Lights, Camera, Action! Chapter 1

Lights, Camera, Action!
A Magic of the Kingdom Tale
©2015 Dark Kitten & Zoe Taylor

Disclaimer: We do not own anything Disney, we just use Disney to write Fiction

12 year old Mark O’Malley had been practically typecast as the dopey sidekick because of his role in the runaway hit Disney production, “My Brother Mark”. But while on the set of his older sister Krissy’s much darker sci-fi movie production, a misheard comment leads to a whole new branch in his career, and in his life.

Sitting in the interview room at Disney, Mark smiled as he waited for the mark from the camera man so he could do his last interview for awhile. While he was extremely nervous about this, he came across being calm and collected.

After all at 12 years old, he had already been ‘in the biz’ most of his life, from diaper commercials as a baby to bit roles in sitcoms, to his breakout starring role in Disney’s “My Brother Mark”, which just wrapped up filming on its last season. It still never got any easier. It was the anticipation that got him. Once they started, he felt fine.

“And we’re live,” the cameraman stated.

The Teen interviewer for Disney smiled at Mark, “So how was it on the set of the final season of My brother Mark?”

“It was pretty mixed, you know? We became like a big family on and off set, and I’m really looking forward to working with everyone again on future projects.”

“Do you have any plans on doing anything else?” The girl asked, “Maybe with your co-star Juliette Small?”

“Honestly that would be amazing. Juliette is a wonderful and talented actress who’s just so full of energy. She always makes me laugh off-camera. I know our characters are always going at each other, but in reality we’re actually best friends.” Mark answered cheerfully.

“We here at 365 actually were on the set of last week’s episode, There was hardly a moment you two could keep a straight face. It’s nice to see that.” The girl stated. “So whats next for you Mark?”

“Well, I’m going to be taking a bit of a break from acting for awhile, maybe focus on music or other projects, but I’m always up for another acting project, so I’m definitely keeping my name in the hat for any future roles Disney might have.”

That was the first lie of the entire interview. He was considering a new movie role, but it was all very hush hush. He didn’t even know what the role was yet. He’d find that out later that day. With his contract under negotiation, he found himself free to consider non-Disney roles - a rare opportunity, as any Disney actor knew.

“Thank you for coming in today Mark, we really hope to see more from you.” The girl turned to the camera, “That’s it for Disney’s 365.”

The Cameraman stated, “And Cut!”

“Alright, that was great. Thanks so much Mark,” the girl said warmly.

“Thank you Alyssia.” Mark sad, “I can’t wait to see your new movie by the way.” He smiled as they began walking to the changing rooms together.

“Aww, thanks. It was so much fun. Are you coming to the big premiere?”

“I got an invite so I might go with Juliette.” Mark shrugged, “She hinted at it.”

“I’m so going to miss watching you guys every week,” Alyssa laughed. “You really sell it. But I guess her big movie break made it hard to do both.”

“Yeah, she’s got a few big time movie deals she’s looking at. I’m happy for her.” Mark half lied.

He was happy for her, and it was her big break that gave him his big break. The writers were worried Mark was too recognizable as the bratty brother, passing him over for other potential roles, and so his agent - and mother, Janet - had begun putting his name out for movie role consideration as well.

Alyssa grinned and gave him a friendly hug. “Stay in touch okay? Don’t, you know, just drop off the face of the earth or anything,” she teased.

“I’m heading to Sydney for a small break but I definitely will be back.” Mark laughed as the two parted and he went into the changing room that he used earlier.

It was a typical star’s changing room, in that it had only the best things for the actor or actress who used it. He breathed a relieved sigh as he rested his back against the door for a moment.

“Man I’m thirsty,” he mumbled as he picked up a bottled water from the small ice chest under the makeup table. It wasn’t any fancy imported glacial water - after all, it was his own ice chest. He cracked open the inexpensive bottle and turned it up as someone knocked.

“It’s open,” he called back, running his fingers through his strawberry blonde hair. It wasn’t exactly long, but it was getting a little shaggy. Focus testing showed viewers liked the shaggy look on the bratty Mark character, so he kept it.

Mark’s mother walked in, smiling brightly. “Ready for that vacation sweetie?”

“Oh, Mrs. O’Malley there you are,” Mark said jokingly in his best bratty kid voice, and then laughed. “God I am so ready. I don’t want to see another photographer for a month.”

“The studio finally sent over that movie script. I’ve been looking over it, and...” she paused, giving him a skeptical glance.

“Don’t tell me. I want to read it myself,” he answered, setting his bottle of water on the counter.

“I was about to suggest the same,” she said as she handed him an ordinary-looking unmarked folder, so as to not arouse suspicions when he carried it out with him. “The flight leaves tomorrow morning. Your Dad’s got your ticket sorted, and Krissy’s having someone meet you. Are you sure you don’t want one of us to fly out with you?”

“I’m sure,” he answered with a grin. “Maybe I can catch Krissy on set when I get there.”

He always loved watching his sister in action, that was his goal to do an action movie eventually. He also wanted to do a drama as well, but it seemed comedy was his lot in life, barring a drastic change.

Janet laughed softly. “She’ll love that. She texted me a few minutes ago asking how your 365 interview went. I sent her the rough clip from my phone.”

