Whilst reading Blog entries within the last 2 weeks I saw a link to an authors web page.
The Blog entry had a help request for I think for something to do with email or feed back within a website, something I know nothing about, but this was why the link was included in the comment section.
I began to look at the site in question. I had thought I added to my favourites, as this seems to be wrong, I am at a loss.
Did you mean...
The 'Joe SixPack' site that Angharad posted?
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Wasn't Joe Six Pack
Wasn't Joe Six Pack, Thanks Hope, it was the site of an author and had same name as the author.
If I could only remember the authors name and I'd be half way there.
Well I found one thing computers are good for, they have good memories, and if they don't you replace it, unlike mine can't replace that.
It was probably this thread http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/blog-entry/55540/help-requested and the author was Katie Leone

It was that
It was that Thread that reminded me of the one I'm trying to remember.
I've definitely got Katie's Page in my Favourites.
It was definitely a clickable link, is clickable a word?
Thanks Shiraz
maybe maddy bell
maddy bell has her own site that's the same as her name, maddybell.com she's had problems with her site and asked for help in a blog.
Personal sites
I also have www.shiraz.me.uk but I never mention it! Oh, dear.
No not Maddy
No not MaddyBell.com, although most are fans of Drew, I've got to say I more a fan of Nena the tour guide.
What I remembered most about this site
What I remembered most about this site was a page set aside for a discussion forum for on going stories and new story ideas, and that this page had an image of a quill pen on it.
The page was tagged as 'UNDER CONSTRUCTION', due to the image I thought that the tag should have read 'Still In The Ink Well'
Hope this helps
Thanks for all the Help so far.