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Josh Peterson has just scored the job of a lifetime - or at least the best job he can hope for without leaning on his parents for references - as a janitor at The Magic Kingdom, but when fate intervenes and he finds himself alone with the costume of his favorite Pixie Hollow character, his life takes a whole new turn.
After dinner, as the girls walked back out to Christina’s car Sarah received a text from her mother that she had a surprise for her, asking her to stop by as soon as she could. Sarah groaned as she sat in the backseat of dark red Buick Regal.
“Mom wants me to stop by the house. She has a ‘surprise’ for me. What did I tell you?” she laughed. “I guarantee it’s a new debit card.”
“Hey,” Kelly laughed. “Don’t knock free money, honey. If your parents want to give you a hand being you, I say go for it. This is your chance to reinvent yourself.”
“What’s the address?” Christina asked, grinning. “We’ll do a blitz shopping trip before we head back to Olivia’s, if that’s okay with you guys.”
“Sure!” Olivia giggled.
Kelly nodded. “I wouldn’t have said anything if I minded. I wanna get Sarah some body spray too so she’s not stuck using Brute,” she teased. “Plus I think it’s sweet Olivia gets to meet Sarah’s mom already. I’m not letting my parents anywhere near Christina.”
“Crap,” Sarah groaned, sinking into the seat as they pulled into the driveway. “My Dad’s home.”
“I thought you told Gen your parents were cool?” Olivia giggled out, squeezing Sarah’s hand.
“Oh, they are,” Sarah answered. “But that doesn’t make this any easier.”
“We’ll go with you,” Christina said, stepping out of the car. She opened Sarah’s door for her, and Olivia gave her a nudge, causing Sarah to whine and step out.
“I guess with Kelly there at least I won’t feel completely awkward,” Sarah teased causing Kelly to laugh.
“Oh shush,” she shot back. “Be glad you can be yourself around your parents now. If anyone ever found out I play a Disney pixie I’d be dragged out of town hogtied to a bike and dumped on the outskirts,” she teased as they walked up the long garden path through the landscaped front yard. “Man,” she added as they reached the front door “Am I like the only non-Princess princess?”
Christina laughed. “I live in a penthouse now, but only because I work my ass off as a voice actress.”
Sarah took a deep breath, slid the key in the lock, and opened the door. “Mom, Dad? “ she called almost hesitantly.
“In the kitchen.” Sarah’s mom called back.
“I hope you don’t mind, I brought some friends from work. We were out having dinner when you texted me,” she said as she approached the kitchen.
“Thats fine.” Helen called out as Sarah rounded the corner. “Your dad’ll be in from the garage in a second- Oh my... You look beautiful,” she gushed.
“Whoa!” Annie said, coming in from the kitchen’s other entrance. “You look hot!”
“Thanks,” Sarah laughed, blushing as she motioned for the others to come in too. “Annie you already know Olivia. Mom, this is Olivia, Kelly, and Christina. Guys this is my Mom, Helen, and my sister Annie.”
“It’s nice to meet you all,” Helen said, adding, “And I’m sorry if I interrupted your evening plans. You really didn’t have to rush over.”
“Nah, we wanted to,” Christina answered. “Olivia wanted to meet you.”
At that, Kelly put an arm around Sarah’s shoulders. “And we wanted to let you know your daughter’s safe with us,” she teased, grinning while trying not to giggle as she let go again.
Olivia nodded, “She really is. We’re very protective of each other, and the older actors in the park are way worse at being overbearing too. Like you should meet the actress who plays Maleficent. She’s like mother hen.”
“Oh Gosh yes,” Christina laughed. “She’s almost scarier out of character than she is in character. But I think the lady who plays Cruella De Vil is a sweetie.”
“And they drink less than Auntie Bev,” Sarah laughed. “At this rate I may keep doing this full time while I work on my art on the side.”