“Wow, she’s up early,” Mark laughed. “I think it went fine, but I didn’t have Juliette to keep me laughing until my sides hurt like our very first 365 interview. That was such a disaster.”

Mark may have been 12, but growing up in show business meant growing up fast as well, without a whole lot of time to just be a kid, and it showed in the way he spoke. He had even lost what little of his Australian accent he had - being born a dual citizen of the US and the AU. He hadn’t been back since he was young, and was really looking forward to seeing how Sydney had changed.

“The director shooting a water gun at you between takes didn’t help,” Janet laughed again. “That’s the one thing I love about working with Disney though. The whole staff knows how to have fun.”

Mark stuffed his half-finished water bottle into his cooler, picking up the envelope again, “Alright, I’m ready,” he said finally.

“Well then, good sir, your chariot awaits,” she teased.


The flight to Australia was long and a little tedious. He sat next to a blabbering teen girl, who was so excited to sit next to Mark from ‘My Brother Mark’. It got so bad a few times he had to get up and leave his seat for awhile, though he loved his fans and did sign a picture for the girl. It wasn’t her fault he was so burned out, after all, but It was the girls that were the worst. The male fans weren't so bad.

Next time he was definitely flying first class, though.

Six weeks in Australia, no parents, just him and his sister, it was going to be an amazing vacation for him; time to relax and read that script over, and make decisions about his future without any stress whatsoever.

It wasn’t as if Disney wasn’t popular in Australia. He planned to hook up with the occasional Disney AU 365 interview just for the local fans, but other than that, it was going to be blissful peace and quiet. That’s what he thought, anyway.

At the airport there was a red haired woman holding a sign with the name “Mark O’Malley” on it, she was dressed in a black limo driver suit. She smiled when he approached. “Oh, there ya are,” she said in a thick accent. It was almost stereotypical to Mark’s mind. If she put on a Crocodile Dundee hat and said ‘Ay, G’day!’ it would’ve been downright iconic.

“Are you taking me to the bungalow that Krissy’s manager got for me?”

“And anywhere else ya need to go,” she answered. “I’m your official driver for the day while Ms. Stuart is stuck on-set.”

“Thanks, I kinda want to go see her on set.” Mark answered. He hadn't seen his sister since she started this new film, six months ago.

“I can take you there first if ya like?” she asked as she reached for his bags.

“Sure, thanks.” Mark nodded, but refused to let her load his stuff in the trunk, doing it on his own. He hated that about being famous. Everyone wanted to do everything for him.

“Ms. Stuart made it abundantly clear,” she said with a grin as she closed the trunk, “Iced Barq’s Root Beer in the mini-fridge inside.” She winked as she stepped around to open the back door.

“She remembered.” Mark laughed as he got in the studio’s limo. After a moment of letting a taxi pass, they were off and away from the airport, on their way to the movie studio. After a moment Mark’s phone rang - Juliette’s ringtone.

“Ay, g’day mate!” Juliette answered as soon as Mark picked up.

“Not you too.” Mark laughed, “Hows New York?”

“Great! How’s Sydney? Oh God I didn’t wake you up did I? I’m freaking awful with these time zones. I tried to wait until I was sure it was day there.”

“Oh no it’s cool, I just got here.” Mark laughed. “It’s like just before lunch here, but it’s tomorrow, so...”

“Man, what a mind trip,” Juliette giggled. “So I got this script, it’s a total Drama, the main character is a trans girl, it’s about her and her sister facing the world.”

“Wow. That actually sounds pretty cool,” Mark answered. “Are you playing the sister?”

“Yeah, I’m playing Emily. Not sure about my co-star though. He’s kind of a prima donna.” Juliette laughed. “After this film I have nothing else planned.”

“I’ve still got to look at the script Mom was sent. She looked over it, but I made her promise not to tell me anything until I’ve read it myself.”

“Oh hey, got some pictures to send you.” Juliette paused as four picture messages hit Mark’s phone. “Don’t laugh please.”

“Got it. Checking,” Mark said, pulling his smartphone away from his ear to look at the pictures. “What the heck did you do to your hair?” he asked her.

“Hey no laughing!” she said, laughing herself. “I got it bobbed. I don’t care how much focus testing said I should have hair to my butt, I wanted something shorter for a change. Do you think I should get extensions, like, mid shoulder?”

“It’s fine, I was just shocked,” Mark answered. “5 years of you having really long hair does that to someone.” He laughed a bit.

“Tell me about it, Shaggy,” Juliette giggled.

“Ok Velma.” he teased her back.

“Jinkies!” Juliette laughed. “Maybe I’ll start wearing my glasses again. I bet nobody’ll recognize me.”

“Wish I had an alter ego to hide in.” Mark laughed, “I got accosted on the plane trip here, they sat me down right next to one of the biggest fan girls in history.”

“Oh God, did this one try to kiss you too?” Juliette started laughing again.

“No, thank heavens. Sherespected my personal space, but she could actually recite my lines word for word.” Mark laughed.

The limo driver couldn’t help herself and laughed quietly. She cleared her throat and discreetly raised the window between the driver and passenger seating area to give Mark some privacy after the fact.

“Whoa, who was that?” Juliette giggled.

“The limo driver.” Mark laughed.

