Mathew's Secret Desire - Chapter 1

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This is my first attempt at both writing and posting a story. It's still a work in progress so please bare with me. Any "constructive" criticism and advice is appreciated. Thank you for your patience.


Eleven year old Mathew Stevens is enjoying life to the fullest. He has Parents and a Sister that adore him. His Teachers at School have nothing but praise for him and his grades are the norm for a person his age. His girlfriend, April is also his best friend.
Yes life is good. But Mathew has a secret, a secret that he has kept hidden away, for as long as he could remember. But now that secret is starting to fight back, it’s starting to fight its way to the surface, and it’s beginning to bother him.
Will he give in and let it consume him, or will he fight back and push it back into the depths of his soul, where he keeps it?
Only time will tell.

Mathew’s Secret Desire
By Daphne46

Chapter One

Mathew Stevens woke up to the dull muted sound of rain hitting the roof of his bedroom. Off in the distance, the rumbling of thunder could be heard. Through the opening in his curtains, Mathew could see the overcast sky, and the rain hitting the window. A flash of lighting suddenly lit up the semi darkness of his bedroom, which was quickly followed by a louder rumble of thunder.

Groaning inwardly, Mathew pulled himself out of bed and stepped over to the window. Pushing the curtains fully open, he looked out at the dreary scene before him. The rain hitting the window made it a bit difficult to see out, but what Mathew could see was that there was no one outside.

‘Great.’ He thought sullenly to himself. ‘What a way to start summer vacation.’ He stared out the window for a few more moments, then turned and walked into his bathroom, turning on the light as he entered. Pulling his pajama bottoms down, he sat down on the toilet. After reliving himself, Mathew washed his hands, and then walked back into his bedroom. With the curtains fully opened the room was brighter, and Mathew noticed an envelope sitting on his desk.

Mathew walked over to his desk and picked the envelope. The hand writing on the front told him that it was from his Girlfriend April Allan or ‘Double A’ as he sometimes called her. Even though there was a year difference in their ages, and most boys considered girls gross, Mathew liked April. She was kind and pretty and shared most of the same interests he had.

Opening the envelope, he saw that it was a birthday card. He pulled the card out to see that it had a picture of a clown riding a unicycle holding bunch of balloons. The caption on the front read. ‘I Hear It’s Your Birthday. Look inside and I’ll Give You Your Present’

Mathew opened the card and a small pie on a spring popped up at him which caused a smile to tug at the corners of his mouth. The effect lifted his spirits a little, not much, but a little. Just then a sudden clap of thunder snapped him out of his daydream state he found himself in.

“Yikes! That was close!” He said aloud. “Hope nothing got hit.”

Mathew put the card and envelope back on the desk and went over to his dresser. Opening the top drawer he pulled out a pair of grey socks and underwear. From the next drawer he got a white t-shirt and a pair of tan shorts. After closing the drawer he turned and went over to stand next to his bed. He placed the clothes he had selected down and began to remove his pajamas.

The first thing he put on was the underwear, but as he picked them up, he was suddenly hit with a wave of warmth, and a tingling in his groin. The feeling passed as quickly as it came, and he put the underwear and the rest of his clothes, then turned and left the bedroom.

Mathew walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. His sixteen year old sister Janice, stood in front of the stove and was dividing up the scrambled eggs, she had cooked onto plates on the side. Mathew adored Janice. She didn’t treat him some annoying useless monster, that most of her other friends treated their younger brothers. That’s not to say she didn’t tease him, but any teasing was all done in fun.

“Good morning sport.” She said glancing over her shoulder.

“Good morning.” Mathew said.

Janice put the skillet in the sink, then picked up the plates and turned towards the table. She put one plate down in front of Mathew and the other in front of her place, and then sat down.

“I thought I’d make scrambled eggs and bacon.” Janice said as she picked up the ketchup bottle.

“Thanks.” Mathew said. Mathew picked up his fork and started eating.

“Did you see the card on your desk from April?” Janice said putting the ketchup bottle back down.

“Yes.” Mathew said. “It was a clown card.”

“Cool.” Janice said. “April always knows what to get.”

“Yeah she does.” Mathew said with a mouthful of food.

Janice looked at Mathew with a disappointing look on her face.

“Mathew you know not to talk with your mouth full.”

“I thought you liked sea food.” Mathew said smiling.

Janice opened her mouth to speak, but wasn’t able to say anything, for at that moment, their Mother entered the kitchen.

