I absolutely detest it when the weather changes, since it causes my copd to act up. :(
Having no energy to do anything but sleep because it is so hard to breathe, just because it started to rain / got dry / got windy / wind dies down ... ( ad nauseum )
then today, we got a wind storm, which broke a window it was so strong. 20 minutes later[ 11:30 am PDT ] CABOOM one of the electrical transformers just behind the building exploded.
11:44 PM and we finally got power back
Know how you feel
Arthritis and few bones that have been broken all talk to me when the weather changes. It doesn't seem to matter if it bad weather going to sunny or vice versa, or even just a pressure gradient change joints act up and fracture site in my knee take turns complaining.
Getting old is not for wimps.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
the doctors tell me I got my severe copd at LEAST 35 years before my lungs should be this bad. [ apparently my current 50 years is prime of life now ]
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
I just love the weather too
I have bad knees and ankles from football junior high through my sophmore year of high school, when I decided I wanted to be walking when I was 30.
Well now I am 32 Still walking but it gets hard at times. Constant aches are there but are manageble. My best barometer is my back though, I Car accident left me with a bad back. And when the weather is changing drastically it feels Like I have a knife in my back.
I wish I had never played football, But a guy of my size in a 5a school the coaches really pressured me to play. I was a lineman, but I never really liked playing I just wish I told the coaches where to stick it when they pressured me to keep playing when I wanted to just do something else. I finally did tell them but too late.
Baseball, soccer, basketball, etc... I can live with but a contact sport where the coaches say if you are not having to ice an injury for a few days after the game you did not play hard enough are not needed.
"Cortana is watching you!"
I totally depends on the
I totally depends on the weather, my mood changes according to the weather changes. And you know it's very difficult for me and for people who surrounds me. Moreover, the weather has a great impact on people's health. I even wrote my essay on this topic at Essay Penguins and I found very terrible statistic that 1,327 fatalities occurred in the United States as a result of the 1980 heat wave; the number occurring in Missouri alone accounted for over 25% of the total.
I can Relate
Saturday was a nightmare, we had a Micro burst hit our area with the strength of a F1 tornado. 7:58pm - 11:50pm (MST) watching the storm throw dime size hail like a toddler having a temper tantrum. It's odd seeing hail with the temperature being triple digits (F).
The answers to all of life's questions can be found in the face of a true friend