Having been raised in a particular gender role clearly didn't ‘imprint’ for many BC readers but I thought that I at least understood males until in raising the next generation I discovered that the boys were like a whole different species. Today I found an old (2002) radio show on testosterone which pulled the whole who, what and how of sex, gender, character and identity beautifully into focus
Heck, I'm a cis male and I don't understand many members of my species - there seem to be several examples whose lives appear to be dictated by testosterone - especially when it comes to 'proving' their manliness (especially in the bedroom and bar - with women and booze regarded as conquests - the more of each they can handle, the better they are apparently regarded with like-minded peers) and/or maintaining a self-fulfilling prophecy about gender roles (some [hopefully a small minority] apparently not having evolved past the mindset of women as mere possessions who must be proved unable to compete with men at any task, who must firmly Know Their Place and must have any notions of independence crushed).
Then there's the more widespread concept of sex being one of the first few stages of relationship formation rather than something done after a stable relationship has formed (regardless of whether the pair wish to procreate or not).
Of course, biology is one of the most complex sciences - whereas in chemistry A + B = C (usually) in biology it could equal C, D, E, F, G or H depending on a whole bunch of environmental conditions and other reactions taking place at the same time. Multiply that up to the complexity of homo sapiens...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Knowing ourselves
I have often been annoyed by cis-female friends going OTT helpless to manipulate men but then get shocked by moments when without warning my own behaviour goes stereotypically girly!! Those moments feel very similar to a mirror opposite of the f2m in the programme who is appalled by his outrageous, apparently misogynistic, behaviour when taking testosterone.
Rhona McCloud
Both sexes have their stupidity is what sums it up
I have witnessed bizarre social behavior from both and having transitioned, done it by being in both cats. It's quite interesting with girls socially ripping me a new one for some bizarre reason on another in my face or behind my back. While the testosterone charged males do the stupidest things in front of females and then the stupidest responses by the females of course. To me it is the bizarre reproductive dance, with each playing the game, men with their exaggerated machismo and women with their makeup and clothes driven phony attractiveness. For women, the insecurity they hide behind makeup drives part of the hate to their unmade up brethem I have found.
OTOH what is there to understand?
The Football and/or a pint kinda sums most of them up!
I must be from Neptune¹, or sumtin!
I never did understand men, yet neither do I seem to understand women. Although at times I do feel at least some minor sympathetic feelings for both or either side of the fence. Maybe I just don't get humans. *sighs*
PS. I have noticed something curious. While a lot of the time it is different, If you pay attention, some of the time what the men say about the women, is exactly what the women say about the men. *looks confused*
¹ Can't say Mars that seem to stand for men. :p