My wife and I were on vacation last week on the Oregon Coast. I love her dearly. She struggles to accept and understand her feminine husband. It is with great effort that she lets herself be seen with me when I'm not masquerading as an average male.
While on vacation I tend to push the limit, since we are in an area where no one knows us. So for nine days, I wore some of my most feminine clothes around the motel. Not a lot different than at home. She was fine with that, as she didn't have to actually deal with any people. However, my goal is to have her accept me enough to be seen with me while I'm expressing my feminine personality.
To that end, I negotiated a day when we would go out with me as me in exchange for a day with me as she'd like to see me. The photo below is my femme day at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. The only thing that stands out in the picture is my lipstick, but I'm also wearing mascara. The jacket I have on is a woman's jacket, the pants are loose leg Capris and on my feet are some black sandals that have a gold buckle. The top is a translucent yellow which allows the fact I'm wearing a bra (C cup forms in) underneath.
Good luck to you.
My wife is a bit like that too.
I hope it works out well for you.
Gillian Cairns
Intrestingly enough,
On the day that I was to dress to her liking, she chose my black knit pull-up pants with no pockets or belt loops and a green t-shirt that has a little V nick in the center of the wide crew neck. It's one of three my daughter left behind when she went back to Arizona. My wife decided that they were masculine enough to wear. I think that one is the most feminine of the three.
Oh, and she also chose the same sandals as I wore to the aquarium.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
It is good to hear that you had a good time.