shoulder. “What's wrong Mitch?”

“I don't think this is a good idea. I really didn't want to take this class,” he whispered.

“Why not? It's cool to fly?”

His cheeks turned red. “For you maybe. You have a cool power, I just make flames. And they said I had to take this class.”

“Flames are cool. A girl in my floor can make flames, but she can't fly. Come on it can't be that bad.”

“I really don't want to.”

“Do you want to make us fail?” she asked. “Come on, if you do it, I'll give you a kiss. PLEASE!!!!”

“Fine,” Mitchell muttered.

He squatted down, Tink stayed on his shoulder wondering what would happen next.

Fire erupted from Mitchell's bottom, making him resemble either a space ship taking off or someone who had eaten the hottest chili in the history of the world. Somehow people all over the campus could hear Teri's swearing in terror as they headed into orbit.


Serena was working on some math problems when she heard the tiny door open. There was a faint thump as if something had fallen and a faint, unpleasant smell filled the room. Turning to the door, she gasped and jumped to her feet. “Teri, what happened?!”

The fairy looked up, her usually beautiful hair was a mess, her large eyes seemed even larger and mostly pupil, her pink suit was dark and filthy from the waist down.

“I-I-I saw- I saw stars!”


Teri looked up at her roommate, her head was still spinning from the magical rocket ride and the high altitude rescue. They'd offered to take her to Doyle, but she wasn't physically hurt, so had just staggered back home.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“about twelve, I was about to go get some lunch,” Serena said.

“ACK! I have to get ready!” She was on her feet instantly, and then flying around the room seemingly at random grabbing clothes, before dropping them, then her wash basin, and putting that down, finally settling on her small bag of toiletries. “Get me the strongest hair blower in the cottage!” she yelled.


“I have a meeting with Venus Inc., right after lunch. I have to wash up, dry off, fix my hair, wear something nice, and I need it done yesterday!” Without looking back, she flew through the door, leaving a baseball size hole in it.

Flying over the heads of the few girls in the hall, she hit the shower at about forty miles an hour, which was blessedly empty. Turning the water on full blast, her claws shredded the ruined outfit, there was no way she was going to get the stains out, and she didn't want to touch it anymore than she had to.

The next five minutes was a mad dash of soap, shampoo, conditioner and bubbles. The mouse girl, Pepper, was knocked on her butt, as Teri flew out not bothering to dry off. A faint sorry, could barely be heard.

Back in her room, Serena was just coming back holding a hair blower that was large enough and so dangerous looking it would make Dirty Harry jealous. “I got this from Ms. Savage. She said it's for some of the hairier girls. Are you sure about this?” her roommate asked looking at the massive thing uneasily.

“Definitely!” Teri said ignoring her nakedness as she braced herself on her desk.

“Ok, your funeral,” Serena muttered. Raising the potentially lethal weapon, two handed with her legs spread for balance, she hit the switch.

If either girl screamed it couldn't be heard over the small sonic boom. Serena hit the floor, instinctively turning her bones and muscles into water so she bounced and jiggled as she hit, rather than getting bruised.

Teri, pulled herself out of the crater that had once been a wall, falling to her knees, completely dry, she gasped a few times to get her breath back. “When... will the... hurting... stop?”


After a few minutes to recover, and give Serena time to tell Ms. Savage they needed a wall repaired, Teri was combing the plaster out of her hair, which was standing on end making her look like a purple hedgehog.

“I'm doomed!” she moaned, looking in the mirror.

“No your not. Just hold still,” Serena said, pulling out some styling gel. While Teri sat there, talented fingers, rubbed the stuff into her hair pulling it straight, and quickly braiding the mess into a stiff braid that could potentially club a person to death, but kept the wild hair under control. “I never thought playing hairdresser for my dolls would come in handy,” she said as Teri admired the look.

“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Teri shouted.

“Yeah, just remember this when I need some help. And please for the love of god, put some clothes on.”

Looking at the clock there wasn't much time left. She had wanted to put on a fancy princess dress, or a business suit, but there wasn't time to mess with all the buttons and things. As she looked through her closet, a dark gold, backless, high slit Chinese style dress practically leapt out at her. It had a skull pattern in a dark purpley blue, since it was a copy of a dress worn by the Female Emperor Hancock from the anime One Piece, it wasn't her first choice, but desperate times and all.

