Been to see the doc

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I said in an earlier blog that I was depressed. I just didn't know how bad it was until it reached absolute rock bottom. A couple of weeks ago I finally admitted to myself that I needed to sort things out, including finding help.

It started with making some phone calls and promising people I would get my affairs back to 'normal' Unfortunately I'd let these people down before so was it a pointless gesture? I had a meeting yesterday where I explained my difficulties (financial and health) and gained their support. Unfortunately they were less willing to help repay money I'd spent out (over £1000) without evidence.

That prompted me to see my GP this afternoon and explain my poor self to him. He knows about me being TG but I also have epilepsy to throw into the mix meaning that happy pills cannot be prescribed. My BP is apparently normal-ish, my weight is down (135lb 12st 5lb 78.5kg)
and I have ro have a blood test. Oh, and he wouldn't book me for an Orchi while I was there. What he did do was to dictate a letter which I should collect tomorrow morning and forward onto the ones who need it.

So, positive stuff that I should have done several months ago. If It sorts itself out then I'll be happy. If.



Depression is no small deal,

Wendy Jean's picture

have gone through a sever bout myself I am very empathetic. I find it is difficult to ask for help, let alone do anything else. Just be good to yourself, OK?

Get better soon

I do not know what Epilepsy throws into the mix, or how severe yours is. I wish you less suffering because of it. That is the best I can do on that front.

As to depression ... please do not forget that it is you who are in charge of your health. There is no way to compare UK Mental Health care with that in the US or the Veterans Care facilities. Here in the states they have felt obligated to drug people into a stuporous state and found that at times more harmful than good.

Apparently being TG is glaringly obvious to some others while we have no idea what so ever, and this through a mechanism or second sight that completely mystifies me. At least that was the case with me. It is inarguable that I am now the woman that I always was but the price was far too heavy. So if your loved ones are less than understanding, please do not be surprised. For me, the transition was not hard but the complete loss of my old life was particularly devastating. AND there seems to be no way to get old mates, children and siblings to understand and buy into your new life. So, who is wrong? I have no idea. For me it was become who I am or die.

I do hope that your health improves. Don't let them blow you away on mind altering drugs. Most of your recovery comes from your own soul searching.

Much peace