“Uh huh, dating some older girl behind my back are you now Mark?” Juliette teased. “You going to be home in time for Alyssa’s movie premier by the way?” she asked, changing the subject.

“I think so. I’m here for six weeks, but I should be back just in time for it to be out of post production. If not I’ll leave a few days early,” Mark answered.

“Cool, I can’t wait to see you again, I really miss you - and everyone else for that matter.” Juliette sighed.

“Me too. I’m really going to miss working with Amy and John and Mikey. I wish you could come down too, but I know you’ve been dying to get back to New York for awhile.”

“Yeah I missed home, but it’s weird being back. Now that I’m here, I kind of wish I’d stayed in LA. Oh and mom says Hi.”

“Hi Mrs. Small!” Mark said as loudly as possible, causing Juliette to laugh.

“Dork. Say Hi to Krissy for me!”

“I will,” Mark laughed.

As they hung up the limo pulled into the back lot of a large movie studio, and Mark rolled down the divider window this time.

“Sorry about that,” she said sheepishly. Mark shook his head, laughing again.

“Don’t think twice about it. Juliette just asked me if I was dating an older woman,” he teased, causing her to laugh out loud.

“Oh lord, my little sister’ll die if I tell her that,” she teased as she stepped out.

Mark laughed and handed the Limo driver a pre signed picture of both him and Juliette. He carried loads of them of himself and with Juliette holding hands. The tabloids loved to hint that they were an item off-set despite their age, so they sometimes played on it. “Why don’t you give her that?”

“Aww, thank you! Her birthday’s coming up next week. I think I’ll sneak this into a cheap-o dollar birthday card just to mess with her,” she said with a wink. “I’ll be here if you need me - unless you want me to take your things on to your bungalow.”

Mark nodded. “Thanks.”

He walked over to a security guard. “Mark O’Malley, just looking for Krissy Stuart? She should be on set?”

The big security guard looked down at Mark and then laughed. “Oh, I know you. ‘Don’t blame me, it was the ghosts!’” he said, repeating one of Mark’s more famous lines. “You want Studio 5 down that way, hang a left at the fake palm tree, then straight on and you can’t miss it.”

“Thanks.” Mark said with a smile, trying not to laugh as he followed his directions. For a big guy, the security guard did a pretty good Mark Mason. The studio seemed to be bustling with activity with the usual assortment of cast and crew from different productions milling about. It felt like being back in Hollywood in that regard.

Suddenly Mark felt a pair of slender hands - female judging by the hint of sparkling pink nail polish he thought he caught a glimpse of - gently grab his eyes, and a giggly girl whispered, “Guess who?” in his ear.

“Umm, Miley Cyrus?” he guessed jokingly.

“You wish,” Tina, Krissy’s best friend and personal assistant laughed.

“My second guess would have been Selina Gomez and then Tina Messer.” Mark laughed.

“Nah, Selina’s vacationing in Italy last I heard,” Tina giggled. “Krissy said you might stop by.”

“Yeah I haven't seen Krissy in awhile, I wanted to see her on set.” Mark said. “It’s great to see you too though,” he quickly added. Tina and Krissy went everywhere together - and why not? She was Krissy’s personal assistant after all. But he knew it went deeper than that.

“They’re filming right now if you want to go on inside,” she said, nodding. “I just stepped out for a smoke - but I’m trying to quit, honest,” she added with a chuckle.

“Sweet, thanks Tina,” Mark said and went into film mode, knowing full well to be quiet when they were filming. He crept inside and moved a little closer, joining the small crowd of crew behind the director.

“Commander!” a taller man in a simple, but futuristic styled military outfit shouted, approaching Krissy, who was sitting at a desk. He stopped to salute her. “Ma’am, reports from Mars colony,” he said, and placed a clear plastic tablet PC-like device on her desk.

Krissy picked up the object, “Thank you Lieutenant.” she replied. The actor gave a firm salute and then froze in place anticipating the director’s order as the camera moved in to focus on Krissy’s determined stare.

The Director, a tall, pale woman with long black hair yelled, “Cut! perfect that time, just perfect!” she called to the cast on the set.

Krissy casually laid the piece of plastic aside and glanced up at the taller man as she pushed herself up from the ‘futuristic’ glass desk and chair. “Hey John, how was my delivery?” she asked.

“Lunch break.” someone called out.

John laughed, “Pretty damn good. The girl they were going to have play the commander before you couldn’t even nail the ‘scramble the fighters’ line. She couldn’t do a determined stare to save her life.”

“Years of practice staring down my mother,” Krissy teased, laughing. She suddenly stopped, a broad grin crossing her lips as she raced across the stage. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch the spectacle as Krissy ran to Mark, lifting him off his feet.

“There you are!” she squealed happily and kissed his forehead, letting him down again.

Mark smiled and hugged his sister, “I just had to see you on stage, I know those three episodes you did with us on my show was the same, but it’s cooler to see it from this side.” he laughed.

“Those walk on roles as your and Juliette’s babysitter were hilarious,” Krissy laughed. “I wish I could get more stuff like that in between these serious roles.”

“We try.” Mark laughed, “Hey Juliette said hi, and she shared some pictures with me.” he showed them to his sister and Tina.

“Oh my God,” Krissy laughed. “She pulled an Emma Watson didn’t she? Wow. Or did she lose a bet?” she teased.

