Some Perspective, Please?

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I offer this column from The New Yorker: "Free Speech Crisis" Not to start an argument, or to inflame anything, but in an attempt to bring some perspective.

I have been a quiet lurker for almost 10 years - this site is a lifeline for those of us who are HEAVILY closeted. A long time ago, I sent the occasional PM, and posted the random comment here and there, but had gone dark for quite a while.
The recent media coverage of various events (and related blogging on this site) drove me to make a contribution, though. I find it very interesting the difference in magnitude between the issues that excite passionate responses in the US, and those issues worldwide that are all but ignored.

Incidentally, there is a transgender person referenced in the column - unnamed, but portrayed in an interestingly impartial, yet positive way.




Angharad's picture

I heard of those two people being murdered and woman being lynched for their free thoughts. Tyranny always despises free thinking and clamps down on the expression of those thoughts. Hopefully, one of the most wonderful aspects of the internet is giving those voices a place to speak and providing they speak without prejudice, people like me will listen to them. May there always be people of such courage.


Our Politicians

Politics is a business. If you can excite people with your rhetoric, you can make money. Big MONEY. If you excite the right people they will find ways to put you in power, so you can serve them.

The rules are simple. Fine controversial topics and make those topics even more controversial so that lobbyist will pour money on you to take their side of the issue.

Keep the issues alive at all cost. Never ever put any controversy to bed, because that would be bad for business.

Don't think about the downstream where the crazies live with their machetes, because how could that possibly be your fault?

The only thing filthier than politics is religion. Politics relies on fear and loyalty to a cause. Religion takes it a step beyond by introducing the fear of a horrible afterlife and raising that loyalty to blind faith.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)