Some one gets it and so sweetly

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My mind is totally blown, my eyeballs are sweating and my heart is filled to bursting. I have just gotten lost in the most incredible movie. I would strongly encourage everyone who wants a deeper understanding to go on Netflix and watch "Boy meets Girl". Then let me know what you think.


Hoping this is a trend

An actual transgendered woman in a movie about a transgendered woman. Shocking! Hoping this will help pave the path for more transgendered people to be in more intellectual movies. Not just movies about transgendered issues, but others as well. And to think Michelle's hometown is about an hour away from mine. Pretty awesome.

~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.

I just happened to catch the first few minutes...

Ragtime Rachel's picture

...before I head to bed, and I have to say, I like it already. Not only for the star, but the fact the story doesn't seem to be so much about the main character's transition and the angst that goes with that. Every movie I've seen so far about transpeople has been a transition narrative, or they're newly-transitioned and still adjusting. For this girl, it's long been a done deal, and the movie seems like it's about the more mundane aspects of life (well, "universal" would probably be a better word), like finding that certain someone.

And as for the star, wow. Yet another absolutely gorgeous transperson. Much as I'd like to feel jealous of her, though, I can't help but like her.

Livin' A Ragtime Life,



Hypatia Littlewings's picture

I had missed that this movie was anything other then the usual. I must have missed the ads. Now I gotta see it!

>i< ..:::

I want to see it

But I wasn't impressed with the poster tag line, about love transcending gender, which rather suggests the writer doesn't understand the difference between sex and gender.

Or :

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

It could be just calculated to draw interest while fitting more general perceptions. Anything more correct might just confuse potential viewers who do not already understand the subject. It is just a poster tag line, those are designed primarily to gain interest.


Netflix canada sucks

Tried to watch this after the recommendation.

Sound levels were so low that even less than a meter away from the tv I could barely hear it!

I'm gonna order a bluetooth headset thingy for my tv. hopefully that will help.

I initially thought it was my equipement having set the volume on both my tv and my external speakers... but I later changed the channel and was nearly blasted into the suite next door!
