NY Times Best Seller list

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The New York Times has banned Ted Cruz from their Best Seller list even though his book sales was the third most popular in number of sales. http://www.weaselzippers.us/228730-n-y-times-keeps-cruz-off-...
This is what I have explained to all our clients from thirty years ago to now. To us in the business it has been blatantly obvious they have their own list of anointed authors. Over time unknown authors have sold as many books or more than the number one on the list but were never mentioned. Without the extra publicity and push from the press it becomes a very quick sharp peak to selling lots of books and then none as the public reacts to the Best Seller list and you ain't on it. Then the books which aren't sold come back home from the book stores as "remainders".
It cost money to print
It cost money to advertise
It cost money to promote the book, the author, and all the free books mailed out to newspapers book editors for review. The large libraries also receive free books to generate interest of the public
It cost money to ship to the book stores
It cost money to ship them back to the publisher
It cost money to dispose of the books which didn't sell

The New York Times and the large publishers own the Best Seller List. They don't share with small publishers and unknown authors no matter how many books are sold that first month.

Although we never went to it, I love electronic publishing which the large publishers haven't been able to get their grubby little hooks into yet. If you are looking to be a best seller then go for it and I wish each and everyone of you that star you aimed at. Hope to be listed on the NY Best Seller List but if you aren't then you know why even if you are the top selling author in the U.S.

Live for today, not yesterday, nor tomorrow.
Write for yourself. If others enjoy your writing you will be doubly blessed.

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