The last couple of weeks, I've been getting the occasional 503 error, Service Unavailable, when browsing on BCTS. I go back and hit the same link again, and it goes through fine.
Today, it's been almost constant. :(
Is anyone else getting similar errors?
Almost constantly
Yes, unfortunately
It seems like one of the front-end servers (Varnish caching server) is going haywire. Hence the Guru Meditation errors.
Anne Margarete
piper has been working on them
I told her a couple of days ago and she has been working on cleaning them out.
went 26 hours without one after I told her.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
We seem to have got this fixed
It may ultimately require configuring our spare server as a load balancer but it seems to be working for now. Plus, while looking for what was wrong, we found three other problems and fixed them too. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thank you dear, for all the effort.
Anne Margarete