It seems amateur cyclists are doping as much as the pros

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Why am I surprised? Probably because I'm incredibly naïve and don't understand why anyone would want to do it. It's dangerous and pointless. What's the point of bragging rights, which apparently alpha males enjoy, if you cheated to get them? Some people seem to think it's worth it, I'm saddened especially as it's rife in youth cycling. Whoever is responsible should be jailed for a very long time - it's tantamount to child abuse and these are the people we want to develop in fitness, technique and ethics. Winning is not all. We need to do something to discourage this attitude, perhaps take some of the money out of sport and much of the glamour.

To lots of us, sport is important but it will only ever remain sport, a game - it isn't real life, it's entertainment. The trouble is there is so much money washing about and so much exposure of everything on media that the emphasis has changed. We're all so greedy and envious that perspective has gone out the window.

How we bring about that change, I don't know but exposing the need is a start.


As long as winning

Is all that people value, then this is the result. Think about the last TV sports show or the sports section in the paper. How much do you remember about the losing teams or the person that came in second? Probably not much. The prevailing attitude is that 2nd place equals loser. And nobody is interested in losers. Is it any wonder that people cheat for first place, the champions, the WINNERS!

I'm convinced much of the recent upsurge in dopers, etc is just that the tests have gotten better. It's been going on all along, but now the tests are better. It's a war between the testers and the cheaters. Better tests means finding better ways to cheat, which triggers the development of even better tests, and that leads to --- well, you get the idea. This is applicable to all areas of life in one form or another.

Ain't life wonderful!

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

There are several distinct groups...

As usual.
1. People who make loads of money selling supplements and steroids. Mind you, 50% of those are just snake oil, designed to part people with huge amounts of cash. Another 20 to 30% are just plain good for you as they just allow to recuperate faster and feel better. (don't forget marathon which is simply impossible without some substances outlawed for other sports. Properly trained human body can store enough energy to run for about 30 km. If you need to run any further without irrevocable damage to your body, or without the steak meal and couple of hours of the after dinner nap - you need some energy supplements. Did you know that quite a big percent of top marathon runners are diabetic?) Aditionally there is a rest of "drugs" most of which are good or harmless if their use is supervised by a doctor.
2. Huge number of the people caught "using doping" made honest mistake withot any effect on their ability. Caugh medicine, antiinflammatory drugs, pain relief medicine... Anything can be on the "banned" list. You can't just fix yourself a lemsip to relief flu simptoms. You first need to go and match every major and minor component with all of their trade name variations plus all of the products of their metabolism in the body against a list of banned substances.
3. There are just a few quid to be made on doping tests. One doping probe cost is 20 to 300 USD depending on laboratory not counting fees of "officials" who take the probes and ensure that they are not messd with. So doping tests are quite a big business as you have to take two probes and keep one for future testing in case some substance will be added to the banned list...

So... I understand your reaction. But you have to understand that someone wanted you to react in this way to get some more money and to place some more restrictions on you, Before starting campaign to jail all of the doping users don't forget to check your medicine chest and daily drugs and vitamins against a full Olympic list of banned substances. Huge percent of TG people would be jailed by default as most of the anti-estrogens and some anti-androgens are on the banned list! It is all good as a plot device to say that person taking estrogen can compete... But in the real life (from what I glimpsed in the related articles on the net) huge number of HRT drugs are on the banned list.

Aside from the doping

Aside from the doping controversy in general, I need to call BS on these comments about the marathon. Millions of people run marathons every year. The vast majority do so without using any illegal aids. It's quite doable. Train properly, drink to thirst doing the race, take in some calories during the race in the form of sports drinks or gels, and you're there. Nothing illegal, no permanent damage to the body.

I speak from experience.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Interesting situation...

Studied webs and internets some more... It looks like they actually allow to use maltodextrin supplements during competitions even thou it is shown in multiple studies that use of the maltodextrin increases performqnce of the athletes... So it is a performance enchancing drug, so it should be banned...
When I retire I will try to spend some time and compile anti doping rules into something that could be understood by ordinary people without medical degree... So far anything more or less official requires at least a degree in medicine combined with the degree in the law to comprehend :-(
Anyway, thanks for your point. Will try to do better next time ;-)
And... My point stands... Many of the HRT drugs are on the banned list. So fight for the heavy enforcement of antidoping rules will cause ban for TG athletes. FTM are especially disadvantaged in that situation as both anti estrogens and androgens are banned...

Studying "webs and internets"

Studying "webs and internets" without any basic understanding often leads people astray. Maltodextrin is a carbohydrate, a food, nor a drug. It is not illegal performance enhancement to eat and drink during athletic competitions.

You wrote:
"Studied webs and internets some more... It looks like they actually allow to use maltodextrin supplements during competitions even thou it is shown in multiple studies that use of the maltodextrin increases performqnce of the athletes... So it is a performance enchancing drug, so it should be banned..."


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Doping is hardly the worst sadly

At least you are only injuring yourself.

Deliberate injury to another player on the playing field is even worst imho.

This is seen in American Football, Football, Cricket, North American Hockey and Baseball and roller derby to name ones off the top of my head.

Problem, the penalty system in those sports are not designed to put a total stop to such behavior. They want to leave enough to stir up controversy to keep fans passions high and be 'involved' in the game and make it 'exciting' (and keep the money rolling in.) More Bread and Circuses for the masses to show off how 'macho' men or women can be.

I grew up watching sports but I don't watch any sports anymore that involve violence.

Nothing new...

I've seen even hobbyists dope in cycling marathons, years back when I did my first Spreewald-Marathons. People from every age group , amateurs and pros alike. I've even heard some people from my former cycling club openly talking about doping. and the various substances. It's all about winning, regardless of the consequences.
It's really sad, but that's the way it is. I suppose the openess in was a result for the GDR history in that club.

On the other hand, I can't remember a woman doping in cycling. I suspect it's much less happing among us.

>> There is not one single truth out there. <<

Nicole Cooke

Angharad's picture

Suggested it was rife amongst women cyclists too, sadly.


Bradley Wiggins had a lot to say about it

When he appeared on the BBC Radio 4 prog 'Desert Island Disks' yesterday.
His father used and also dealt in speed when he was racing.
The drugs didn't get him anywhere though. People said that wiggins snr 'wasn't as good as he should have been'.

I'm glad -

I just cycle for pleasure and even avoid the normal club runs except for the very occasional club Sunday morning 'rambles'. Even these can become a 'slog' if too many of the 'alpha apes' join in.

I cycle mostly alone at my own easy, comfortable pace and stopping wherever and whenever I wish.

The best times are when I turn up in the Gay village in Cardiff on a Saturday evening and cycle past the clubs before putting my bike to bed. There's often a chorus of 'Hiya Nana Bev!' before I pop into my apartment and change from Lycra to LBD for dancing.
Doping is for dopes!