Throwing it on, along with a pair of tight nylon shorts, she was acceptable. Not her usual fabulous self, but definitely passable. Opening the window she flew out the window and headed for Crystal Hall.

People were leaving the cafeteria, although late students, slow eaters and big eaters were still sitting at the tables. Teri's stomach rumbled as she smelled food, but there wasn't time. Flying up to the third floor she saw Fey and quite a few other girls sitting around the table she'd heard was reserved for Venus Inc.

Stopping on the railing she checked her hair one last time, and smoothed out her skin tight dress. Satisfied, she flew over to the table, a big smile on her face. “Hi, I'm Teri. Thanks so much for seeing me.”

Some of the faces were friendly, Fey was smiling, and she got a small smile from one of the older girls who was a blue eyed, blonde haired beauty, a well tanned girl looked at her strangely, but she was smiling to. Several of the girls who were all beautiful, looked uncertain and a few were scowling.

“Please sit down, Tink,” a girl who had a place of honour at the head of the table said. “I'm Heartbreaker, the head of Venus Inc.”

She set down on the table, tucking her skirt carefully under her as she knelt down as demurely as possible, holding her wings behind her like angel wings. For the first time in a long time she felt nervous with all the eyes on her.

“She can't even us a chair,” someone muttered.

“We've looked over your portfolio, Tink. It's very surprising for such a short time,” Heartbreaker said.

She blushed, “Thank you. I got most of the jobs through my guardian Mouser.”

“Still, we aren't sure if you're quite right for this club. Most of our photos are for companies, organizations, school brochures, and similar things. Anime and fantasy websites are not really something we've looked at.”

Teri nodded in understanding. “I'm flexible. I can do movies, Halloween, Christmas, I'd be great on Valentines day. And I'm great with kids, I've done childrens parties as a fairy princess.”

That got a snort from one girl. “Please. The camera will barely be able to see you. And were are we going to find costumes for you?”

“The clothes are a problem, however, with a bit of planning they aren't a deal breaker. And she has had professional photo's taken of her, so that isn't even worth talking about,” Fey said.

Teri gave her a big smile and a thumbs up, before returning to being prim and proper.

“Her size doesn't matter, but her attitude does,” a black haired model said. “What would people think if we let a hyperactive girl who terrorized half the school yesterday, and got into a fight on her first day into the club? She already has how many days of detention at Hawthorne?”

That got several nods.

Fey gave them all an imperious look. “She has an attitude, but if detention and fights were a reason to deny entry I should have been thrown out last year. And some of us have worse records.”

For some reason, several eyes turned to look at the blonde girl, who blushed and looked at her lap.

“About yesterday, they have me on a diet so that won't happen again,” Teri said.

She was ignored, as the group formed sides, and people started arguing about how a hyperactive, uncontrollable GSD case could be a professional model. Fey and two other girls were arguing for her most strongly, while the blonde, who was called Solange jumped in occasionally. The rest of the group either argued with them or looked very uncomfortable and avoided looking at Teri. Heartbreaker sat silently and listened to the arguments, only speaking up if it got too loud, or someone became too rude.

Teri tried to make herself heard a few times, but no one was listening to her. After two minutes of being ignored, she stood up and shouted, “QUIET!”

There was silence.

With her head held high Teri looked at the entire table. “I didn't think that my wanting to join would be a problem, after all I am already a professional model with a fan club. But if you are so threatened by me,” she glared at the head of the Anti-Teri side, “than I don't want to cause any hard feelings. I'll still model, and be a success, without your help. After all I've been in a movie, can any of you say that?”

She didn't wait for an answer. “So take me off your list, I don't want to be in your group anyways.” With that she blew a big raspberry at the girls and flew away.

Making her way down to the floor, she heard shouting erupt behind her.


In the safety of her room, which had a new patch on the door, Teri was making a poster. She looked at it carefully, trying to decide if she had the words just right. It definitely needed some colour, but she knew an artist online who could do that for her.

Glancing at the clock, she realized she had to go to detention, with a sigh she put the marker down and flew away.

When Serena came in later, she saw an odd message on the desk.

'Models wanted.
Websites want clean, professional photo's
of unique and beautiful girls.
Make money, have fun.
Contact Tink for more information
about this exciting new club!'

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