“Is that my new daughter I hear?” Rick asked, every bit the Essex accent Sarah had warned them about, as he came into the kitchen, wiping motor oil from his hands with a disposable shop towel. “Wow,” he said with a big laugh. “You look beautiful. I’d give ya a hug but,” he trailed off, motioning. He was dressed in an old flannel shirt over a gray tee shirt, and looked very much like he had just been waist deep in rebuilding an engine.
“Hi Dad,” Sarah said sheepishly. “These are my friends from work, Olivia - my new roommate, and Kelly and Christina.”
Christina laughed, “Wow, you weren't joking when you said your dad had a British accent. He could almost pass for Bert.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he laughed, adding, “Oh I got a present out in the garage for you Sarah dear.”
“Oh boy,” Sarah said. “Well at least it’s not a new platinum card.”
“Nah, yer mum’s holding that for you,” he teased.
“Actually I put it in your new girls best friend on the counter.” Helen shot back, pointing to the small white purse on the counter. It was sitting conveniently placed next to an unopened Straight talk iPhone 6 box.
Annie coughed. “The phone was my idea because I’ve seen that dinosaur you’re using now.”
“Oh, nice!” Sarah giggled. “I can keep my old number this way. Thanks guys,” she bubbled. “So what’s in the garage?” she added as she picked up her new purse and put her driver’s license she’d been carrying in her small skirt pocket into it.
“Go look,” Rick answered. “Key’s in the ignition.”
Sarah poked her head into the garage. Her breath caught in her throat, her eyes wide as saucers as she found a mint condition 1968 soft top convertible Mustang awaiting her.
“Mother of God!” Sarah practically yelped. Rick laughed.
“Before you protest too much, I’ve been working on this little surprise for months. I just finally got the last parts I needed last week and had it brought over while you were out. I figured since you’re moving, now was the perfect time rather’n wait for your next birthday.”
Annie grinned, “I want a Dodge Viper on my 16th,” she teased.
Sarah and Helen both laughed laughed as Sarah jumped in the driver’s seat, running her hands over the steering wheel slowly. “Wow... She’s perfect.”
“All new leather interior.” Rick said proudly as Sarah got out again and carefully hugged him, not wanting to get oil on Olivia’s top in the process. For all that she complained of wanting to be independent, she really did love the new car.
“Thanks Daddy,” she giggled out, which surprised him a little, but he smiled.
“You’re welcome. Think that’s the first time you’ve thanked me since you were Annie’s age though,” he laughed. “And I really love the daddy thing. Annie uses it all the time too: sounds better than ‘Dad’ to my ear.”
“I’m rubbing off on her already,” Annie giggled gleefully. “Now to get more pink into her wardrobe.”
Olivia grinned. “Too late. I think pink is her favorite color,” she teased. Sarah stuck her tongue out at Olivia..
“Well, pink and dark blue,” she shot back and winked..
Kelly leaned over to Sarah, “How many tats does your dad have anyway? You sure he’s not a biker?”
Sarah giggled. “More than what you can see, and nope, roadie. Alice Cooper, Metallica, Nightwish...”
“Ex-roadie.” Rick answered, overhearing the girls’ whispers. “I got my own gigs now. But you’d be surprised how often I cross paths with the biker scene, usually in bars.”
Sarah giggled, “Dad’s from West Essex but he’s been around the world.”
Rick laughed, “My dad was worked at the steel mill till I was 16, and I worked at the steel mill till I was 18 and took off as a roadie for a punk band called Rancid. I wasn’t going to work myself to death for rubbish pay.”
“Oh, and mom’s an artist,” Annie added. “Abstract paint, sculpting, you name it. We have a sweet art studio.”
“Oh, which reminds me,” Olivia chimed in, “The other half of our floor is just empty space. A previous investor started renovating it, but then fell derelict on the lease. If you wanted you could probably rent it as a studio.”
“Oh sweet, but the rent’s got to be more than what we’re paying for ours? I mean crap our apartment looks like a mini mansion.” Sarah giggled. “Ours has to be way more than $500, for that matter.”
Olivia smiled sheepishly. “Well... a bit... My parents are paying part, and we get a Disney discount because it’s in Celebration. Actual price is closer to three large a month, but right now I only pay $750.”
