Blog About:
My Shortcuts story is done. I just posted the last chapter. For those of you who prefer to read complete stories, please give it a chance.
This will be my last long story here. I'm moving on. I plan on joining a writing group in the hopes of eventually publishing the old-fashioned way - on paper. I might still post a short story once in a blue moon if the mood hits me.
I'm mostly through with transgender fiction. I have an idea for another transgender novel but I don't think there's a market for it so I'm leaving it in the back of my mind and going mainstream. If I can't write wildly popular transgender fiction here, there's no way I could write transgender fiction that would be acceptable to the general public.
I've never been a favorite here so it's just as well. I'll be getting out of the way of the more popular stories. Good reading to you all.
- Terry
For what it's worth
Music Magic and Shortcuts are among my favorite works on the site. For various reasons, I do not maintain an account here, but I am an avid reader nonetheless, and with comments blocked on your stories, I simply had no means to leave feedback. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you do well, and I'll certainly miss reading more from you.
Good luck.
Good luck. Do what you feel you got to do.
That being said. Always personally copyright your works, beforehand. And read any contracts very, very closely. Make sure they are only going to publish your works, and you are not also signing away your rights.
Last I checked, which was quite some time ago, one's creative works were copyrighted automatically. Perhaps you meant to "record your copyright" with the appropriate office.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
I am talking about getting a creative work certified.
In the U.S., to get a creative work certified as being copyrighted, you have to register it with the copyright office, ECO website. This cost around $60-$65 dollars, and it takes around three months to process. It is not hard to do. It just takes a little time, and money.
I absolutely loved Shortcuts
one of the best super hero stories I've read anywhere.
Huggles, and good luck with the writing
I'm sure you had your own reasons
for blocking comments on this story, but I have to say that I think you did yourself a injustice. This was a very well written, plotted and presented tale and I enjoyed it very much.
Your characters were believable and very well fleshed out and very easy for the readers to identify with.
I wish you all the luck in the world in going mainstream although don't think luck wil have all that much to do with it. You're an accomplished writer/author and I feel you'll succeed if you keep your focus.
Thank you for your great tales and for sharing them with us.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Thank you!
What a wonderful story. Beautifully done and even the ending is so good. Thank you for sharing it.
Wonderful story
As always, if I can say it. We're going to miss you here, but good luck for your future projects!
Good future wishes to you.
Terry, you seem to talk yourself down, I don't see quite why going on the quality of Shortcuts. It has been one of the oh-good-Terry's-posted features on the home page for me. Thank you for the story.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."