“Mathew listen to your sister.” Their mother said sitting down. “Your father and I didn’t raise a farm animal.”

Sara Stevens grabbed a box of cereal off the table and poured some into a bowl. She then poured some milk and added some sugar.

“Now apologise to your sister.”

“Sorry Janice.” Mathew said feeling a pang of guilt.

“Apology accepted.” Janice said with a wink.

A smile broke out on Mathew’s face and he continued eating. He noticed that Janice had on a white tank top with a faded pink heart in the middle. Mathew also noticed she was wearing a pair of cut off form fitting jeans, when she was dividing up the eggs. Mathew’s mother on the other hand was wearing a simple flower patterned sundress. Her light brown hair, usually hung down to her shoulders, but today she had it pinned pack in a ponytail.

“I want you to behave yourself today Mathew.” Sara said. “I have some work to do, and Janice will be out with her friends.”

“Ok.” Mathew said finishing up the last bite of bacon from his plate.

Sara smiled. “Good boy.”

Mathew stood up and took his plate over to the sink and rinsed it off, then placed it in the dishwasher. He then turned back to his mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Love you mom. I’ll be in the media room.”

“Ok sweetie. Love you too.”

With that Mathew bolted from the kitchen and down into the media room.

Mathew entered the media room and plopped himself down on the couch. Grabbing the television remote off the coffee table, he turned on the television and changed to the channel he wanted. After about five seconds he realized the show that was on was a repeat, and he didn’t feel like watching it, so he changed to another channel.

But it was the same with that show as well. After flipping to a couple of other channels, he decided that there wasn’t anything on worth watching, so after turning the television off, he picked up a magazine and started to thumb through it.

While looking through the magazine, he came across an advertisement that caught his attention. It was an advertisement for women’s hosiery which he had seen countless times before, but something about the ad this time, made him stop.

Hilroy’s Family Clothing Store
Large Selection of Women’s
Pantyhose and Tights
Many Styles and Colors available
Also great selection of
Children’s Sizes available as well
For both Boys and Girls

Mathew read the ad again to make sure he had read it right.

‘Also great selection of Children’s sizes available as well, for both Boys and Girls!?’

There was no mistaking it. He had read the ad correctly. It did say for ‘Both Boys and Girls.’ It had to be a mistake. Why would an ad for a clothing store say such a thing? There had to be a logical answer. But what was it?

Mathew was so engrossed in thought, that he never heard the doorbell ring. He never even heard when April said his name the first time. It was only when she sat down next to him on the couch, and poked him in the ribs, that he noticed her.

“What? When did you get here?” He said his mind still not fully alert yet.

“About a two minutes ago.” April said sounding annoyed.

“Sorry.” Mathew said closing the magazine and placing it back on the table. “I must have been daydreaming.”

April turned her head to look at him.

“I’ll say. You didn’t even hear your mother ask you answer the door.”


“Are you feeling ok?” April asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Mathew answered. “I was just daydreaming that’s all.”

“Must have been some daydream.” April said.

They sat in silence for a moment, and then Mathew looked at April and in a hushed tone of voice said.

“I had that feeling again when I was getting dressed.”

April turned her entire body to face Mathew this time, and in the same hushed, but more interested tone of voice said.

“Just like last time? Or did you picture yourself wearing them?

“It was just the feeling.” Mathew said. “No picture.”

“That’s too bad.” April said. “I really would have liked to have heard what you looked like in them.”

Mathew quickly glanced at the magazine he had been looking at, and then back to April.

“Well maybe next time.” He said.

“Did you get my Birthday card?” April asked in her normal voice.

“Yes I did.” Mathew said. “Thank you.”

April smiled.

“You’re welcome. I thought the clown looked nice and the pie popping up was funny.”

“It was.”

“I have your Birthday Present with me.” She said leaning down to retrieve a small brightly colored gift bag. She handed it to Mathew with a smile on her face.

“I hope you don’t already have it.” She said. “I couldn’t remember if you did or not.”

Mathew looked in the gift bag, then reached in and pulled out the latest version of his favourite and popular video game.

“Yes!” He said with enthusiasm. “Thank you April, I’ve been wanting this since it came out in May.”

“I’m glad. As I said, I wasn’t sure if you had it already or not.”

Mathew looked up at April.

“I don’t have enough money.” He said.