“Yeah, I asked her what happened to her hair.” Mark laughed. “Disney wouldn’t let her cut it during the 5 year contract we had with them.”

“Good lord,” Tina laughed. “I can’t go a month without changing my hair. I’d go crazy after five years.”

“Mom said Brianna, my personal assistant would be here tomorrow.” Mark sighed. “I was hoping for six weeks without anyone really. But I guess she needs to be here for the Disney AU 365 interview and the hotspot interview for that Disney game I voiced.”

“Didn’t you voice a girl in that?” Krissy teased, giggling, “But yeah, after that you can tell her to just go out and enjoy herself the rest of the time,” Krissy said. “But that’s why I asked Tina to be my personal assistant while she’s taking business classes online - because I already knew ‘er.”

“It’s win win,” Tina laughed. “I get to work with my... best friend,” she seemed to correct herself, “And get bonus credit for college - and I get paid for it.”

“I didn't have very many friends..” Mark laughed. “And none of them are as smart as Tina. Except Juliette of course.”

“Nice save,” Krissy teased as a young woman approached the trio, carrying a tray.

“Here’s your salads and sodas ladies,” she said cheerfully. “Can I get your sister anything?”

Mark didn’t catch the sister thing at first, “A cheeseburger please?” He had been dying for one for awhile now. “And whatever non diet soda you have is fine - or water even.”

“Sure thing!” she answered and turned to step away again. Both Krissy and Tina burst out laughing.

“Wait.. did she just say Sister?” Mark sighed, finally getting it.

“It’s that shaggy hair. You look just like a young me,” Krissy giggled as she and Tina started toward a trio of empty padded chairs and sat down to enjoy their lunch.

Just then the director walked up, “Krissy, you’re a genius! She can play the role we needed of your Alessa’s young self!” she rattled on as she walked away.

“Wait... What just happened?” Krissy asked, looking, with a mouthful of salad, between Tina and Mark. She seemed as confused as Mark.

Tina shrugged, “I better go find out.” She stood and started off towards the director.

“And I thought people in Hollywood were weird,” Mark laughed, stealing a drink of Krissy’s soda while waiting for the bouncy young blonde to bring his.

After a few moments, the blonde haired woman and Tina both returned, Tina laughed, “Seems the writers wrote in a scene about your character when she was younger, and the director was frantically looking for an actress to play the part.”

“Well, you’ve always said you wanted to do a serious role,” Krissy said, grinning at Mark. “I’ll go and sort this out after I finish eating.”

“Yeah... But i'm not a girl.” Mark shrugged, “Thanks Krissy.”

“I dunno,” Tina said as she put down her salad, pushing Mark’s shaggy hair down so that it framed his face. “With a little mousse and some lip gloss you’d make a damn cute heartbreaker.”

Mark laughed. “Whatever. I don’t have to wear heels do I?” he said jokingly, referring to the time in one of the episodes he dressed up as Juliette, complete with a ridiculous wig. He tore into his cheeseburger as he thought about it. It was an episode he had actually forgotten about, where they had a nearsighted substitute teacher in Juliette’s math class, and her character hadn’t studied, so she blackmailed him into taking the test for her.

He had loved that episode.

“No high heels.” Krissy promised, giggling.

“Nah,” the blonde woman added cheerfully. “The scene we hashed out with the director is where Krissy’s character Alessa sees her mother for the last time before she’s shipped out, and that’s the last time they ever see her. It plays off the Mars colony scene you just saw, as Alessa realizes the aliens that abducted her mother’s unit have returned. I’ll go let wardrobe know to be ready for you,” she said as she turned to leave again.

“... That was a writer?” Mark laughed. “I thought she was just an assistant or something.”

Krissy giggled and shook her head. “No, that was Laura Banfield, the head writer. We’re all pretty relaxed around here between scenes.”

“Wow. The writers at Disney never brought us food.” Mark laughed again.

“Laura’s brilliant too,” Tina giggled. “She wrote the original novel the movie’s based on, but she’s so down to earth you wouldn’t know it just talking to her, especially for how ready she is to make changes to the screenplay like this.”

“Seriously though,” Krissy laughed. “Normally writers freak the hell out when a director wants to change something. Laura’s like ‘Oh I love that’ and runs off on a tangent for an hour about what else can change based on it. Hmm, but we can’t bill ‘Young Alessa’ as Mark O’Malley though.”

“Why not Megan Stuart?” Mark shrugged. “Not that I’ve thought about it a lot or anything. Megan was just the name we jokingly used when I was playing Juliette’s character Michelle in that one episode with the nearsighted substitute.”

“Oh I like that!” Krissy giggled. “Yay. I get to have a sister for a day,” she teased, causing Mark to laugh. As the saying went, ‘The show must go on’, and if they thought he was perfect for a bit movie role, who was he to argue?


After an hour in makeup and wardrobe, and a whopping 15 minutes on set, Mark was finally finished with the small scene in the movie. It was an incredible rush, standing there watching, looking forlorn and lost as the older actress, who doubled as an extra in several other scenes, waved goodbye to young Alessa, and then disappeared into the white light of the ship transport.

What was more, he hadn’t felt nervous about the scene at all. In fact, he really enjoyed the whole experience, however brief.