“If you’re paying $750, why am I paying $250? I mean that’s not fair of me.” Sarah asked.
“Well, you said you wanted to try the starving artist thing,” Olivia teased, giggling. “Really though it’s just because I wanted a certain new roommate badly enough to bribe her.”
Sarah laughed. “In my own defense, I’m paying my way through art school on scholarships this fall, and the money from work is going toward what that doesn’t cover.”
Helen laughed a bit at that. “She wants to be independent, but I keep telling her she doesn’t have to be. We have money for both girls, and plenty of it. We just purchased a few houses in the neighborhood here to renovate and flip.”
“I’m even checking out my new friend Gretchen’s private school here,” Annie giggled. Sarah laughed.
“I guess it’s something I’ll bring up with my new therapist. Olivia’s going to get me some names to look into.”
“My older sister went through the same thing Sarah is now, only my parents were a lot less supportive,” Olivia added as Sarah led the girls with her parents in tow through the kitchen.
“The art studio’s back here,” Sarah said as she led them to a spacious back end first floor room. The open area had hardwood floors with a lot of plastic or drop cloth down under various art projects, canvases of various sizes, with still more paintings stacked against the wall, and the odd “junk” sculpture - one a topiary-style giraffe made entirely out of soda bottle lids, and another a 1960s-style sci-fi robot sculpture assembled from old broken appliances.
“Whoa,” Kelly said, looking around. “Did you do all these?” she asked, glancing at Helen, who laughed.
“A couple of those are Sarah’s.” Helen shook her head. “And Annie is more into clay sculpting. We all worked on Will - the robot statue though.”
“Pretty much anything Disney in here was my doing,” Sarah said sheepishly. “Except the cute porcelain statues. Those are all Annie.”
“Speaking of which,” Annie said as she rushed over to her sculpting area, grabbing a nearby tarp and throwing it over the entire table. “I’m working on a surprise for the Pixies. I can’t have you going and telling them what it is before it’s ready,” she teased.
Olivia giggled and leaned over to Annie, “We’re not allowed to turn down gifts at work. We’re supposed to ask people if they’re sure like a billion times. But we’re not allowed to refuse the guests.”
“Good,” Annie giggled out. “Because it’s something I want you each to have when they’re ready.”
“One time at work Scott and I were walking around, “ Christina spoke up, “And some customer tipped us like $500. We tried to refuse him a ton of times, but he refused to take no for an answer We eventually took it per policy, but you have to report it to Gennine.”
Kelly laughed. “You two are like the face of Disney World. I don’t care what anyone says about the mouse. It’s totally you two.”
Christina laughed, “We actually get that alot too.” She paused, and added in a perfect Minnie Mouse voice, “Of course, I’m the bow behind the mouse on the Clubhouse! Teehee!”
“Oh my God,” Annie laughed. “There was this little girl I babysat for back in Cali who watched that show religiously. You’re really Minnie?”
Christina nodded. “I also have a bit role in the new Star Wars Rebels as frightened peasant #2 fleeing the Storm Troopers.”
Sarah giggled, “I submitted some art to Disney for Star Wars Rebels. Don’t know if they’ll want to use it though.”
“Oh wow really?” Christina said excitedly. “Oh I hope we get to work together! It’d be nice to be able to talk about what we do out in the open for a change.”
“Hey, you should show them your Star Wars costume from last year.” Annie grinned, “Sarah had made an entire Ashoka outfit for halloween last year.”
“Well, I’m short, she’s short...” Sarah giggled out. “I can’t do Ahsoka’s voice very well though. The inflection’s just too different.”
“Hey,” Olivia said, “Now that we have two cars, why don’t you come with us Annie?” We’re taking Sarah shopping.” She grinned. “I get to ride with Sarah in the stang though.”
“Oh! Can I?” Annie squeaked excitedly.
“I gotta be honest,” Annie said from the backseat as they pulled into the mall parking lot. “I’m having trouble believing you’re really the same person. The old J--sibling person would have never accepted a debit card from Mom and Dad, let alone a Mustang,” she giggled.
