I am SO VERY happy to announce Bek D. Corbin has joined the family of Sapphire's Place Kindle Authors!
The first of MANY of his stories published is " Skeleton Crew"
"Doctor Zheng was a burned out has been doctor, stuck on a run-down patched together star freighter that was just a slower than light boat to nowhere. He wasn't the man to save the entire crew from a horrible death. But maybe he is the right woman for the job"
This is part of the Quickie series of shorter fiction, so it's only $2.99 and can be bought through this link.
Skeleton Crew: a Sapphire's Place Quickie
These links are through BC's link, so BC gets a "cut" to help defray site costs!
Woo Hoo
so many great stories
Bek D Corbin...
Was and is still amongst my absolute favorite writers. Glad to know I'll be able to purchase those stories and support a great author and the site at the same time!
~And so it goes...