Lights, Camera, Action! Chapter 4

Lights, Camera, Action!
A Magic of the Kingdom Tale
©2015 Dark Kitten & Zoe Taylor

12 year old Mark O’Malley had been practically typecast as the dopey sidekick because of his role in the runaway hit Disney production, “My Brother Mark”. But while on the set of his older sister Krissy’s much darker sci-fi movie production, a misheard comment leads to a whole new branch in his career, and in his life.

Megan sighed, “I’m Mark.” she admitted. There was no sense in lying about it at this point.

Jessica leaned closer for a moment or two. “... Holy shi-” she managed to stop herself as a producer walked past. “Um... Wow.”

“We were hoping to slip out unnoticed. Please don’t say anything till the next interview, I plan on coming clean.”

Jessica blinked a couple of times, and then smiled and nodded. “No, it’s not that, it’s just ... Wow. You look nothing like Mark, like... I mean you do kind of, but...” she sighed. “Balls. You know what I’m trying to say,” she giggled and gave Megan a hug. “I’m part of another transgendered girl’s support group, if that’s what this is all about. And if this is just some weird publicity thing then just pretend I was never here,” she added after a moment.

“Actually..” Megan giggled and pulled out her temp cards with her new name on them. “It’s not a publicity stunt or anything, but we have one planned for the next interview.” she winked, “To promote a friend of ours’ blog.”

“Oh! You’re-” she stopped herself, and then lowered her voice to a whisper. “You’re that big secret on Amber’s blog?”

Juliette started laughing. “You’re Amber’s secret Disney contact.”

Jessica laughed. “Guilty as charged. I’d be a year up from Amber and Carolyn in school, except that I homeschool these days. But we go way back. I’m sorry if I scared you or anything,” she added with a giggle. “It’s just ... Wow.”

“Oh, by the way?” Megan struck a dramatic pose. “I personally demanded you as our interviewer again. It’s the first time as a star i’ve ever used my status to get anything.”

“Oh, lovely!” Jessica said happily. “I’m really looking forward to it. Like I said earlier, you both are just so much fun to work with.”

“I don’t like throwing weight around, causes you to look like a diva.” Megan giggled, “But you were worth it. Anyway, we have to hurry. Brianna is waiting for us at the limo.”

“Oh, hey, you’re coming to Amber’s birthday party tomorrow right?” she called after them.

“We both got invited and wouldn’t miss it for a billion dollars,” Juliette added, “Megan might not like looking like a Diva but sometimes you have to throw your weight around. Amber’s birthday party will be one to go down in the history books for her.”

Jessica laughed and gave them a double thumbs up, though only Juliette saw it. She grinned and waved over her shoulder.

“What did you do?” Megan laughed.

“Let’s just say, between Rebecca and Carolyn I know what her wish is, and it’s going to come true,” Juliette giggled mischievously as they jumped in the limo.

“That was a bit too close,” Megan exhaled as their regular driver, Alice, pushed the door closed behind her.

“Everything ok?” Brianna asked.

“Jessica met Megan,” Juliette answered, adding, “But it’s okay. It turns out she’s Amber’s secret Disney contact, so she already knows about and is part of Carolyn’s support group.”

Megan nodded. “Still, I should’ve waited until I got to the limo to change. That was just stupid of me.”

Brianna laughed softly. “Ever tried applying mascara in a moving vehicle? Anyway you won’t have to worry about that anymore, if you’re still planning to go through with a public transition.”

Megan shook her head. “I don’t have a choice honestly. I’m not going to hide who I am. I’m not ashamed. I’m a transgendered girl, and I’m quickly learning that there are a lot of girls just like me out there who need a role model.” She paused at that, and started to laugh. “Good God I sounded like a diva just now.”

“No way,” Juliette giggled. “You sounded like a Princess, not a Diva.”

“Well you might not ever get anymore Disney contracts, but they are still obligated to you as you are to them for the next year or two.” Brianna said, “Per your old contract which by the way your mother was smart when she had it done. This change won't affect it at all.”

“I don’t mind,” Megan answered, but added, “Wait... What do you mean won’t affect it?” she asked. “What did Mom put in my contract?”

“Just the way it was worded, she really didn’t have any idea you were transgender till recently. Don’t worry about that.”

“Oh, good,” Megan laughed. “I already feel like someone up there,” she paused to point toward the sky, indicating a higher power, “is plotting and scheming to use me for something.”