“I don’t plan on going too crazy on myself,” Sarah laughed. “Kelly needs this too.”
“You thought so too, huh?” Olivia laughed. “I’ve been telling her she needs to stop living in her dad’s shadow and be herself, but hearing her say it out loud, I think, it’s the first time she’s finally admitted it.”
“Kelly’s dad is some old school biker dude,” Sarah explained to Annie as they stepped out of the car. She made sure to put the top back up before turning on the alarm. “But she told us at dinner that her character is her chance to escape from being Kelly. Kind of like how mine was for me today. I felt free for the first time in ages.”
Annie giggled. “Oh God. Poor Kelly. We’re going to Barbie her too, huh?”
Olivia laughed. “I figure between you, Sarah, me, and Christina, she can’t fight us all off.”
“Well, it’s really cool of you guys to include me like this,” Annie said brightly as she hugged Sarah, as Kelly and Christina joined them.
“Since you know our dirty little secret,” Kelly said, “We have to keep an eye on you now,” she teased.
“I know Sarah’s. I haven’t pegged you guys yet,” Annie laughed. “But I have a suspicion about Christina with that ‘face of the park’ thing.”
“... Oops,” Kelly said, and then giggled as they entered.
“So” Annie giggled, “My sister the pink fufu girl artist.” she teased.
“Talking about yourself again?” Sarah shot back playfully. “I might pick up a new digital art pad while we’re here though.”
Annie smiled, “You really should pick up a new laptop too. If you guys think her phone was a dinosaur, you should see the brick she used for a laptop”
“Before it finally crapped out,” Sarah added.
“Oh oh, let me guess!” Christina squealed. “It had Windows Vista installed.”
“Nope, Windows 95.” Sarah sighed.
Christina stared blankly at Sarah. Annie giggled. “No, she’s not joking. 256 meg hard drive and all.”
“How did you even... I... I don’t even,” Christina stammered. Kelly laughed.
“You broke our computer geek.”
“The drawing software I have is 95 compatible, and I had 1gb of ram.” Sarah commented. “It does the job.”
“Well,” Christina finally said, recovering from her momentary lapse of being unable to even, “At least it wasn’t Windows 8.”
“I like 10 so far. it’s turning out to be a really nice OS.” Annie said. “Early beta, but still, it looks sweet.”
“Oh me too. It goes in cycles of crap, good, crap, good. Windows 7 was amazing so I knew 8 would be garbage. And now 10’s coming along brilliantly. You’ll even be able to stream xbox one games to your PC in 10 if the industry rumors hold true.”
Annie nodded, “I use the latest greatest build on my laptop, I’m in the know for 10.” she teased.
“You just lost your sister, and I just lost my girlfriend,” Kelly teased, giggling.
Olivia giggled, “At least I’m on the same computer page as Sarah. Windows 95 is about where I’m stuck in my head.” she teased.
“Good lord,” Annie groaned. “You two were made for each other. But for what it’s worth 7 and 10 aren’t massive leaps from 95 the way 8 was with the Metro UI thing. Well I mean if you use the right software mods.”
“I can play video games and navigate an iPhone better than anyone though.” Olivia winked.
“Speaking of iPhones, I should activate mine and donate my old one.” Sarah giggled and pulled out the phone she had stuffed in her purse with her license and credit card. “I should probably talk to that therapist about what to do to legally change my name and stuff too...”
“That part’s really easy here,” Olivia said. “You can even get your license changed to ‘F’ without a ton of hassle.”
“One of us, one of us,” Kelly chanted, causing the others to laugh.
“If she only knew?” Olivia giggled out as Sarah activated her new phone.
“... Knew what?” Kelly asked cautiously.
“Oh nothing.” Olivia grinned, “You’ll find out soon enough.”
“Oh come on. You kept me in the dark about the girl of my dreams liking me. You owe me one,” Kelly giggled.
“Really?” Annie asked as she glanced between Kelly and Olivia. “So like, you’re all three..”