He had taken some selfies of himself and sent them to Juliette before he walked back to an empty changing room. He had no sooner stepped inside, when his phone rang again.

“G’day mate.” Juliette teased.

“Ay bonza! Bee-uh an’’ dingos!” Mark answered this time.

“Magen’s back huh?” Juliette giggled softly, “They really did a good job on your makeup, and that pink and white dress is so cute!”

“Temporarily,” Mark laughed. “I thought it was a little overdone, but under the studio lights it looked really good. If I wasn’t me I’d have thought I was kinda hot,” he said jokingly.

“We’ll I think you look mighty hawt.” Juliette giggled out. “Can I show that to my mom?”

“Sure. The entire world’s going to see it sooner or later,” Mark laughed. “I’m playing young Alessa in a flashback, in Krissy’s movie, “Dark Days”.”

“Oh God I heard about that movie!” Juliette giggled, “You are SO lucky!”

“Literally,” Mark laughed. “They mistook me for Krissy’s sister. The director overheard her telling me I looked just like a younger version of her, and they like, ran with it.”

There was a soft knock on the door. “Someone’s at your door, I’ll let you go Magen.” Juliette sounded like she had a grin when she said that. Mark just knew her that well. It wasn’t a laugh, just a subtle inflection, like she was really happy.

“Talk to you later, Jules,” Mark said cheerfully as he got up to answer the door.

On the other side of the door was a tall black haired woman holding a small yellow envelope, “I was told to drop this off here,” she said, smiling as she handed it to Mark. Inside the envelope was $500 AUD.

“Wow. What’s this for?” he asked, surprised. He hadn’t given a second thought yet to the fact he was still wearing the pink and white dress of his character, young Alessa.

“It’s your pay for the scene.” The woman chuckled and turned to leave before he could close the door, Laura walked by.

“Oh you can keep that outfit too,” she said as she passed. Mark blushed a little.

“Thanks. It’ll be a great souvenir,” he chuckled, almost a giggle. He had to wait for the makeup artist to return so he could get her help taking off the heavy makeup.

When she had finished, she smiled and asked, “Want a free street makeover, or do you prefer fresh-faced?”

“Street makeover?” Mark asked, not entirely sure what she meant. She chuckled.

“It’s what we call regular makeup, you know? A lot lighter and natural instead of the heavy stage cover.”

“I don’t usually wear...” Mark started.

Tina walked into the room and answered for him. “She’ll take a street makeover. I’ll be going with her to do some shopping afterwards - orders from Krissy.” she winked.

“Sure thing,” the makeup artist answered. Mark shot Tina a glare while the woman’s back was briefly turned, but Tina just giggled to herself. Mark sighed and settled into the chair.

Krissy was up to something, and he’d find out what that was later, but for now, he wasn’t about to ruin his first movie role - even if it was just a short scene. She always looked out for him before, so he'd let her have this one ... for now at least. Besides, Megan looked like a real girl, not a boy in an overexaggerated girl costume.

He kind of liked it.

While Mark’s hair had always been a shaggy, messy mop, once straightened, moussed, and conditioned, it was actually fairly long, reaching just past his shoulders, and as part of the street makeover, was styled into a natural feminine face frame with a ponytail.

The other makeup was light here and there - a little color in the cheeks, a little mascara, and some pink lip gloss to match the pink fingernails which were Tina’s contribution to Megan’s new look.

Krissy cleared her throat, “Thank you Joslin.” she spoke from the door. “She looks beautiful.”

“My pleasure Miss Stuart,” Joslin said cheerfully as she stepped back and turned to leave.

Krissy smiled as Joslin left, stepping further inside, and closed the door behind her. “I figured you might want to have dinner tonight without being harassed by fans.”

“That’s what this was about?” Mark asked, paused, and then laughed out loud. “You’re a genius.”

“That and you can even go out sightseeing and shopping without everyone and their mother wanting an autograph. I’m sending Tina with you, if you don’t mind.”

“Sorry,” Tina giggled. “I couldn’t say anything in front of Joslin without giving you away.”

Mark laughed again as he stood and shook his head. “No, it’s fine. This is great. I mean it’s a little weird, but this is exactly what I wanted, to get away from being noticed for awhile. Thanks you two.”

“You’re welcome, ‘Megan’,” Krissy giggled and gave her new sister a hug. “I still have another couple of scenes to shoot, but I’ll meet you for dinner tonight, and then we can do whatever you feel like together. I have two days off while they film some battle scenes.”

There was a knock on the door, and Laura called, “Megan? Are you decent?” she giggled.

“Yeah I haven't changed yet.” Mark called back.

“Oh, good, you’re here too Krissy,” Laura said cheerfully. “I wanted to get both your opinions on something. I was talking with Mikaela about another scene with young Alessa. We’re thinking maybe a dream sequence where young Alessa talks to her older self. What do you both think?”

“A speaking role? I have to talk to my manager who is in the states right now,” Megan answered.

“Oh, I understand. It would be near the climax of the movie, so it wouldn’t be filmed till near the very end anyway. It’s just an idea we’re kicking around, so there’s plenty of time to decide.”

Megan nodded. “I’ll give her a call shortly and let her know, and she can call you guys. She said walk on non speaking roles are fine, but speaking roles I have to talk to her about first.”