“I have been going through both yours and Juliette’s contracts and other things to get more familiar with what I need to do going forward. I was working really close with your mom on the Dark Days negotiation too, so I think I can do this for you two.” Brianna said. “Juliette your old manager wasn’t very good was he?”

Juliette laughed and shook her head. “Mom called him a schmuck. Dad called him far worse... usually to his face.” She giggled. “5% over the usual standard fee, plus he had all the management skills of a high school drop out. Mom’s been managing me since.”

“I got you both a script for an upcoming voice acting job for a Pixar movie.” Brianna grinned and handed them an envelope she had been keeping hidden until that moment. “This can be done between shooting the Samantha Snow movie, since they’re not major roles.”

“I thought you said no more Disney contracts?” Megan said, surprised.

“I did say you might get no more Disney, but I didn’t say no more Disney associates did I?” Brianna grinned.

“Oh sweet. It’s another Merida movie!”

Brianna nodded. “You’ve got to prove yourself to the Disney execs again, well not you Juliette but Megan, but I think a few minor roles in some movies will help as we get you some big roles from places like LionsGate, and stuff.”

“Yeah, I agree,” Megan answered. “They need to see that this isn’t just another Disneybopper meltdown, that I’m doing this for me and not for the attention.”

“I have your dad writing Amber’s questions for her. She’ll have freedom to ask some of her own during her interview, but we want her to ask some really important ones as well.” Brianna added.

“I hope you warned whatever hosting site she’s using that they’re going to get slammed, too,” Juliette giggled.

“Blogspot is owned by google.” Brianna said, grinning. “I don't think they’ll have any issues at all. The good news is I’ve already spoken with the execs, and they’re tentatively willing to let you go on camera for 365 as Megan. They said they’ll let the producer decide if it’s appropriate.” she paused, “Actually they really didn’t have much choice after I shoved your old contract in their faces.” she giggled.

Megan leaned forward and high fived Brianna. “Nice,” she giggled, as the limo rolled to a stop before turning and pulling into a hospital parking lot.

“I learned from the best. Your mom is hard.” Brianna giggled again. “By the way, while you’re here they’re going to go ahead and take a blood sample too.”

“Ugh I hate giving blood, we had to do that for those blood drives I almost cried every time.” Megan sighed.

Brianna nodded. “This won’t be like that. They’ll only draw a small vial’s worth, and Theresa assured me the Doctor who’ll be doing it is excellent at it.”

Juliette giggled, “Besides I’ll be right there remember?”

“I better get a cookie too,” Megan mock pouted, and then giggled as Alice opened the door for her to step out with Juliette. As soon as they entered the lobby, Krissy, Tina, her father Rob, her mother Janet, and Juliette’s parents, Ellen and Nick were all waiting for her in the lobby.

“Jeez,” Megan giggled. “Is this an intervention?”

Rob laughed, “Nah, I figured I should be here because I’m your father, after all, and Ellen and Nick are here because they wanted to see their daughter.”

“And we wanted to show our support,” Ellen added with a cheerful laugh as she approached, giving both Megan and Juliette a tight hug at the same time.

Megan turned to Juliette and whispered, “I don’t think we have room for everyone in our bungalow.”

“No kidding,” Juliette giggled. “So where are you guys staying?”

“In the same hotel as Rob and Janet,” Nick answered.

“We booked a couple of suites for the week,” Rob said, adding,“We’ll be heading back to the states before your second 365, but we have complete faith in you and Brianna.”

“Plus this way you’ll have me over there to bully the execs if they do get out of line,” Janet teased.

“Thank you Mrs. O’Malley.” Brianna said.

“I told you, call me Janet,” Janet laughed. “You don’t work for me anymore anyway - at least not directly.” She winked. “Now that you’re managing both girls I was thinking about offering you a partnership.”

“B-but I’m still just a first year business student,” Brianna stammered.

Janet laughed. “I know, but you’re a natural. The way you handled the Disney situation with regard to Megan’s next interview was brilliant. I couldn’t have done better.”

Ellen nodded, “Nick and I were talking...” she laughed handing Brianna some papers just like the ones Janet signed for Megan, “We’re going to do the same for Juliette that Janet and Rob did, giving her limited guardianship under your supervision.”

“Oh wow. Thank you,” Juliette giggled. “But um, like the worst I have to decide medically is tylenol or advil.”

