Tales of Anmar

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Tales of Anmar

Penny Lane and Julia Phillips are going to have to spend a lot of time collaborating.

Julina of Blackstone has a group going to the wedding i guess one more post for that.

Prince Torulf needs to be dwelt with at least one post for that.

then i think it will take some time to get the next chapters out.

grins would not want to see to really good authors having a cat fight


You have no idea

We have reached the stage where we have to closely co-ordinate in order to ensure everything hangs together correctly.

While the two stories mostly go their own way there are occasions when characters from one appear in the other and vice versa.

Part of the problem is with dates, and has resulted in us making an extremely detailed Timeline of what happens in both stories and on what dates. I will admit that sometimes we get it wrong...

With one exception Julia has chosen the party which will travel from Blackstone to the capital and I will be putting them up in the Blackstone Hotel shortly.

Torulf? Well, there is both more and less to him than he seems, but Rolf is another matter. Otherwise, preparations are well in hand for the festival and the subsequent marriages.

I'm about halfway through the next chapter but Real Life has intervened, about which I shall probably write a blog next week. Until then, don't hold your breath.



The rejected betrothed perhaps?

Darn that "real life". It seems to get in the way of the progress of many series.


Darn those Muppets! Unpredictable as always!

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Now just where did I put my claw sharpeners?

I like the principle behind your post, and I admire the fact that there is at least one reader who considers such stuff.

However .....

Let me state at the outset that this whole 'universe' was the brainchild of a supremely talented writer, named Penny Lane. It is my considered opinion that I am extremely lucky to be allowed to contribute to her world.

So now I have a little corner of this enterprise, I find I can do much with that corner.

Penny's comment above does not cover EXACTLY the situation that currently pertains. Yes I made a list of guests to appear at the celebrations so far downvalley, but only based upon Penny's writings. And I do subtle clever things (at least I think so) by, FOR EXAMPLE, not naming the entire party. This is to allow Penny scope to create threads and sub-threads, if she requires.
It was quite deliberate that I originally put Bezan into the party and then changed that to Yarling, because it gave me a chance to demonstrate just how quickly many people in Palarand have come to rely upon the semaphore. Penny had sent me a PM, or eMail maybe, to say that Yarling would need to go down, so I suggested, and Penny agreed, that I made it first Bezan and subsequently changed it to Yarling.

Now what's going to happen when the semaphore system breaks down???? (*grins evilly*)

In this way, Penny and I are working hand-in-hand. But I still get surprised by some of her content when she posts a new episode, and I hope that I also surprise her with the complete posts I submit.

I ask her permission to introduce MAJOR changes, events or characters, just in case her future plans for this series require something else to happen.

Having now gone on for far too long, I would like to reiterate strongly that Julina's tales are merely an attempt to relate events as seen from one character up in Blackstone, when the main narrative has moved off to focus on events a long distance away.
As it is Julina who is reporting, then, by definition, the events related can only be those with which Julina has personal knowledge. And so I have been developing her contacts amongst the 'movers and shakers' of that remote location.

Di Wonder has done wonderful, similar things with her taking up of Penny's suggestion that someone wrote about the Einnlander's experiences. These are very much a sideshow when it comes to the main story, but boy, didn't she do well? I know that poor Penny was also consulted by Di. Indeed I wonder (pun intended) just how Penny has the time to keep writing at such a high standard when she has me and Di, and others, all dropping her notes and asking pettifogging questions .....

To finally disappoint you totally, I consider myself honoured to be allowed to contribute to her world, so I can imagine no circumstances under which I would have a fight with Penny.

But I do need to keep my claws sharp!

Thank you for your kind interest in my attempts to add flesh to Penny's world.