“I understand completely,” Laura answered. “We don’t even have an idea of the revisions yet, so we’re completely open to working with your manager.”

Krissy laughed, “Our mother is her manager, and she’s pretty hard nosed. That’s why I technically fired her when I turned 18.”

“You mean she let you out of your contract,” Megan laughed.

“Well she had you to manage, and having to balance being in LA for you, and flying around the world for me would have been too much for her.” Krissy winked. “Anyway, I think it’s a great idea, as long as Mom gives her approval. I think Alessa needs a swift kick in the ass. Who better than her young self,” she laughed.

“Great. We’ll keep kicking it around for now. If she does say no, then we’ll work something else out though,” Laura answered reassuringly, and then turned to leave.

Megan opened her small pack and pulled out the envelop her mom gave her. “I guess I can start reading this on the way to go shopping with Tina. I’ve been putting it off because... Well, stuff keeps happening,” she laughed a bit.

“Ooh, new script?” Krissy grinned. “Good luck. I hope it’s not one of those lame B comedies like Hot Tub Time Machine or whatever.”

“I hope not either.” Megan sighed. “I really want to branch out. I enjoyed the heck out of My Brother Mark, but I really think I have talent enough to do something besides comedy.”

“Hell yeah you do,” Krissy giggled. “That scene earlier where you were watching Alessa’s mom leave, I swear I saw Laura wiping away a tear. That was perfect. By the way Tina has my platinum card, so don’t worry about spending money. Just have fun, okay?”

“I’ll try not to buy any yachts,” Megan teased as she hopped up to hug her sister. “Oh. I’d better change first. I mean this is cute, but it’s a little ... movieish for street wear, isn’t it?” she laughed and struck a dramatic pose.

Krissy grinned. “Hawt. You're going to be a heartbreaker.” she winked, “There’s some women’s clothing on the racks over in 3B if you want. I borrow stuff all the time.”

“Maybe I’ll buy a few skirts and shorts I can pair with my other stuff while we’re out,” Megan laughed, hugging Krissy again before she and Tina started out together.


Apparently Tina had already talked to the limo driver because when Megan had made her appearance, dressed in a pair of white cargo shorts and a powder pink tank top with a pair of girls’ sneakers, the driver simply gave the pair a cheerful smile and opened the door as they approached.

“Where to, ladies?” she asked upon entering the driver’s side again.

“Westfield Sydney,“ Tina replied. She turned to Megan. “You should so check out Sportsgirl for sure.” She had already completely forgotten Magen was really a boy.

“Sure thing,” the driver answered cheerfully.

Megan thought about Tina’s comment for a moment, but then shrugged. “What’s it like?” she asked. “I’ve never heard of it.”

“It’s a retroish fashion shop,” Tina said. “They have all kinds of amazing stuff in there!” Tina gushed as she pulled up the store’s web page on her tablet, turning it around to show Megan. The page had a cute gray and black variegated stripe style swing dress that Tina apparently had ‘Favorited’.

“Ugh, heels,” Megan laughed, pointing out the huge chunk heels the model was wearing.

“You really don’t like heels do you?” Tina laughed as Megan began to read over Mark’s movie script.

“Not really. When I had to dress like Juliette’s character Michelle, wardrobe had me in these wicked three inch heels to make me taller like her. They were really uncomfortable to try and walk in,” Megan answered casually. It never even dawned on her the other reason Mark would have said he hated wearing heels.

“Those shoes they gave me with Alessa’s outfit weren’t bad though,” she added, thumbing through the script with a frown.

“Hidden platform heels. It’s a neat movie trick to give you a tiny bit of height - to make you and the other actress closer in height,” Tina answered.

Megan looked up. “Those were platform heels? I always thought of those big seven inch high monstrosities from the 70s when I thought of platforms,” she giggled. The change from Mark to Megan was so subtle that she hadn’t even noticed it. The only one who would have known and had always known was Juliette but she never said anything.

Tina laughed, “They come in all sizes. The ones you had were three inch heels, but the platform was 1 1/2 so it was barely noticeable. And with the camera angles, neither will the audience.” she then commented, “You still haven't really hit your growth spurt yet have you?

“No, that’s why I keep getting cast in these brat roles,” Megan sighed, putting the script away. “This one is just awful. Like, Dennis the Menace meets Bart Simpson meets Jim Carrey awful.”

“Ugh. You should so call your mom and tell her no to that.” Tina sighed.

Megan nodded. “I mean I’m not against another comedic role - I’m really not. I loved working for Disney, and I hope they renew my contract, but I don’t want to be typecast as the dumbass or the goofy sidekick for my entire career,” Megan sighed as she pulled out her phone, quickly firing off a text to her mother, since she wasn’t sure what time it was in the States. The phone rang, causing Megan to jump.

“Hello?” she answered without thinking to check caller ID.

“Mark?” It was his mother, “You sent me a text.. I was kinda busy so I didn’t get a chance to read it. What can I do for you sweetie?”

“Oh, sorry. I was just letting you know I looked over the script, and you were right. It’s terrible. I should’ve let you just tell me as much,” Megan laughed softly.

“I’ll let them know you're not interested in the role.”

“Hey while I have you, um, I have another opportunity that’s come up... It’s kind of embarrassing though,” she trailed off.