“Well not just that, Princess.” Nick stated, “Just the limited self guardianship with Brianna as a supervisor. If Janet trusts Brianna with her daughter, we trust her with ours. With the same clause that we can veto any decision you make till you’re 18.”

“So no full body aboriginal tattoos,” Megan giggled out.

“Aw darn,” Juliette snapped her fingers in mock disappointment.

“I swear there’s a huge demand for Captured Indian white woman number four out there!” Megan giggled as a nurse came out and called her name. The poor woman looked a little nervous. There was at least one well known celebrity in the room, and she had a strong suspicion that there were in fact four, counting Megan’s dad.

“Can Juliette come back with me?” Megan asked the nurse, who smiled warmly and nodded.

“Sure she can.”

“Yay. Thanks,” she said as they followed her back. “It’s just I really, really hate needles.”

“You know, a lot of nurses do too,” the woman chuckled. “Myself included. I think it speaks to that desire to do it right after being stabbed by someone with the bedside manner of a rabid dog.”

Megan and Juliette were escorted back to a private exam room where the nurse had Megan hop up on the exam table. After checking her vitals for their records, she smiled cheerfully. She seemed much less nervous now than before. “Doctor Smythe will be in momentarily to take your blood sample personally, and then she’ll take you over for the CAT.”

Megan nodded, giving the nurse a nervous smile. “Thanks.”


Doctor Smythe wasn’t at all what Megan expected. She was an older woman - in her mid-40s at least, with graying light brown hair, and a friendly demeanor. As Brianna promised, Megan didn’t even feel the needle going in, and even got her cookie before she headed down to the CAT scan. She sat patiently in the lobby chatting with her extended family about her adventure over the week while waiting for the lab results, when Doctor Smythe emerged.

“Well, the CAT results were in line with expectations - no abnormal sectors or physical anomalies. As for your blood work,” she said, handing Megan a prescription. “I want you to get this filled and start taking it immediately. We’ll have your HRT implant ready in another day or two.”

“What is this?” Megan asked. Doctor Smythe smiled back at her.

“It’s an androgen blocker. It will prevent your body from producing its own testosterone. It’s of course never too late to start HRT, but it’s ideal to start before puberty.”

“Well I haven’t even started that yet.. Juliette just started though..” Megan giggled, pointing out that Juliette was starting to bud.

“You will in a couple of days,” the Doctor chuckled. “I’ll try and push it through more quickly though. I’ll contact your manager the moment your personalized HRT implant is ready.”

“No shots other than just giving blood?” Megan grinned, “Yay.”

Doctor Smythe nodded. “Precisely. Since you’re still young, I won’t be giving you a booster. Instead I’m going to let the HRT implant nudge you into female puberty naturally. You’ll be just a little bit behind your friends, but not far.”

She took the file folder from under her arm, offering it to Brianna. “This is a copy of her records for your personal files including the actual CAT images, and the preliminary blood work results. I’ll fax the full results to you this evening.”

“Thanks.” Brianna answered. “I’ll let Megan read them over at her leisure, when she's not busy.”


Megan sat down on the bungalow couch, glancing over the report. “So Mark’s finally gone, and I’m happy for once, does that change how you feel for me Juliette?” she called to the bedroom.

“Oh yeah, I’m totally over you and on to that hot goth chick Rebecca now,” Juliette called back, and then laughed as she appeared in the doorway. “Amber asked me the other day how long I’ve known I had feelings for you. Know what I told her?”

Megan shook her head, and Juliette grinned, walking over to sit beside her.

“It was that episode with Krissy’s role as our babysitter. The character Mark was hitting on her and trying sooo hard to win her heart and all, and I was like ‘Oh my God, I think I’m jealous’.” She giggled. “Whatever happens though, even if we don’t... you know, go beyond just being friends, you will always be my best friend.”

“Thanks,” Megan said as she hugged Juliette. “I meant what I said the other day, about not being ready to date yet, but when I am ready... I’d really like my first date to be with you.”

Juliette giggled, “We’ve already been on a date, a supervised one with Krissy and Tina, the opera, remember?” she teased.

Megan giggled. “Oh yeah. We’re doing that again next week with our parents too.”

“It’s great. My Dad’s even renting a tux,” Juliette giggled.

Megan smiled at the thought. “So what do you want to do the rest of the day? I already got Amber’s present for tomorrow.”

