Ok, I am trying to find out if we have any Trekkers here besides myself and Jennifer Cavazos. We are both members of a Facebook Closed Group of Transgender only Star Trek Fans. The two of us have been working with the Founder of the Group to build and crew our own Starship, the USS Jorgensen. I am the Chief Science Officer and was originally a Lt Commander and Jenn is our Chief Engineer. Because of the work we have been doing for our group, our Captain has also assigned me as the Ship's Second Officer with a promotion to Commander. Jenn also received a promotion to Commander as well. I am also the acting Personnel Officer so, I am now part of the Crew selection team. If you are a Trekker, have Facebook and would like to join the group you can contact me either here or on Facebook. You can contact me on fb under my actual name of Brianna Frances MacKinnon.
Some more information on the USS Jorgensen. The USS Jorgensen is a Yin-yang-class Light Exploration Ship. This class is a more up-to-date ship than the Intrepid-class ships like the USS Voyager. She is a bit bigger than the Voyager and has a slightly larger crew complement. However, she is armed to the teeth and is probably more heavily armed than a Galaxy-class Explorer like the destroyed USS Enterprise, NCC-1701D. It is even possible that we are more heavily armed than the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701E which is a Sovereign-class Explorer. :) We can easily take on several Borg Cubes and destroy them which even the USS Voyager managed to do while she was stranded in the Delta Quadrant.
Oh, and if you join our group, you will find that I tend to write way more fiction there than I have managed to do here. (Basically I am role-playing my part. :) )
(that's a rare Yiddish/Klingon dialect)
I watch the shows, I've written TOS & DS9 fanfic
so I guess I'm a trekker but I'm not on facebook.
I'm only recently becoming a social being again
and facebook scares the hell out of me
I'm not sure why...
Good luck hunting the Borg,
somebody sure needs to,
they're so damn pushy!!
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Sounds Like...
It sounds as if you're asking Trekkers how many of them consider themselves to be Trekkers. In order to get a meaningful answer to that question, you would have to find some objective definition of Trekkers, so that you can get a reasonable answer for the number of Trekkers who consider themselves to be Trekkers. (Of course, I realize you're asking everyone, not just Trekkers.)
PS. No, I'm not one.
-- Daphne Xu
nope not a trekker
trekkie yeah sorta, tos though. Have some 50 tos books.
Not a big fan of the sovereign class ship, still havent watched voyager or most of ds9, enterprise. Just caught a few eps. Mostly because i think that the star trek universe seriously went downhill after gene's death.
I do mourn for lenord nimoy.
(raises one eyebrow)
Peace and long life.
TrekKer, Trekie or fan?
I'm an original. I was one of the few hundred people who wrote to NBC to maintain Star Trek into its third season.
I wasn't as big a fan of either DS9 or Mom in Space, but watched them often. I never did join Star Trek Academy, buy a uniform,. go to any conventions, or any of the other really fanatic things that some of the more rabid followers have done.
I wish you and the crew of the Jorgensen all the best. May you live long and prosper in peace.
Red MacDonald
I am a Treker
consider me for your crew!
Trekker here!
Lol, I remember well watching TOS when it first aired on TV back in the 60s. I have enjoyed watching each series and of course all of the movies. I also own and have played many of the Star Trek games (table top and PC versions). I also have been playing Star Trek Online for the last two years. So I definitely am a Trekkie/Trekker.
I am curious what it is you do. Whether I become involved or not, I do wish you the best of times.
We have fun being Trangender Trekkers.
We post all kinds of stuff about the Star Trek universe. We also keep the tone positive since too often we are attacked anywhere else. I have kind of been Role-playing an Officer on board our Ship (kind of a Star Trek Fan Chapter thing). Our ship is actually registered by name and NCC number. Jenn C recruited me to the group and the two of us have been having fun with it since then. So much so, that our Captain asked me to come up with the specifications for our ship. I have been running with that directive since then and got into full Role-playing mode while doing so. So much so that our Captain initially assigned me as Chief Science Officer as a Lt Cmd and Jenn C as the Chief Engineer at the same rank. The two of us have impressed our Captain so much that I am now the Second Officer and Jenn C and I are both now Commanders. :)
There are 166 members in the group at this time but only five crew positions are officially filled: Captain, First Officer/XO, Chief Science/Second Officer, Chief Engineer, Ship's Counselor/Executive Chef. :)
Just Don't Dress Up In Red Uniforms
The original series is still good for a laugh. In just about every episode Kirk got into a fight, and managed to snog one of the guest actresses. It's almost as if Shatner had insisted that it was written into his contract.
What I still don't understand is how they persuaded anyone in a red uniform to go on an away trip. Word must have got round that none of these guys ever came back.
Remember this, number 1 in the UK around the summer of 1987?
I am part of the command Crew of our Ship which means I have red on my uniform. Security Officer's now wear gold as they are under Operations. :)
They tricked all those Red Shirts by telling them that they would have a name on the show and then never gave it out to anyone. Only unnamed Security died. :)
on red shirts
have you ever watched the spoof galaxy quest. The one guy who is crewman 42 makes reference to the red shirt. It's funny.
I'm Tweedledee he's Tweedledum, 2 spacemen banging on a drum
One bad star trek song deserves another
And this one by them called SPOCK'S MISSING
is actually kind of sad, given Leonard Nimoys passing
(I was tempted to include the song MAKE IT SO by the Dickies,
but the lyrics on that one are so muddled and indecipherable
he could be singing about anything)
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I've Seen The Dickies
They couldn't do the Star Trek theme like Todd Rundgren's Utopia. This album was recorded in a weekend.
