My entry for the Summer Getaway contest is coming along nicely. I've got what I think are fun characters, a simple but fun plot, and some fun stuff planned for it.
So, I need to know: should I finish writing the entire thing before I start posting it? Or, should I post it as I write it?
Either way, you're getting a serial, because let's be honest here: serials get more reads and more comments. I'm looking at something that's going to be around, oh, 15 parts or so at most, and around 3k words a part. Posting, either way, is going to be a part every 3 days or so, and I WOULD wait until I had at least 4 parts ready to start. That leaves us with just the question of should I wait any longer than that.
What do y'all think? I know my ability to finish stories I start isn't the greatest, but I'm getting better about that, and I have a good feeling about this one. So, lemme know what you'd prefer.
Then I'll probably start posting it as I write it anyway, just 'cause I'm like that. But, hey, I'd still like to know what people want.
Melanie E.
Finish it first
You never know, you may be getting towards the end and find your character should have done something at the start. If it's posted, it's too late to go back.
Then, there are people like me with such abysmal memories I'll only start reading a story when it's all posted, since if I have to wait a week or so between chapters, I'll have forgotten what happened previously,
If this were a deeper, less fluffy piece I'd agree
but it's not. This is just a kinda light, feel-good story about a boy-who-should-be-a-girl finding herself. No heavy emotional stuff this time around, or complicated events unfolding. Just a lazy couple of weeks spent as a girl with her best friend.
Abysmal memory? That's what re-reading is for, sistah!
Melanie E.
"Well Begun is Half Done"...
…or so said a line we had to copy three times or so periodically during fourth grade handwriting lessons. (1960, though it sounds like something from about 50 years earlier.)
Not that I agreed with the sentiment. But since it seems to be enough of a concern for you to ask us, you might want to get about eight parts into it and be satisfied that it's solidly on track before starting to post.
(who never gets close to that point before his stories bog down)
Good idea on at least being further in.
And eight parts at my current rate shouldn't be too hard, since I've been writing on (the current version of) it for about 24 hours now and I'm already about 2/3 of the way through part 2.
I know the basics of the plot. Heck, I even know some of the specifics for later on. It's all just getting it down on paper and filling in the corners that's left.
Melanie E.
Sounds perfect for posting as you go
As you said it will attract more comments and maybe one of us will say something that inspires you. It will also possibly have more reads posted in parts as we now know your ambitions for it regarding time and size.
Rhona McCloud
Bear in mind
that Bike started as a fluffy piece that I thought might make four or five episodes. Some people probably wish it were true.
Dear Anghie,
Though I am ashamed to admit I have not continued to read your saga, it was NOT for lack of high quality writing. (It just became a little overwhelming.) I have always been in AWE of your tenacity and infinite imagination.
Four or five episodes, indeed. I suggest that in some FAR distant future, when you finally shuffle off this mortal coil, they lay you to rest clutching your latest computer; there might still be a story or two forthcoming?
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
But others of us.....
Are very happy that it has not ended!
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I think that I might have begun reading your story several years back. However, I've now been waiting until it was complete. And now, there's a serious question if I'll actually read it since it's so long. I think that it would have been a better idea to post it as a series of shorter stories.
-- Daphne Xu
One word
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
Which ever suits you
I usually write as I post and as Rhona points out you sometimes get an idea or inspiration from the comments left.
Of course there is a down side in that unless you are a good proof reader or have a good proof reader mistakes can creep into the story.
As far as Angharad and dormouse is concerned more power to her pen I love the series.
Personally, I prefer to write, then post.
I like to write the entire story out, in a rough draft. Then, post the chapters, as I finish the second drafts of those chapters.
This way, there is less chance of having to stop in the middle of the story. I have everything written in a readable format. I just want to do one more look at it, as I post it.
The only reason I have no posted the next chapter to my anthology, in the last few days is this chapter, chapter one of Book Three of my stories, is especially long.
You could also try posting first then writing, but I'm afraid it will break our reality :-)
My personal opinion is: post as you write. Then edit and correct it there and back again, then post full edited, improved and corrected version.
At least if you stop it in the middle we will still have posted portions to enjoy (some of my favorite stories were not finished. Some of them will never be finished... :-( ... )
Definitely write and then post
I don't care about waiting.
To finish or not to finish, that's the question
First let me say I've done it both ways and I've found finishing a story is much more enjoyable. When I posted Show Me the Money I couldn't wait to show what I had written, Seeing as the story is quite long, I would stop writing and the next thing I knew was readers wanted more and wanted it now. This put preasure on myself to hurry and write and I didn't like the need to hurry and fill someones wants. After that I decided writing the whole story is much more relaxing and if edits had to be made they could be without screwing up your work. As an example, I posted a tease for my novel Twisted, probably five yeqars ago and as I reread it to start writing again I found it was dated and I had to change parts of it. Another thing to think about is that you can post as quickly as you wish and not have months between chapters. I recommend finishing the story and then post it, Arecee
For a Story
Write the story. Wait a couple weeks. Revise the story. Perhaps get a friend to read it. Revise the story. Then post. If the story is short, some steps may be omitted. "Short" probably means short enough for a single post.
In writing, one could change one's mind about something that happened in the early part of the story.
If one is planning (or considering) a series of stories, do the above for each story. It's not necessary to write the entire series out before posting. One may post the story, then write and post its sequel.
-- Daphne Xu
Thanks for the input everyone!
Since the general consensus seems to be "finish the dang thing first," I'll try and do that.
As for the multiple revision steps, Daphne... that just isn't the way I write. What you see on the site of my work is almost all first-draft material with only a couple of notable exceptions. I simply don't have the patience for that kind of thing. Heck, I usually don't even do OUTLINES; I just write it, and come what may. This usually works out for me since I write linearly rather than skipping around to different parts of the story, so I usually WON'T change earlier things to fit later ideas since the later ideas will grow from the earlier parts to begin with.
We'll see what happens.
Melanie E.
Here's my thought on the
Here's my thought on the matter.
If you need or want the feedback as you go in order to change the flow of the story, then post as you write. If you are just writing a story you have mentally complete from beginning to end, write it, revise it, then post it. Maybe have someone read it over before posting.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Post or Wait?
I would do whatever works best for your writing style. I am working on a story myself and I originally intended to write a couple of chapters then start posting. However, I found my characters developing in unexpected directions requiring revision of the earlier chapters. Now my story is considerably longer than what you are undertaking (12-15 chapters @ 6-8k words per chapter) so you may not have the same problem. I am working on ch 6 now and hope to begin post the early chapters after writing a couple more.
Good luck whichever you choose.