“Four, “Christina giggled softly. “But yes. The vast majority of Disney actors and actresses are perfectly normal individuals, some transgendered, some gay, some are even Republicans,” she joked. “We come from all walks of life.”
“Wow... Now I don’t feel so weird,” Annie sighed, sounding relieved. Sarah put an arm around Annie’s shoulder and hugged her.
“You want to talk about it?” she asked. Annie shrugged.
“Not really a lot to talk about. I accidentally kissed a girl, and I didn’t really hate it,” she said sheepishly.
Olivia giggled, “I kissed a girl, and I liked it, her cherry chapstick.”
“Watermelon actually,” Annie giggled out. “I love that song. She didn’t say anything about it though so...”
“How do you accidentally kiss someone anyway? I’m like genuine curious,” Kelly asked. “I mean, because most people are scared off by the biker babe look so they never get close enough to accidentally anything, so I have no experience here.”
“I was coming around the corner from the bathroom as she was coming out of her bedroom, and we like literally bumped into each other, and our lips met,” Annie said sheepishly. “I mean it wasn’t that magical fairytale moment, but I didn’t feel revolted or anything.”
Sarah giggled softly. “Sometimes, my young padawan, a kiss is just a kiss. If you didn’t feel anything from it, good or bad, then you shouldn’t read too much into it.”
“Yeah, if you count that sort of thing I had my first kiss when I was six,” Christina giggled softly. “Your first real kiss is intentional, and if you’re lucky, it’s something you’ll never forget. That’s not to say there’s not potential, but your sister’s right. You shouldn’t stress over it if you don’t think it meant anything.”
“Or unlucky, if your braces lock and you have to drive to the orthodontist’s like that,” Olivia giggled.
“Thanks guys,” Annie giggled softly as they headed for the women’s clothing department of Macy’s. “I feel a lot better.”
“Gah, that was expensive.” Sarah sighed as she and Olivia had made it home and she tossed all her bags on her bed. “Even bed sheets cost a fortune these days.”
“They’re worth it though. But can I ask you something?” Olivia giggled. “Did you already shave your legs before?”
Sarah laughed. “I became a swimmer so I’d have an excuse, but there wasn’t a whole lot to start with. Why?”
“Oh, I was about to say ‘once you start shaving’ - rough sheets are hell on sensitive recently shaven skin, but then it hit me that your legs look better than mine.”
Sarah giggled, “I don’t grow face hair, and I think I have like one or maybe two hairs that grow in my pits, but thats about it.”
“Your Mom’s Native American isn’t she?” Olivia asked. “She definitely looks Cherokee.”
“Half, but yeah,” Sarah answered. “My grandfather on her side is some kind of tribal council. We’re kind of the black sheep of the family,” she teased.
“I knew it,” Olivia giggled out as she helped Sarah to start hanging up her clothes. “I’ve got a genuine Indian Princess for a roommate,” she teased.
Sarah giggled, “There’s really no such thing as Indian Princesses. It’s kind of a white thing.”
“So Pocahontas wasn’t historically accurate?” Olivia mock gasped. “Disney lied to me! Oh speaking of which, Kelly and I are going in early to watch auditions for the new pixies. Now that you’re one of us that means you’re invited too.”
“Cool. I still can’t believe Gennine hired me on the spot to play Silvermist.” Sarah giggled as she put an outfit for tomorrow on the closet knob. “But then I can’t believe I got to spend the afternoon hanging out with Megan freaking Stuart, either.”
“Don’t let her good looks fool you,” Olivia laughed. “Gennine is actually a former Broadway talent scout and agent. She’s one of the best in the business, so if she hired you on the spot, it means she saw something and didn't want to let it get away.” She winked. “Expect acting classes to start next week after we get the full pixie troop together.”
“I guess I was already technically under contract,” Sarah added. “But still... I expected to be thrown in jail for impersonating a pixie,” she giggled out.
“Oh it’s only a $0.50 fine.” Olivia teased. “It’s good to know you can swim, though. That’s an important quality in a water pixie. Oh, and,” she giggled out, “I got you a present while you weren’t looking.”
