Today I have performed a task that I have done many times since I was a little girl. Last night I could not find my cat Jon. Today I searched the house and still could not find him. When I left the house to take care of some tasks I spotted Jon under a bush. I had been having the feeling all day that Jon was no longer with me because he had been refusing to eat, even the tuna from a can that had been opened for sandwiches. When I got back to the house I got the pillow case he loved to lay down in and placed him inside it. I then had the sad task of burying him next to a small brushy thicket where he can hunt mice and birds until the day when I can finally be with him again. I said a couple of prayers for him then broke down and cried for a good 15 minutes. As I am typing this I am starting to cry again. :(
Looks like my Author name is my old name of Payter Eketta instead of the new of Brianna Eketta.
Our furry children will always be with us in the memories they made for us. It isn't the same but it is a wonderful consolation over time.
P.S. I can change author names, just ask. - E.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Name change
This is the first time I noticed it. However, now that I know. Pretty please? Also, thank you for your reply above.
We love them the same way they love us
We give our heart to our four legged friends and they in return give us theirs. They share the joy, the comfort, the pain and sorrow while they are with us in life. When they pass on they take a piece of our heart with them. It is our eternal love and connection to them as they wait for us to join them again, to share that bond once more, that we built together.
The fullness of our life with so many two legged and four legged friends has no measurable value except in our hearts. A priceless treasure it can not be weighed in gold or silver but only in love. May your treasure be overflowing.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I burried two loved ones this spring
Just be cause they are "dumb animals" does not make the hurt any less real.
Grieve, remember then help another stray, Humane Society or other needy animal find a good home.
My dear sweat young Audrey -- laying over my left arm as I type, sends her fond regard's.
Anybody who treats a cat well is okay in her book.
But then she is a cat -- 5 months old as of Aug 26th --
Dog owners suffer their own animal's passing with equal pain.
I feel your loss.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
So very sorry
I share your sorrow, sweetie.
The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
-- Tom Clancy (Currently broken)
Twitter: @genomorph
huggles, hon. Sorry for your loss
Our Loved Ones
A sad task that I also have had to do way more times than I wished. Most of our feline friends live with us for fifteen to twenty years, then when they are no longer, the emptiness in our hearts threatens to overtake us. Luckily for us one of our other cat children usually spend some extra personal time with us helping to ease our loss. They seem to know how we feel, trying to ease our burden in life. I am sure Jon will be patiently awaiting the time when he can share his love with you again.
- Formerly Turnabout Girl
Pain shared
Is not pain halved, as some say. But it does bring the people that love and care about you to your side. I have also been in your place and I understand what you are feeling. Too many of us have felt the same thing. They have a way of crawling into your heart when you aren't looking and when they go the hole they leave is disproportionate to their size. Only time can heal that hole, but friends will help you get through it.
Take care, hon, and big hugs.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Sorry for your loss :(
I had the pain of finding my childhood dog---my best friend of 15 years---it broke my heart. Even all these years later, I still tear up thinking about it. Its never easy losing a pet and a friend :(
There Is One Cure
The best thing you can do is get another cat. My friend Adele recently lost her beloved Gretchen after she sustained severe internal injuries during what appears to have been a road accident. Her response was to volunteer for a local animal charity, and often cares for up to four cats at a time. Adele has a full-time job, and an upstairs flat with no direct access to a garden. The animals don't seem to mind. She still misses Gretchen, but the pain of having her put to sleep has gone.
Cats are wise creatures. They have us sussed. It's what symbiotic relationships are all about.
At least
your friend died naturally and I hope peacefully. Take some solace from that. When the pain is less, perhaps you can give a home to another furry friend.