“Oh? Tell me about it?”

“Well the director saw me talking to Krissy on set during lunch break, and I guess they overheard her joking about how I looked like a young her,” she continued to ramble on explaining, as she was sure she was on hands free voice or headset by now, how the whole thing had unfolded. “And now they want me to do a speaking role as young Alessa in a dream sequence. I told them I’d have to tell you and let you sort it before I could even think about it.”

“I’ll call your sister later, and the studio. You were right to tell them you had to call me first sweetie. How much did they give you for your walkon?”

“$500 AUD,” Megan answered. “Plus Laura told me to keep the outfit,” she added with a wry giggle.

“Cheapskates.” she laughed. “I’d have told them 1k and the outfit.”

Megan laughed a little. “I know, but I wasn’t even doing it for the money this time. I really didn’t want to do it at all but they were so desperate, and it sounded like a cool scene. I figured I’d just be a stand in until they could get a real...” she cut herself off before she could say ‘real girl’. “... experienced movie actress.”

“You’re an actor sweetie, playing the role of a girl shouldn’t be too hard. You’ve already done it a few times.”

“It’s weird. I thought it would be hard, but once I let go and just kind of went with it everyone around me seemed to forget - even Tina. Oh yeah, um, I’m going out as Megan to avoid autograph hounds,” Megan added with a giggle.

“That’s clever. Just be careful sweetie. Love you and talk to you later.” she hung up the phone.

“Sorry, what about me?” Tina giggled as she looked up from her tablet.

“Nothing,” Megan giggled. “I like this shade of nail polish. I didn’t think I would, but it’s growing on me. What’s it called?”

“Oh,” Tina answered as she opened her purse, fishing around. “It’s just something I had handy. It’s called Cotton Candy Sparkle.”

“It’s definitely a lighter pink than I’m used to seeing.” Megan commented.

“Yeah, I usually prefer something a little more intense,” Tina said, holding out her hand to show Megan her dark pink, almost purple nails. They were neatly manicured, but short. “If I wear pink at all,” she added with a giggle.

As the limo started picking up speed again, Megan couldn’t help a sense of familiarity. This was no mall - it was the airport where she had been picked up earlier.

“Um,” she asked, as the driver stepped out. “I thought we were going to Westfield?”

“Oh we are,” Tina answered. “We just need to stop and get something important first.”

Suddenly the back door opened and a white blur attacked Megan tackling her to the seat in a hug. “MEGAN!” Juliette squealed excitedly amid Megan’s terrified, startled scream and laughter as she hugged Juliette back.

“Juliette, what... How? I thought you were in New York!”

“I actually texted you from customs. If my flight hadn’t been delayed I would’ve touched down same time as you did.” she answered. “The movie’s kind of up in the air because the lead actor walked,” she sighed.

“Oh, wow. I’m sorry,” Megan answered sympathetically as Juliette settled in, taking a Barq’s root beer from the limo’s mini-fridge.

“I’m not,” Juliette laughed. “Like I said earlier, the guy they cast for pre-transition Samantha was a real prima donna who couldn’t stop hitting on me. It was awkward.” she sighed, “He even kept going after I told him I was seeing someone. I mean, he was 15, I’m 12. That’s just wrong on so many levels.”

“Ugh, what a loser,” Megan sighed and shook her head. “I’m glad you’re here though. You’re not going to believe this, but they want to give me a speaking role at the climactic scene in Dark Days.”

“Cool!” Juliette said excitedly. “Oh um, I have some news for you too.”

“Yeah, I told them they’d have to talk to my manager. Mom’s upset that I didn’t ask for more than 500 for my walk-on role earlier.” She paused, looking over at Juliette. “Doesn’t sound like good news.”

Juliette grinned and handed Megan a large script from her bag, ‘They’re thinking of moving film production here since Samantha’s actually from Sydney. My mom faxed this to your mom already, and I put your name forward for consideration before I got on the plane.”

“Wow... This is the script you were telling me about?” Megan asked, surprised, as she opened it.

Juliette nodded and smiled, “Next week you can go in and do a reading for them, if your mom approves of it first.”

Megan flipped through the script a few pages, and started to read. “Mom, I don’t know how else to say this, so I’ll just come out and tell you. I’m a girl. I mean, I’m a girl in a boy’s body, I mean... God dammit why is this so hard,” she sighed and looked forlornly at Juliette. Juliette picked up where she left off.

“It’s okay Samantha. You don’t have to tell her until you’re ready.”

“But if I can’t even say it to myself in the mirror, how am I supposed to face her?” Megan answered without looking back at the script. She grinned as Tina and the limo driver both started clapping.

“Ladies, I give you Samantha,” Juliette giggled. “That was great.”

“I’ll say,” their driver said, clearly dabbing at her eyes with a fresh tissue as they waited at a traffic light.

“This is perfect though,” Megan giggled. “I wanted to spend some more time as Megan, I mean, so I can go out without getting mobbed,” she quickly corrected herself. “This way I can get a better idea of what it’s like to live as a girl for the role, too.”


Krissy smiled as her sister, Juliette, and Tina emerged from the limo later that evening. They had already taken the girls out to a big fancy dinner. Megan even found a pair of patent black heels that she felt really comfortable wearing, and a nice navy dress. Krissy had the driver bring them ‘home’ to a small gated community of several bungalows, and Krissy led them up the short path to one, opening the door.