Mathew looked down at the cover illustration, and then in a burst of unexpected excitement, he shot forward, and kissed April right on the lips. The unexpected move caught April off guard, and she fell back on the couch, the back of her head, just missing the hard arm rest by an inch. Because of the way she was sitting, when Mathew kissed her, the front hem of her dress fell backwards exposing her panties.

“Cut that out!” April said when Mathew straightened up. “You know the rules about kissing?”

“No lip kissing until we’re in High School.” Mathew said still bursting with excitement. “I’m sorry April. I don’t know why I did that.”
April propped herself up on her elbows and regarded Mathew for a second or two.

“I’ll forgive you this time.” She said, then after a moment’s pause said.

“It was a nice feeling having you kiss me on the lips though. Not gross like thought it would be.”

Mathew was now sitting up straight, and from that position April almost filled his entire sight.

“I’m glad you liked it.” He said slowly, as his eyes fell from her face, down her upper body, and stop at her light blue panties.

Suddenly realizing that the hem of her dress had ridden up, and was exposing her panties; to Mathew’s gaze. April quickly sat up straight, while at the same time, smoothing the hem of her dress down.

In the time it took Mathew to look down April’s body till she sat up. He saw that she was wearing a light blue summer dress, with ruffles on the shoulder straps, and white lace trim around the hem. She had on a pair of white ankle socks which also had lace trim them.

“Were you looking under my dress?” She asked in a hushed voice.

“N...N...No!” Mathew stammered, as he felt his face getting hot. He quickly looked away from April, embarrassed to have been caught doing something bad, especially to her.

April saw the color rise in Mathew’s cheeks, and the way he quickly turned away from her, told her that he had. “It’s alright if you were.” She said keeping her voice low. “All you have to do is ask.”

Mathew turned to look at April as he started to speak, his voice louder than normal.

“I can’t do tha.....” Was all he could say before he felt April’s right hand cover his mouth.

“Keep your voice down!” She scolded him in a hushed tone.

After a moment she slowly pulled her hand away from Mathew’s mouth, while all the time keeping her eyes locked on his, almost daring him to speak loudly.

“I can’t do that.” He said lowering his voice.

“Why can’t you?” April asked.

“Well for one thing it’s wrong. And secondly, both our parents would kill us if they found out.”

“You’re probably right.” April said. “But I know I wouldn’t say anything if it was you who asked.”

Mathew sat in silence for a moment, thinking. The look on April’s face told him that she was telling the truth, when she said she wouldn’t tell anyone. It was four months now, and she hadn’t said a word to anyone, about the secret, he had suddenly blurted you to her one Saturday afternoon, in March.

‘Maybe I can ask her.’ He thought. ‘She hasn’t told anyone about my secret, and I won’t go telling anyone I asked to look under her dress.’ Mathew glanced down at the magazine he had been looking at, then back up to April. He was about to speak, when his mother suddenly appeared in the entrance way.

“April, your mother just called.” Sara said. “She wants you home now.”

April turned her head to look in Mrs. Stevens’s direction.

“Ok.” She said turning back to Mathew and stood up. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Ok.” Mathew said as a sense of relief came over him. April turn and started to leave, but then at the last instant, she spun back around, stood in front of Mathew, and leaning down, planted a kiss on his left cheek. Then turn around again and walked out of the room.

Sara Stevens sat at her desk, going over a list of houses that were up for sale. Being the owner of a successful Real Estate Agency, she could afford to set her own hours of work. Sure she could spend every day at the office, and leave Janice to look after Mathew, when she and her husband weren’t around. But she felt that would be unfair to both children. And besides, the staff she had were all capable of handling things without her.

She had just sat down again after letting April in, when the phone rang. On the other end of the line was here Sister Vicky.

“Stevens Residence; Sara Stevens speaking......Hi Vicky, what can I do for you?” Sara paused while Vicky spoke.

“No we moved Mathew’s Birthday Party to tomorrow. Weather report said we were going to get a nasty Thunder storm today, and they were right.” Sara said and then paused.

“No. Mathew’s girlfriend got him the game. She’s giving it to him now.” Sara paused while Vicky spoke.

“Well if you want, Mathew also had his eye on a model of the Apollo 11 Moon Rocket.” “Yes the one they landed on the Moon with.” Sara rolled her eyes. She loved her sister, but sometimes she could be a bit clueless.

“Ok then.” Sara said. “Oh? What’s the problem?” Sara listened while her sister spoke, occasionally giving either a ‘yes’ or an ‘I see’ in way of response.

