Caitlyn Continues To Be Amazing

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Caitlyn's ESPY acceptance speech started off slightly off key but quickly became . . . perfect.



Voice, voice, voice.

Yes, You're So Right

She's giving us a voice we've never had before.

As she said, she can take criticism, but so many young trans can't.

Professional US men's sports are extremely homophobic . . . at least fifteen years behind the times. You can count on one hand the number of admitted gay men in football, basketball, and baseball. She was facing a tough room. Yet she looked them all right in the eye and demanded acceptance, for us all, and made a great argument.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Can we agree to disagree?

Because I respect you so much, I hesitate to say anything more. I worry that she will have the opposite effect.

Her speech

Andrea Lena's picture

led to a great if somewhat incomplete but ongoing conversation with Mrs. D. One day at a time...


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Being in the closet

Wendy Jean's picture

helps no one but the person going stealth. There is nothing wrong with going stealth, it is a personal decision, but to make a difference you have to be out there, willing to take the abuse, so that people can see we are people.

I live my life that way, it looks like Caitlyn does too.

As for voice, that takes years of practice. I've been working on mine for almost 3 years. It is much better than when I started, but I still have a long way to go.


Yes . . . when she started she seemed silly and superflous. There's a distinct danger that her producers and directors will take her series toward the controversial and create a caricature.

Last night she came across as a compassionate woman who had found a purpose. If she sticks to that theme she will do wonders for everyone. She's an accomplished communicator. No doubt she will be flooded with "good ideas" from her party (Republican) and the LGBTQ community. I wonder which of the many Republican presidential contenders will reach out to her? Lindsey Graham and Rick Santorum have both made overtures.

I have faith in her. She swam with the sharks (Kardashians) and came through it with a semblance of dignity.

Is she giddy from the positive response to her transition? Of course, wouldn't you be in her heels? Are there terrible negatives we're not hearing about? You can be certain of that.

After her speech they promoted her series. I don't think it's for me -- any more than most reality TV.

It was enough for me to see Bret Favre applaud a trans. Who would have thought?

I also believe her tears were genuine as she discussed not wanting to hurt her family. I know the ones I had at that moment were.

I'm absolutely certain she made millions of ultra-conservative people think.

Could have she sounded more feminine? Perhaps that was a studied choice, as well.

Stunning gown! She looked a lot better than either Danica Patrick or Alex Morgan. How could a girl who looks runway ready on the pitch come across as frumpy? Of course, Lisa Leslie was gorgeous in bright yellow.

Caitlyn was the second best in the shot put in 1976. She had massive shoulders when she competed. I toyed with the shot put and could toss the 12 pound ball about as far as she did 16 pounds. Putting the shot is about quickness and technique, but does require strength. (I was the best in my high school class, probably because my athletic touchstone was quickness.) Yet, in that dress, with her hair worn as it was, her shoulders looked attractive.

I'm extremely excited for her . . . and us.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I have formed a little new respect for Ms. Jenner.

I'm not a fan for various reasons that will hopefully change somewhat in the future but her speech was excellent. It was in the perfect framing of the Arthur Ash Award's meaning and it was in depth and powerful.

I will be paying more attention to the lady.

Bailey Summers

I am sure some did

However, based on many of the comments I have seen on FB, many are digging their heels in much deeper. This is EXACTLY why Caitlyn deserved to win the Arthur Ashe award.

I agree....but....

Andrea Lena's picture

It's not so much for me that she deserved the award, though I'm very confident that she did? It's that she provided a familiar voice in the right context at the right time. That she is entirely prepared to accept criticism and rejection while pleading on my behalf against rejection? Our generation thankfully had Roberta Cowell and Christine Jorgensen. The next had and still has Lynn Conway and Wendy Carlos. This generation has Janet Mock and Kristen Beck and Caitlyn Jenner. The right voices at the right time. She may have deserved the award, but her voice now is why we needed her to win the award?


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

about voice

Teresa L.'s picture

Yes voice is "typically" higher, but i know cis women that have deeper voices than i, i got confused as a woman on the phone many times, but i have some small control over my voice (used to be a pretty decent singer, but many years ago, also was good at doing voice impressions)

Teresa L.

Teresa L.


The speech was very good. Though not the typical TG (are any of us?), She is becoming an effective spokeswoman for TG's. I doubt the wisdom of the reality show. But hopefully the added exposure will also help.

Ms Jenner

rlarueh007's picture

At first - I thought this was just a something to do another Reality TV/Cable show. But she has shown she can be spoke's person for the Transgendered Community! Richard

Three separate comments, one post!

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

Caitlyn Jenner's speech:
Pretty good speech. I hope it makes at least a few people think and it doe not fall on deaf ears. And I don't think she sounds bad, although she could sound better. Remember Individuals vary an awful lot.

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Reality Shows:
I hate "Reality Shows" or at least most those using that label. They tend to be fake crap or contrived situations done up for sensationalism. The only reality in them is that they are unscripted as to the reaction to the "set-up" situation. This has ruined the term "reality" when used in connection to shows that are not pure news, yet actually deal with actual real situations in some sort of news or informational way, or shows that simply do just follow along some real events. Hopefully Caitlyn Jenner's new show will be more documentary and informative then sensationalism.

- - -

Public reaction to Caitlyn Jenner:
While I do see a lot of the typical reaction to her as TG both good and bad. I also see a lot of comments dismissing "Caitlyn Jenner" as not being TG at all but simply "Bruce Jenner" willing to do anything to remain a celebrity, and/or simply dismissing "her" a irrelevant do to her connection to the "Kardashians". Among a lot of people this seems to completely eclipse the TG issues they simply view "him" as a publicity junky. I am not sure in what way this view of "her" transition may or may not impact public opinion on TG issues. It does seem to at least cloud the issues.

(note: Male name & pronoun used in context of other peoples opinions only)