“I’m waiting to hear from my present,” Juliette giggled. She had a mischievous grin on her face. “She’s supposed to call when she lands here in Sydney.”

“Oh, you can tell me, what did you get her?” Megan laughed.

“Well, I found out through Carolyn, plus it’s obvious just looking at her blog, that Debby is one of Amber’s favorite Disney stars, so I called her and asked if she’d be interested in singing. She literally laughed at me when I offered to pay her, and said she’d do it for free because it was us asking.”

“Cool, better than my present, “ Megan grinned, “All I got was the cast of ‘My Brother Mark’,” she teased.

“Oh wow, really? So they all know about you going Megan full time?”

“Yup, George said he knew already.” Megan laughed. George was the guy who played their goofy dad on the show.

“Well, I did kind of talk to Amy about it once so I guess she’d know too now that you mention it,” Juliette said thoughtfully, Amy was the woman who played their no nonsense Mom opposite George.

“Alyssa and Devin were the only two who didn’t know and were surprisingly cool about it.” Megan added.

“That’s good. Alyssa I’m not surprised about, but Devin I wasn’t sure about.” She grinned and stage whispered, “She’s totally bi. But she can’t date girls because of the whole Disney stigma. But you didn’t hear that from me,” Juliette giggled. “She said she might ask Devin out to dinner though.”

Devin played Mark and Juliette’s other brother, and Alyssa was Devin’s long time in character girlfriend on the show, although she wasn’t featured in nearly as many episodes since she also played roles in other major Disney productions during the last year. They still considered her part of the core cast, however.

“Somehow that doesn’t surprise me. I read in one of those pamphlets that as many as one in twelve people alone are trans, whether they realize it or not. It also talked about how sexuality is more like a sliding scale than a binary “Yes or no”.” She paused and shrugged. “I don’t know if I like girls as a rule or not. I just know you’re my best friend, and all my other friends are girls.”

“Except Devin,” Juliette giggled.

“Well, yeah, but he’s Devin. Come on,” Megan laughed as Juliette’s phone rang.

“Heeellooo substitute!” she answered in her best smart-ass Michelle tone.

“Young lady where is your homework!” Debby answered on the other end in her best crotchety old woman voice.

“My sister Megan ate it,” Juliette giggled out. “How was the flight?”

“Oh my Gosh it was long, but flying over the Sydney Opera House was so amazing. I totally geeked out on the poor girl sitting next to me,” she said, laughing. “I’m in the limo you guys sent me now on the way to the hotel, but after I get checked in, I’ll be free to talk about what you want to do for your friend’s birthday.”

Megan piped up, “Hi Debby! Thanks for that offer to be in your music video by the way.”

“Hey Megan!” Debby said brightly. “You know that offer still stands - for both of you really. We put production on hold because my choreographer twisted her ankle. She’s going to be okay, but she has to stay off it for awhile.”

“Awww bummer.” Megan sighed, “Also thanks for coming out here for our friend’s birthday.”

“Are you kidding? I saw this girl’s blog, and I was like ‘Oh I have got to meet her.’. I blushed when I read her review of Radio Rebel.”

“I’m going to use her talented blogging skills this week myself.” Megan giggled.

“Well, hey listen, I know as Disney brats we have this weird stigma of either being sugary sweet or completely psycho, but Bridget wanted me to pass along - and I agree with this too - that you have our complete support. We’re all really proud of you for what you’re doing, even if you’re not under contract right now.”

“Aww, thanks!” Megan bubbled and stood to go use the bathroom, “I’ll be back in a moment.”

“I heard the rest of the cast are already here right?” Debby laughed as Megan excused herself.

“Yeah, Megan called them and invited them. Amber is a huge fan of the show, and, outside of My Brother Mark, you were her absolute favorite celebrity of all time,” Juliette answered.

“Can I make a suggestion on the first song?” Debby asked. “I’ve been thinking about it, and I feel like the perfect song would be “A Dream” - you know that iconic Disney song,” she said, and sang the first line. “A Dream is a wish your heart makes...”

“Oh my God yes that would be perfect! Like as soon as she blows out her candles you come out singing or something?”

“Yeah!” Debby cheered. “That’s what I was thinking. We’ll hammer out the details when I get there. I almost feel bad for her. We’re going to blow her mind,” she giggled a little. “Talk to you soon!”

“I wonder if we should tell Rebecca and Carolyn what we’re doing, or let them be surprised too?” Megan giggled as she came out of the bathroom after washing her hands.