“Ok so I lied to mom just a small bit. See that house over there,?” she asked, nodding to the house next door. “That’s mine and Tina’s; you and Juliette will share this one.”

Megan laughed. “I wondered how long it would be before you finally came out and told me you and Tina were together.”

“Not much of a secret darlin’ girl,” Krissy laughed. “I never tried to hide it from you. It’s mom that scares the hell out of me.” Krissy handed the girls keys. “The studio owns these, so it’s yours for as long as you want it.”

“Cool!” Juliette giggled. “I hope there’s a walk-in closet in the bedrooms.” Tina laughed at that but didn’t say a word.

“We’ll see you two tomorrow, afternoon. Don’t hesitate to call the limo company if you want to go somewhere, and Megan, I left your credit card on the table in there. Mom said for me to hold onto it but I trust you.”

“Not like I can use it as Megan anyway,” Megan shrugged. “Thanks though.”

“Well,” Juliette yawned, “I don’t know about you guys but I’m exhausted. I couldn’t sleep at all on the plane.”

“I had the same issue.” Megan laughed. “Except I was so excited to be here I couldn't sleep once I got on the ground. I headed straight for the studio.”

“Glad you did, or you’d have missed the shopping,” Juliette teased. “I can’t wait to see you in those cute heels again,” she giggled. Their driver had already dropped off all their shopping, as well as their suitcases, so all that was left was to head inside, as Tina and Krissy returned to their own bungalow.

Inside the bungalow was a large livingroom, with an open kitchen, as well as only two doors.

“Oh,” Megan said as she stepped through the door. “Bedroom, I take it,” she said.

“Yup,” Juliette said, peeking inside.

Megan shrugged, “I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“I don’t mind sharing,” Juliette shrugged as well. “I trust you to be a perfect lady,” she added playfully and started to giggle. “Besides, there’s two beds.”

Megan laughed. “You brat!” she teased, throwing a rolled up stocking at Juliette.

Juliette’s eyes suddenly widened with excitement. “Oh God, it’ll be just like a real sleepover! Not like I would really know what a real sleep over was like... Just the fake ones we had on the show.”

“Well according to episode 7, Season 3, it’s where you capture a gullible boy and paint his nails and put his hair up in rollers, put weird green crap on his face...” Megan teased.

“Sleepover at Megan’s!” Juliette almost cackled. “I forgot about that episode!”

Next door, Tina glanced across the way as she and Krissy entered their bungalow.

“Think it’s such a good idea to leave two budding preteens in the same room together?” Tina asked.

“Normally I wouldn’t, but I watched those two grow up. Even with the Hollywood treatment there’s no way they’d do anything,” Krissy said, shaking her head. “I wish I was half as well adjusted as Megan when I was that age,” she added with a laugh.

“Well she did learn from your mistakes.” Tina laughed as they held hands, walking to the sofa. Tina sat down while Krissy walked to their open kitchen. She pulled out a bottle of wine with a cute little dolphin picture on the side, and poured two glasses..

“The most important one too, it sounds like. ‘Don’t grow up too fast’. I can’t believe she really let Juliette buy her a Barbie doll though,” Krissy said with a giggle. “I almost spit out my water when you told me that one.”

“Juliette is right Krissy, even grown up girls still have barbies.” Tina winked teasing Krissy about her 10,000 Barbie strong collection.

Krissy laughed. “Does that mean I can wrap you in plastic?” she teased back and leaned over to kiss Tina’s cheek. “Thanks for helping me get all this set up honey. I know it was short notice, but Juliette was right about one other thing. She’s so much more comfortable as Megan.”

Tina laughed, “Actually I redact my earlier statement about them staying together, It will help Megan grow and learn to be a girl.”

“We should have at least told them there are two beds in the bedroom, that we had to shove together,” Krissy laughed almost wickedly.

“Oh hey, walk in closet,” Megan laughed as she poked around the bedroom, carrying their shopping in from the living room.

“I was joking about that part,” Juliette giggled with glee. “I don’t even have one of these at home! Mom thinks it’s too gaudy and teaches bad habits. I think it’s just nice to have a place to hang my belts. Besides we’re sharing the closet, you have a lot of stuff to hang too.”

“So... How long did you know about me?” Megan asked, as she began taking big plastic hangers out of their wrapping, and putting new clothes on them to hang on one side of their new closet.

“About you?” Juliette asked as she opened the bottom drawer of a large dresser and began putting Megan’s intimates and sleepwear into it “Since first meeting Megan,” she answered.

She smiled as she walked over to Megan and put her arms around her. “You’re my best friend. I could see the change in how you walked, talked, even how you laughed. That’s why as soon as the other actor walked, I put your name forward for the role,” Juliette admitted sheepishly. “The reading is just a formality.”

The girls walked back to the living room, for now, and sat on the big, overstuffed white sofa. Megan sighed, but it was almost like a pressure valve - relief - as she nuzzled into Juliette’s shoulder, putting her arms around her. Neither said a word. There were no more words. They just sat quietly together, holding each other, until both, exhausted from the flight and from an evening of shopping, not to mention a big dinner, were fast asleep.

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