“I’ll see what I can do, but I can’t promise anything, Vicky.” Sara said.

“I know Mathew will do just about anything for Megan, but trying on a dress to see if it fits, isn’t one of them.” Sara paused again.

“I know they’re about the same size, but I really don’t think Mathew wants to wear a dress.” Sara said starting to get a little annoyed. At the moment, a soft beep sounded in the ear piece indicating that there was another incoming call.

“Look Vicky, I have another call.” Sara said cutting her sister off. “I’ll see what I can do, and get back to you, ok?”

“Love you too, Bye.”

Sara pushed the hook switch to end the first call, and then pushed a button on the number pad to connect the second call.

“Stevens Residence; Sara Stevens speaking.”

“Hi Sara, its Brenda.” April’s mother said.

“Hi Brenda, how are you?” Sara asked.

“I’m doing great. How about you?”

“Can’t complain.” Sara said. Then added as an afterthought. “Well I can, but who’d listen.”

“What’s the problem?” Brenda asked.

“Oh nothing serious. Just my sister being her usual......self.”

“Ahh.” Brenda said understanding.

“Megan’s Birthday is a week after Mathew’s, and she’s too busy to get the dress she picked out for her. So she wants me to take Mathew down to Hilroy’s and get him to try it on to see if it fits.”

“Yep.” Brenda said, with a hint of laughter in her voice. “Vicky is defiantly being.....herself.”

“Like come on, she should know what size dress her own daughter wears.” Sara said. “I mean, I love Vicky to pieces, but really.”

“Have you asked Mathew yet?” Brenda said.

“No, I was still talking to her when you called.”

“I see. So what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know. I’ll ask him, but I already know what the answer is going to be...NO!”

Both Sara and Brenda laughed at this, but then Sara got serious for a moment.

“I guess I’ll have to bribe him with something. What I don’t know. All I know is it ‘ll cost.”

“Well don’t go overboard.” Brenda said. “And don’t push the matter.”

“I know. I already told Vicky I wasn’t promising anything.” Sara said. “So will see.”

“Good.” Brenda said. “Now the reason I called. Is April still there?”

“Yes.” Sara said. “She’s giving Mathew his present.”

“Ok.” Brenda said. “Can you tell her to get her fanny back home? We’re supposed to be at the Optometrists office by Eleven thirty.”

“Sure thing.” Sara said. “I’ll send her on her way.”

“Thanks. I’ll talk to you later. Let me know how things go with Mathew ok?”

“Will do. Bye.” Sara hung up the phone and stood and went into the media room to get April.

Mathew watched April skip down the walkway and disappear around the corner of the hedge. Once she was out of sight, he turn from media room windows and went back to the couch. Plopping himself down, he picked up the magazine and thumbed through it till he found the ad again.

The pink letters of the ad seemed to be calling to him, and he had no idea why.

‘Why am I feeling this way?” He thought to himself. ‘Why do I have this urge to want to wear girl’s clothes?’

Mathew continued to stare at the ad until he felt himself drift off to sleep. And in that sleep, he dreamed.

Mathew opened his eyes and found himself standing in his bedroom. But it looked different somehow. The decor was all wrong. Looking around, he noticed that all of his space and airplane models were gone. Replaced with girlish looking stuff toys. Gone to were the posters and pictures he had collected of his favourite sports heroes. In their place were ones of teen music idols. Even the color of the room was changed. No longer was it a boyish blue, it now was a pink rose color.

Mathew walked over to his closet and opened the doors. Inside were hangers full of dresses, skirts, and tops in different styles and colors.

“Don’t you know it’s impolite to look through people’s closets without their permission?” A voice suddenly said from behind him.

Mathew spun around to see himself, dressed in girl’s clothes, and with shoulder length hair, standing in the doorway of his bathroom.

“Oh it’s you.” The ‘girl’ Mathew said walking across the room to stand before him. “Do you mind getting my sweater jacket please? It’s to your right.”

Mathew stared at the person standing before front of him. The ‘girl’ him was wearing a white tank top shirtdress with spaghetti straps, which was covered with red, pink, and blue polka dots.

“” Mathew asked confused. The ‘girl’ Mathew just smiled and said.

“I’m you silly. Now please hand me my sweater jacket. I don’t want to be late. I’m going on my first date.”

Still confused by what he was seeing, plus the unflappable attitude of the ‘girl’ him, all Mathew could do was repeat the ‘who are you?’ question.