“Oh I think it’s going to be a nice surprise for them too.”

“I thought so too. Plus I know for a fact Amber’s parents got her a big present too, so we’re not being total divas getting our celeb friends to show up,” Megan giggled.

“You know I think we should go out to eat, just you and me, after we hash out the birthday stuff with Debby. Somewhere nice, on me, to celebrate our freedom.”

“Soo, like a date?” Megan teased. Juliette didn’t answer as she went into the bedroom to find a nice fancy skirt and top for her and Megan to wear.

As if on cue, Juliette’s phone rang its new text ringtone. “Could you check that?” Juliette called back. Megan picked it up.

“It’s from Debby. She says she’s been distracted by not eating on the plane so she’ll stop by later this evening.”

“Oh fun, then we can go out first.” Juliette said as she walked out wearing just her bra and a silver skirt, holding two different tops - one a sparkling sequined pink, the other a more subdued off-white silver. “Which one do you think I should wear?”

“The off white one. Think I can borrow the pink one? I think I have a skirt that would match that perfectly.” Megan giggled.

“Oh, the pleated dark pink one? That would be so perfect,” Juliette nodded ass he handed the pink top to Megan. “I traded clothes with Alyssa all the time until she hit that growth spurt,” Juliette giggled as Megan followed her back into the bedroom to change as well. “So what’s mine is yours.”


“Oh here we are. I apologize. It was under Stuart,” the woman standing at the front entrance to the fancy French restaurant stated with an embarrassed look on her face. “Your table is already prepared Miss Stuart.”

Megan giggled, “I think Brianna really needs to hire herself an assistant,” she said as they followed the woman to their table. Juliette touched Megan’s arm gently to get her attention and grinned, nodding toward another table off to the side, where Tina and Krissy were eating. They hadn’t noticed the girls. Krissy was palming a ring box out of Tina’s view.

“I think Krissy is going to ask Tina to marry her,” Juliette whispered. Megan grinned and started humming Kiss the girl, and started to sing it softly.

The woman laughed quietly. “If I may be so bold as to ask, would that be your sister?”

“That would be.” Megan nodded, grinning a bit.

“I thought so, by the name. Those two are regulars here. They come at least once a month,” she said cheerfully. “I’ll let you peruse the menu. Would you like anything to drink?”

“No wonder our manager recommended this place.” Juliette giggled.

“I’ll just have a Coca-Cola or Pepsi,” Megan answered cheerfully.

“I’ll take the same.” Juliette said, nodding.

“You’re hometown girls, sure enough,” the woman said with a grin. It was odd hearing such a candid, casual comment in such a formal setting, but it made Megan grin too.

“Wow. Is it me or is like, everyone more laid back here than back in Cali?”

“I didn’t want to stereotype, but I’ve been thinking the same thing all week,” Juliette answered. “Maybe we’re just lucky. Oh, um, should I order something fancy?” Juliette asked hesitantly. “I was just going to have the grilled chicken with garlic.”

Megan giggled, “Oh, that sounds great. Me too.”

“Oh thank God,” Juliette answered sheepishly. “Can I tell you a secret? This is actually the first time I’ve ever been in a place like this.”

Megan tried not to laugh as she squeezed Juliette’s hand reassuringly. “My parents used to bring Krissy and I to these places all the time. The chefs are usually happy to prepare whatever you ask, as long as you don’t send it back too many times,” she teased.

“That makes sense. Your Dad’s a big time writer director, your Mom’s a manager and talent scout. My Brother Mark was my big break,” Juliette mused as a waitress approached. “Before that we were literally just some middle class nobodies from Brooklyn.”

The waitress smiled warmly as she set the girls’ drinks down, and after taking down their orders, she stepped away again, and Megan shook her head.

“You’re selling yourself short. You have an amazing singing voice. If Disney hadn’t picked you up someone would have.”

“And you’re multitalented,” Juliette giggled. “I’ve heard you sing when you thought you were alone.” Juliette sighed, “I maybe a good singer but I’ve had to have voice lessons.”

“So have I,” Megan laughed quietly. “Granted that was more in the voice coaching acting department. You can act, sing, and I know you can dance. I’ve got two left feet.”

“I don’t know about that, you danced pretty elegantly in the episode Dance for your Life,” Juliette giggled.

