Sensei Tolman has me working with a staff. She figures the skills I showed with the field hockey stick will transfer more easily.
After watching someone else plant the end of their staff and use it as a pivot point I got an idea.
Which is why I'm out here on my roller blades with my helmet, elbow and knee pads and the rest.
Yep.I can use the staff to do different maneuvers. A bit painful learning what I can't do with it while on skates. At least nobody was around to see me mess up.
Getting back towards the central part of campus I ran into those crazies doing Parkour. I'd seen them do it before.
Hmmm. Around here they are pretty much stuck using trees, benches, statues and like like to bounce off of.
What the hey.
I jump in and start using my skates and staff to try to follow along where I can. I had to skip some stuff they did, but I did a few things they couldn't.
Y'know. This is fun.
Baseline boogie
Well, heck, some lunatic building hopping gymnasts can pull some freaky manoeuvres, if she has the aptitude for it then this could be her forte. And if it's fun too?
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Unless you're a driven,
Unless you're a driven, obsessive like Batman, you *don't* do parkour unless you think it's fun.
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
Now to get her ones that are all terrain before combat finals...
I like this girl, she's smart
working around her limitations, she'd be a tough opponent.