The ‘girl’ him, tilted her head to one side, rolled her eyes and lightly slapped the sides of her legs and sighed. She then pushed past him, and grabbed the sweater off the hanger. Stepping back, she put the sweater on and looked at Mathew straight in the eyes.

“Janice was right.” She said with a hint of annoyance in her voice. “As a boy, I really was scrambled braind at times.” And with that, she turned and walked out of the room.

Mathew stood rooted to the floor, for what seemed liked several minutes, while his mind tried to come to grips with what he had just seen. Just seconds before, an almost mirror image of him, stood wearing a girl’s dress and was acting like it was a completely normal thing to do. The ‘girl’ Mathew even had long hair, longer than he was ever allowed to let it grow, before his mother took him to the barber shop.

‘This is wrong.’ He thought to himself. ‘I can’t be wearing girl’s clothes!’ Mathew walked over to the window and looked out in time to see the ‘girl’ him, getting into his mother’s car.

“NO!” He shouted. “Where are you going!? Don’t go out dressed like that!” Within seconds of the car door closing, Mathew watched as it pulled away from the curb.

Pounding on the window with both hands, he gave one last desperate shout, as the car disappeared from view.

Mathew let his forehead drop down to touch the window pane, and instantly everything changed. No longer, was he in the bedroom, but standing outside the Fast Food Restaurant that he always goes to.

Inside he could the ‘girl’ him sitting at a table, all by herself. The restaurant was busy, and Mathew was amazed, that no one was laughing or staring, or pointing fingers at ‘her’.

It was at that moment that without even thinking, he backed away from the window, opened the door, and walked inside and right up to the table.

The ‘girl’ him looked up when she sensed he was standing next to the table.

“Oh, it’s you again!” She said in an irritated tone. “What do you want now!?”

“What are you doing here!?” Mathew asked anxiously.

“I’m waiting for my date to return with our food.”

Mathew looked towards the serving counter, to see if he could spot, who the ‘date’ was, but all he could see was a wall of blurry figures.

“Who is he?” He asked turning back.

A look of anger clouded the ‘girl’ image’s face, and when she spoke, her voice had a contemptuous ring to it.

“I don’t have to tell you who it is!” She said.

“Tell me who it is?” He said angrily. “Or do you want me to tell everyone here that you’re really a boy!?”

The girl image placed her hands flat on the table; and pushing herself up, leaned forward to look Mathew square in the face.

“Go ahead!” She said threateninly. “I dare you!”

Mathew looked away, and was about to open his mouth to speak, but a quick glance at her embolden yet determined face, caused him to change his mind.

“Alright then.” He said conceding. “Just tell me why you’re dressed up like a girl?”

The expression on the ‘girl’s’ face softened as she sat back down. She clasped her hands together and spoke in a confident and clear tone.

“Because you are a girl. You’ve always been a girl, at least in your heart anyway.”

Both shock and confused expressions raced over Mathew’s face, at the girl image’s words. He wasn’t and girl and he surely had no desire to want to become one! At least that’s what his mind told him at that moment.

“I’m not a girl!” He said forcefully. “And I have no desire to want to become one either!”

A look of determination came over the girl image’s face as she looked up at him. And when she spoke, that same determination was evident in her voice.

“Yes you are, and yes you want to be.” She said. “It’s what your heart wants.”

“No it doesn’t!” Mathew said quickly. A little too quickly he thought a second later.

“Yes it does.” She said gently. Then suddenly reaching out, she took hold of his right hand and added. “Search your feelings. Let your mind come to grips with what your heart truly desires.”

“How do you know what my heart wants?” Mathew asked frustrated.

The girl smiles and says.

“I have to go now. But search your heart Mathew. Just search your heart.”

The scene before him begins to dissolve, but the words from the ‘girl him’ repeat over and over as they become fainter.

“But I’m not a girl.” Mathew said indignantly as he opened his eyes to see his mother looking down at him.

“Who said you were a girl?” Sara asked.

“What?” Mathew asked still half asleep.

“Who said you were a girl?” Sara asked again.

Mathew looked at his mother, and said.

“No one.” He said sitting up. “I must have been dreaming.”

Sara smiled and tussled Mathew’s brown hair.

“Must have been some dream.” Sara said.

“More like a nightmare.” Mathew muttered.

Sara smiled again.

“Anyways lunch is about ready, go wash up and come to the kitchen. I have something I need to talk to you about.”

“OK.” Mathew says, and follows Sara out of the media room.

