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I was in Church tonight when the teacher asked what would happen if the sign said " Homosexuals And Lesbians Welcome Here." That sparked a lively debate.

I wonder just how many churches actually welcome all into the church? I would hope that there were more Churches that would open their doors to all.

By the way, I came up with the slogan "All T.G. welcome here." which is how it should be.


Railing against the church

I was 4 square, Baptist, and Calvary Chapel. None of those are accepting, though CC did give it a shot. Interestingly, ELCA Lutheran churches are supposed to be accepting, and much to my surprise, the Christian Missionary Alliance churches say they are. As some of you may already know, even those who say they accept Transwomen but have not had direct exposure have underestimated the task. We are quite a lot for even the well meaning to deal with.

Interestingly, to those anxious to embrace the Muslim faith, they were very willing to accept me; the problem being that I had three children. If a young transwoman wanted to do it, and had no children, it would probably not be a problem. :)

Presentation of self

I as a Born Again Christian attend a United Methodist Church. However getting there took some time and some ostracism by other churches. Individually a lot of church goers will tell a TG person ,Gay, or Lesbian they have no problem, but collectively they will do all they can to stop any one not befitting their ideals from attending.
I approached the pastor of the church I attend, sat with her and explained my bliefs and my being a born again Christian. I don't think it is necessary for the entire congregation to know I am intersexed. I am accepted as a woman in the church.
I dress as any other woman my age would dress, My hair is styled the same. My game plan if you will is to fit into the general public. I am not doing stealth, I am just blending in as it should be.
My personal belief is those who have told me i cannot come to worship will have to answer to a higher power. The God I serve is a loving God, he gave his son so I can have eternal life. His son walked among us. He did not walk with Kings and the well do do, no ,he walked with the dregs of society according to the people of his time.
I have wrestled with my Christianity and my being intersexed feeling I was an abomination and unwanted. Because of my belief I prayed hard and I prayed for answers.
Today I am very comfortable in my own skin as a Christian and as an intersexed woman. I have an inner peace that I have not had ever before.

Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

Why is attending physical church necessary?

Can you practice your faith without a priest or minister and a building? From these letters, so many churches have hurt people who go to them for help. Why beat yourself up by looking for a church to attend? Be what ever faith you choose without those narrow minded people that are often found in organized religion. Maybe it is the social connection, I don't know.

Mr. Ram

Quite so. According to the

Quite so. According to the bible Jesus taught AGAINST praying in churches (or synagogues as they were in his day). Jesus taught that God was not impressed by public prayers (Matthew 6:5-6): "And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who sees in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you." Makes you wonder if televangelists ever read the Bible.

Welcoming Congregations

A term that has become somewhat formalized for churches that actively welcome GLBT members is "Welcoming Congregations". Many display the distinctive rainbow flag somewhere, as well as smaller signs proclaiming themselves a "Welcoming Congregation" (with or without explanation). Most of the Unitarian Universalist churches I have seen are actively welcoming, and all are accepting. I have seen the flags and signs in a few other denominations as well, but I can't speak to their organizational or dogmatic stands.



I attend church for the fellowship of like minded individuals. Yes, there are hypocrites in all avenues of religion. I have been among pentecostals, 4 square, and some that preach universal brotherhood to find that only if I meet the churches criteria can I become a member. That criteria is usually known as the "Church Discipline/Doctrine" which is written by man in accordance with what man thinks is appeasing to God and to the decrees of the people of the church. It actually creates more problems then helps.
The Bible does tell us to fellowhsip.
I have attended Unitarian services. It is not about God from the services I've attended. I'm not sure what it is about but I certainly felt lost when the service was over.
I live as I feel the Bible tells me to. My life is my living witness as to being a Christian. I also verbally witness to others about becoming Christians. I am supposed to, to spread the "Good News."
Am I any better than anyone else? not really, I am not perfect by any means, I'mjust forgiven.

Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.


I don't want to start a row, but what the hell has it got to do with anyone which side of the stamp you prefer licking, whether it be both sides or even neither?

Churches should not make those kinds of differentiations. Is a sinner not a sinner whether he, she or it is gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual or asexual?

Aren't they supposed to be teaching the word of God?

I'm not interested one way or the other, but it seems to me to be a lot of bluster over nothing. When those that teach the word of God start saying you can listen, but you can't, then I think it's time that questions were asked of the kind of people that are calling themselves Christians.

On an episode of Boston Legal, a black man was having a real pooh time in life, having been brought up on charges of murder after having been wrongfully committed for a rape he didn't commit. It was proved that he didn't commit either crime. Then if that wasn't bad enough, because of the slant against his name, the townsfolk tried to run him out -- led by the preacher. Then he was banned from using his car because he was a registered sex offender. Even though the man was neither a sex offender nor was he a murderer, the church told him to get out of town.

Next thing we knew, the man was gunned down.

So although it's a fictional series, we know from what people have said on this site, how judgemental some can be towards GLBT types, people of African American origin, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, French, Polish -- in fact anyone who doesn't think, dress or act as the apparent majority would like and I get the impression that it's being led by the church, or religion at least.

What good is it if the people we turn to for guidance are racist, homophobic bigots?

It seems that people with a slightly different outlook, dress-code or sexual preference are being treated like lepers and yet Jesus himself healed ten lepers.

Wouldn't it be nice if these so called God-fearing priests, preachers and other so-called Christians could take a leaf out of the original Christian's book and rather than fearing GLBT people as they did back in JC's day with the lepers, to see that they are just people who want to love and be loved, to pray to the same God as everyone else.

Jesus didn't differentiate, so isn't it a slur on his good name for these so-called Christians to?

I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.

Hypocrtites are everywhere

As with any thing people who are biased often feel they have the most viable solution.
I as a Christian find it abhorrent to see others under the name of Christianity do things that Jesus himself would never do. Two commandments he gave us in the New Testament were to Love the Lord thy God and love one another. Simple process taken so far out of context. There are no caveats in those two commandments. In the Bible Isiaih chapter fifty eight conveys that Gods ways are not our ways and Gods thoughts are not our thoughts. However mankind has used Gods name to differentiate and to kill in many manners of ways.
A few years ago people were asked What Would Jesus do? Apparently the majority have forgotten or really just don't know.

Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.