I consider myself a Trekkie-light
I've watched at least half of all the various series, own all the movies, and own the entire TNG series (my fav series of the lot). But I don't roll/role/cos-play any of them. I can prolly discuss the universe half-way decently, but I doubt I'm up to the standard you are at.
I certainly wish you and those who join you well and hope you all have a great time!
- Leona
Slight Trekkie
I'm only slightly one I think. My best friend growing up was a huge Trekkie, he got me into watching TNG but my mother hated it so I rarely watched it lol. I became more involved with it when Voyager and Enterprise came out---watched every episode of those. I've seen and own all the movies too. I'm definitely not as die hard as my friend was though :).
while i am a fan of STTNG,
while i am a fan of STTNG, DS9 & Voyager, i'd have to say i'm more so a Whovian (if the 1/2 scale Tardis cat house in my lounge room is anything to go by)
alas i'm not on facebook, but wish you all lots of fun
Trekkie, Trekker?
Either way"
A fan of the US science fiction television program Star Trek. (by dictionary definition)
I know that some how Trekkie became sort of politically incorrect.
Yet, "Trekker", to me sounds like someone who goes on the trek,
while "Trekkie" sounds like a fan of something called "Trek".
So I still think "Trekkie"!
And yep I am one!
This is funny -> Star Trek vs Star Wars
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
I don't consider myself a trekkie...
I don't know much about the history of the UFP, neither did i study at the starfleet academy. I'v seen some TOS, almost all TNG, some DS9, much of Voy and a bit of ENT. I wrote about StraTrek and philosophy at one of my philosophy classes. I also don't own a propper uniform.
But i would like to know how you are running your starship, how you RP. And why you see the BORG only as a threat and not as an intelligent society with much potential.
>> There is not one single truth out there. <<
I'm a huge trekker
I still watch all the tv serieses regularly in order. I do paper models of the ships during my free time when im not attempting to write a terrible story ( lol). My wallet is startrek, most of my clothes are startrek, and all of socks are TNG/VGR/DS9 Era/style uniform socks. And I've been shopping around for the past year for a uniform. But between thinking if I might want to transition or not has made me hold off. And I'd love to join but I'm not going to transition anytime soon If ever. Kinda learning to be happy with myself as I am. So I geuss that kinda rules me out of your crew.
Star Trek?
No. I am a Jaeger pilot with my imaginary husband, fighting kaiju! :)
Not really as much into Trek...
I enjoyed TOS and TNG, only watched a bit of DS9 and Voyager, and almost none of Enterprise. *shrugs* S'arright, I suppose. If I had the urge to join a ship, though, I'd likely get roped into either the USS Kelly or the USS White Buffalo, as they're local here and I've friends with both, as well as other friends in the 501st (Star Wars), and some that are trying to get organized B5 and other clubs up and going.
As is, I'm XO (CMDR, O-5) of the HMS Jonas Adcock (CA-489) in the 8th Fleet of the Royal Manticoran Navy, and we're trying to get two separate groups here to split off into their own ships (making the lot of us, hopefully, into a Cruiser Squadron) and I'm trying to complete the coursework for the rest of the department head billets, the Space Warfare Qualification, and the two tracks of Marksmanship Qualifications And keep all of our crew moving on their own studies whilst trying to recruit more from the surrounding area and find fundraising opportunities to bring to our CO for ship's funds and to pass on to our charities (Florida Big Cat Rescue, and, if we can actually get in touch with their office, Hope 4 Utah) And-And I'm trying to find time/energy/resources to work in the other coursework for my ultimate desired billet and finish at least two of my uniforms, so I'm just a bit tied up for leisure club-type activities... ^^;
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Used to be one. In the Voyager age, I even roleplayed as a Romulan spy aboard the USS Visigoth as a Science Officer some years ago. I stopped roleplaying and had my character killed off during some battle with the Cardassians in Cardassian Era, I think. I had ADD and it became boring to me quickly.
I've watched all of the Star Trek series and was a fan of each one, my favourite being Voyager. That was, until that trashy Enterprise came out. I instantly stopped caring about Trek afterwards. Though the new Star Trek movies really made me proud of being a Trekkie at some point in the past.
I'm a fairly big Star Trek fan,
Although I haven't had a TV for the last fourteen years and I don't use my net connection to watch TV shows.
I used to follow the original series as reruns whenever I could find them after I moved here in February of '88. As TNG was in full swing by that point, I watched that series many times with a few friends I had at the time and followed the various series until Voyager.
I don't recall ever seeing an episode of the Enterprise series, but as I said, it's been fourteen years since I had a working TV.
I played as part of a group while I was the chair of the board for Egale Canada briefly in 2004/05. When I discovered that I was pretty much being undercut by the other board members every time I tried to move the group forward, I resigned and dropped the game sessions, too.
Since that time, I've briefly played a couple of Star Trek games online, but soon became bored with them, too formulaic, I suppose.
I have seventeen years plus of active D&D roleplaying history plus ten years as a dungeon master for several campaigns.
I've been enjoying the D&D roleplaying sessions I've been involved with for the last fifteen months or so with a few others from BCTS quite a bit. It could be interesting to play a character on a Star Trek ship. I just send a friend request on Facebook plus a message.