Mathew entered the downstairs washroom, and began washing his hands. The dream he just had was still fresh in his mind, and when he glanced at his reflection in the mirror, the image looking back at him, was the ‘girl’ him.

“Follow your heart, Mathew.” She said. “Follow your heart.”

Mathew squeezed his eyes shut for a second or so, when he opened them again, the image of the girl was gone, and was replaced with an image of himself.

He splashed some water on his face, then turned the water taps off and grabbed a towel off the hanger. After he had dried his hands and face off, the hung the towel back up, and left the washroom.

Mathew entered the kitchen and sat down at the counter. Sara places a plate with a sandwich on it in front of him.

“What was the dream about?” She asks as he picks up one half of the sandwich and starts eating.

“Nothing really.” He said chewing. “Someone said I wanted to be a girl.”

Sara raised an eyebrow at what Mathew had just said. Luckily Mathew didn’t see it, and continued speaking.

“I said that I didn’t.”

Sara tilted her head slightly to one side and looked at Mathew for a moment in silence.

“Who said you wanted to be a girl?” She asked cautiously as Mathew finished the first half of the sandwich.

He was about reach for the second half, but stopped as the question from his mother brought the image of the ‘girl’ him to mind. The question sent a ripple of fear through him, and also sent his mind racing.

“I don’t remember.” He said hesitantly, wondering if his secret had been found out. “Why?”

“Oh no reason. I was just curious.” Sara said sounding relaxed.

“Ok.” Mathew said slowly as he reached for the second half of the sandwich, the ripple of fear he just felt starting to subside.

Sara watched Mathew for a moment as he continued to eat his sandwich. As she did so, a mix of anxiety and apprehension started to permeate her thoughts. The idea of him wanting to be a girl was absurd, and the request from her sister, while being totally like her, didn’t help matters any.

‘He’s a boy after all.’ She thought to herself. ‘Why in the world would he want to be a girl?’

She looked up and gazed out across the dining room to the back yard. The rain was still coming down, but not as hard as it had been earlier in the morning.

‘What would cause him to even have such a dream anyways?’ She thought. ‘It’s not like we’ve done or said anything, so why would he think that?’

Sara was so engrossed in thought, that she didn’t even notice that Mathew was looking at her. It wasn’t until he belched like a preteen drunken sailor, that she realized she was distracted.

“Mathew Stevens!” She said more annoyed with herself, than with him. “What have your Father and I told you about making those kinds of rude noises!?”

“To make them louder!” He said laughing.

“No!” Sara said trying to suppress her own laughter, but failing. Finally she couldn’t hold on, and she burst out laughing as well. After about half a minute, their laughter subsided, and they both returned to a sense of normalcy.

“Hold on a minute, Mathew.” Sara said as he started to rise off the stool. “I need to talk to you a minute.”

A feeling of dread came over Mathew, as he sat back down. He watched his Mother as she turned to the fridge, and got out the milk carton, then a glass from the cupboard. She then poured the milk into the glass and set it down in front of him.

“I had a phone call from Aunt Vicky earlier.” Sara said sounding anxious, as she put the milk back in the fridge.

“What was it about?” Mathew asked taking hold of the glass, not realizing what was about to be asked of him.

Sara turned back to face Mathew, as he took a sip of milk. When she spoke the expression on her face matched her tone.

“You know I wouldn’t ask you to do anything you normally wouldn’t do, unless it was really important, right?”

Mathew nodded slowly.

“Well, it seems Aunt Vicky ordered an item from Hilroy’s for Megan’s Birthday. And she seems to have forgotten to see if the size is correct.”

All of a sudden Mathew felt a knot form in the pit of his stomach, and his throat tighten up.

‘What was his Mother about to ask him? Did she want him to wear something that was meant for his cousin? Mathew’s mind started to run wild on him.

“So she asked if we could go down and see if it’s correct.” Sara continued.

“Wha...What is it?” Mathew forced himself to ask.

“It’s a dress.” Sara said.

“You want me to try on a dress!?”

“I wouldn’t ask you if it wasn’t important!” Sara said quickly. “And I told Aunt Vicky I didn’t think.....”

“NO!” Mathew suddenly shouted angrily. “I’m not wearing a stupid dress, and you can’t make me!”

With that, Mathew leapt off the stool and ran out of the kitchen. What Mathew didn’t realize, was that these two seemingly innocent events was the start of a struggle, that was only about to get worse.

End of Chapter One

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