Megan giggled again. “Oh, God, that so doesn’t count. I had Amy coaching me like constantly on where to stand and how to move without twisting something,” she said, shaking her head as their waitress returned with their meals, as well as a plate of crepes. Megan looked over at Krissy’s table just as Krissy looked over she gave her sister the thumbs up.

“After we meet with Debby, want to sit around the bungalow and watch some movies?” Megan giggled.

“Sure! What’d you have in mind?” Juliette asked.

“I still haven’t seen that movie Bridget did the voices for from Studio Ghibli. Arrietty?”

“The Secret World of Arrietty, yeah. I’ve only seen the promos too. Oh, I have the other Studio Ghibli stuff on Blu-Ray if you want to make a night of it,” Juliette bubbled.

“Oh that sounds awesome. I loved Kiki’s Delivery Service and Whisper of the Heart, especially that cute remake of Country Roads that they made for it.”

Suddenly the restaurant seemed to get really quiet. Megan and Juliette looked around to see Krissy down on one knee next to their table.

“So how about it? Will you give this Aussie a chance?” she asked. Tina started to cry as she nodded and let Krissy slip the ring on her finger, and people began to clap for the couple, including Megan and Juliette. Megan even managed to snap a few cell phone pictures.

“This is soo going on my Instagram,” Megan giggled.

“That’s going to be us someday.” Juliette teased.

Megan grinned, “Actually I plan on asking you on the movie set while they are filming,” she shot back playfully.

“Very funny,” Juliette said with a giggle as she finished her chicken.

The Waitress came out at that exact moment and placed a glass of non-alcoholic sparkling cider in front of each of the girls. She had set it up with the staff while Juliette was in the restroom, just after they came in, before she knew Krissy was going to propose to Tina - otherwise she would have waited.

Juliette lifted her glass, then stopped, slowly lowering it as she stared at the ring inside. It was gold, set with tiny sapphires and engraved with little hearts. Without hesitation, once she realized what it was, she dipped her finger into the glass to retrieve the ring, licked the tip of her finger and grinned at Megan, slipping it on her finger. “So what happened to not being ready to date yet?”

Megan grinned, “We’re taking things slowly, that ring is just a promise to you.”

“A promise that we’ll always be together is pretty serious though,” Juliette answered.

Megan nodded, “As friends and maybe more when we are ready for that.”

“Weeell... In that case,” Juliette trailed off and giggled softly. She picked up her purse, and took out a small box wrapped in emerald green paper, and placed it in front of Megan. “I guess great minds think alike. I was going to give that to you until you said you weren’t ready to date, and I didn’t want to scare you off...”

Megan giggled and carefully unwrapped it, pulling out a ring almost like Juliette’s except it had small emeralds instead of sapphires. “Oh its so pretty.” she slipped it on her finger.

“Emerald is definitely your color,” Juliette giggled. “I got it the day you got your ears done.”

“Besides Krissy kept pointing out that we were already dating technically.” Megan shrugged.

“Well I don’t know what the future has for us,” Juliette said as she squeezed Megan’s hand across the table. “And I don’t care. I just know that there’s no one I’d rather be dating than you.”

“The first time you kissed me, my heart skipped a beat. It took all I had in me not to make out with you in front of Tina,” Megan laughed.

Juliette blushed softly, but grinned as well. “I don’t know what possessed me to kiss you there, but something said that I should, so I did.”

“Maybe it was a little crab on your shoulder,” Megan giggled, sipping her cider. When the waitress came by again, Juliette raised her hand slightly to get her attention.

“Miss? Could we get something um... chocolateish for dessert and our bill?”

“Sure, how about a chocolate mousse?” The waitress smiled. “The meal’s compliments of the chef however, in honor of your sister’s engagement,” she added, winking..

“Tell the chef thank you, and oh.” Megan reached into her purse and pulled out some signed photos, “One’s for you and one’s for the Chef.”

The waitress glanced down at the photo and grinned. “Oh, thank you! My daughter’s going to love this. She’ll probably frame it,” she giggled softly.

“I’ve never had chocolate mousse,” Juliette said thoughtfully as she stared at the dessert menu. “How is it?”

“It’s to die for,” Megan answered with an affirming nod.

“I’ll try that, then. Megan’s the expert at this stuff.” She giggled again. She was floating on air, and it was a good thing the cider was non-alcoholic or she would have really been bubbly.

“Me too,” Megan said, raising her glass to Krissy as she and Tina stood, waving at the pair before turning to step out together.

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