“Uh oh,” Sarah laughed as Olivia reached into one of Sarah’s bags, pulling out a smaller bag that had been hidden under one of the shoe boxes. “What is it?” she asked, opening the bag. She reached her hand inside, and pulled out a cute dark blue two piece bathing suit. While not covering as much as a full one piece would, it was hardly extremely skimpy either, striking a nice balance between covering a little, while showing off one’s assets.
“I figured since we have a pool that doesn’t get a whole lot of use from me, someone should be able to use it. And you said dark blue was one of your favorite colors,” she added with a giggle.
“Well atleast it’s not pink, and don’t ever expect me to wear that in public.” Sarah answered, laughing.
“That’s entirely up to you. I like a one piece myself just because I’m a little body shy,” she said as she cleared the bed of the empty bags to help Sarah put on her new sheets. “I wonder how Kelly’s aunt is handling the sudden influx of shopping bags though,” she added, trying not to laugh.
“Well it might be hard to hide whats between my legs.” Sarah giggled trying to make it sound bigger than it really was.
“Oh that. There’s prosthetics to make that disappear,” Olivia giggled out. “Before her surgery my sister Laura wore something like that just for her own self confidence, but for a long time she didn’t even want to go full surgery route, until she met her girlfriend - now wife Sophie.”
“Well I don’t like my dangly bit, and as soon as I can get it off the better. I’ve kinda came to that realisation today.” She turned to Olivia. “I mean I know it sounds sudden, but being accepted - as Silvermist, and then as Sarah... There’s just no turning back, but I feel like I’m lying, still, too.”
Olivia walked around the bed, wrapping her arms around Sarah, and gave her a soft peck on the cheek. “I just want you to know, whatever you decide to do, you have everyone’s complete support.”
“Well incase my partner wants kids, I think it’d be best if I saved some huh?” Sarah giggled.
Olivia laughed at that. “Oh, good idea. For me, I definitely want kids someday, hopefully after I’m too old to keep playing Tink, and passed the torch on to someone else. A pregnant Tinkerbell just wouldn’t look right to the kids, y’know?” she teased.
“I don’t care when I have kids, I love kids.” Sarah giggled. “They keep me feeling young. That little girl today that was having her birthday, made my day.”
“A little bird told me you brightened another little girl’s day at the soda shop too. The manager was moved to tears, even.”
“She was a preteen, on the verge of disbelief.” Sarah sighed. “I just told her that the magic that shrinks them when they go to Pixie hollow, grows us to their size when we leave.”
“That’s pretty much exactly the story we use when visitors ask,” Olivia giggled out as they walked out to the living room again. “I forgot to tell you, but I keep fresh fruits on hand, juice and soda in the fridge, and I’m a wheat thins addict, not because they’re healthy, but because they taste sooo good.”
“Good to know.” Sarah giggled, “You don’t have to worry about me drinking your milk, or eating your cheese.”
“Oh, that’s right, you’re allergic,” Olivia nodded. “I’ll have to remember that when I’m cooking.” She paused, and grinned. “God, it’s so good to have a roommate again. I just hope you don’t hate the piano,” she teased.
“Actually I like piano music,” Sarah answered. “I love listening to classical when I’m painting. It helps me focus. There’s something to be said for a good piano or keyboard rock song too though.”
“Georgia and I used to jam sometimes,” Olivia laughed as she sat down on the overstuffed sofa. “My parents made me take lessons for years, but I’m kind of glad they did. Between the music lessons and drama club, I nailed the Tink role first try.”
“No drama club here, and I can’t play an instrument to save my life, but Annie says in the shower I can carry a tune,” Sarah giggled.
“Your voice is like any musical instrument,” Olivia said with a nod. “From what you’ve told me, you’ve had years of practicing it, doing character voices. I bet you sing beautifully.”
Sarah blushed a little, but started to sing, “When you wish upon a car, whether traveling near or far, just make sure to wash your hands when you leave the rest stop.”
