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I've contacted Borders Books and I have their phone number to call, Monday morning, to try and work a deal with them. So far, the manager of our local Waldenbooks is more than happy to host the signing, even though I informed her as to the content of the book, and my Trans status.
The only hang-up seems to be the availability of the book through THEIR suppliers. I have told them I would be more than happy to supply as many as I could, and Erin has graciously offered to help with that, but, according to them, unless THEY can stock the book and sell it through their money system, it's a problem. I'm going to try to work it out with them, as I said.
As I said in my last blog about this, I fully intend to use this, if it happens at all, to make certain the world knows about the other books available through Erin and Lulu, and about the immense talent pool in the TG genre, who write for no more than a kind word, and self satisfaction, although I will certainly not 'out' anyone. I would NEVER do that!
If this signing happens, and knowing my town the way I do, it's inevitable that the local newspaper, as well as our local TV news will want pics/film/interviews. IF they do, I will make every attempt to get copies of them and make them available for you all to peruse, if you would like.
Well, wish me luck...again, and keep your fingers crossed for me?
Huggles from,
Catherine Linda Michel
Good Luck
Kudos, Congrats, Good Luck, Break a Leg (well, not literally), Good Show, Well Done, and Best Wishes. Hope you are successful.
Paula Young
A life lived in fear is a life half-lived
Catherine, That Is Great News
And I hope that you sell out of the books and that things go well for you and yours.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Congratulations, Catherine!
I hope I can find a copy of your book someday soon!
Mona Lisa
Congratulations, Catherine!
I hope I can find a copy of your book someday soon!
Mona Lisa