Olivia giggled, “Wow, that’s not even a song, and you made it sound like one I think you’ve been hanging around Scott too long already. You should hear his rendition of ‘Let it Go’.”
Sarah laughed at that as she put an arm around Olivia, laying her head on her shoulder. “You know what this day has been?” she asked. Olivia grinned and lay her head against Sarah's.
“Yeah. Perfect.”
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And please, remember to comment, too! Thanks.
I've really been enjoying your story. I look forward to seeing more of it!
You've got a real winner here. Please keep going.
So, When's the Dream Going to End?
So sweet; must be magic around there somewhere.
What a nice surprise!
I was just about to shut everything down for the night and I found this. Thanks! Loving this story and I hope it will keep being written for a while to come!
"The pen is mightier than the sword ... if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp"
Yay more Disney time :)
Yay more Disney time :)
I want to know Scott's
I want to know Scott's rendition of "Let It Go" now dangit. And thank you for being able to put a smile on my face after a rough day.
Samirah M. Johnstone
Well, it's a Hatter...
Well, it's a Hatter... ;-)
So many wonderful videos of
So many wonderful videos of the Hatter and Alice and their antics. Of course, most of those are at Disneyland rather than Disney World, but still. :D
Samirah M. Johnstone
Btw We forgot a disclaimer,
Btw We forgot a disclaimer, All these characters are a work of fiction and if there's an actual employee at Disneyland with that name, we meant no harm! And had no bleeding idea!
Click Me!
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Have a mew of a day!
“Yeah. Perfect.”
nice !
and here I thought she was
and here I thought she was going o say magical but perfect works too.
Story fiction or not, this
Story fiction or not, this delightful story seems to give us a "real" feeling of the behind the scenes activities and lives of Magic Kingdom Disney "Actors and Staff". Truly a fun read. Hugs, Janice
Sporadically commenting on these chapters
I haven't been commenting on every chapter but I sure have been enjoying them all. I was afraid I might get confused when you introduced the pixies' RL names and personalities but they're all so distinct and interesting I'm managing to keep track of who's who. I always was a bit spooked by the idea of the township of Celebration, imagining it a STEPFORD like place with fake lawns populated by frighteningly cheerful and well mannered robots (and---at the risk of mixing pop culture references---possibly a big semi-sentient yellow bubble named Rover who emerges from the fountain in the town square to prevent anyone from escaping...), but if your portrayal of the place is accurate it doesn't really seem any worse than a lot of gated communities I've pulled weeds and mowed lawns inside of, and probably a lot more fun...
~Be Seeing You... Ronni
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Let it go
Oh my lanta! A Mad Hatter version of Let It Go, epic!!
I just hope none of the new pixies are bigots of have a problem with Sarah.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
If someone gave me a classic Mustang...
...i'd want a '65.
But if someone was giving me a classic-but-not-hyper-expensive car, i'd want it to be British and either a '63 Sprite (the Mark-2-and-a-half model with a Mk 2 body and Mk 3 engine and undercart} or an Austin-Healey 100-6...
My brothers wouldn't own convertibles, as a general rule. Too vulnerable to a sharp knife. My oldest brother did have a '65 Comet convertible for awhile. He always made sure to unlock the car whenever he parked it. Just made a point of not leaving anything in it, not even in the trunk. He said he'd rather lose the car than come home and find the top cut to shreds. The new top cost a small fortune, he said. The insurance company would not cover replacing the top.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
“Sometimes, my young padawan,
“Sometimes, my young padawan, a kiss is just a kiss."
"As Time Goes By"
Dooley Wilson, performer
You must remember this
A kiss is just a kiss
A sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by
And when two lovers woo
They still say "I love you"
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings
As time goes by
Moonlight and love songs
Never out of date
Hearts full of passion
Jealousy and hate
Woman needs man, and man must have his mate
That no one can deny
It's still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by
Moonlight and love songs
Never out of date
Hearts full of passion
Jealousy and hate
Woman needs man, and man must have his mate
That no one can deny
It's still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by
"Casablanca" starring Humphrey Bogart
One of the unforgettable classics.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb