Hurdles to jump.

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Ah well, seems like my urologist got cold feet and consulted with the gender clinic crowd up at Charing Cross. They advised him not to do anything until I'd been seen by the 'gender-bender-bunch'.

I got a letter from one of them and I told him exactly how far down the road I was by dint of my own endeavours. He seemed horrified about my having taken spiro for over four years, and he was concerned about possible side effects. Then he advised me to come and see him ASAP. (Could that be because I was 'going private', I asked myself.) I warned him that he might possibly be confronted with a suspicious and possibly antagonistic individual courtesy of what had gone before. When he asked me what had 'gone before' I gave it to him both barrels in an email that was ten pages long.

I got an invite to attend a psychiatric assessment almost by return of post (well the next day!)

Wait for this! He wanted to see me this week but I told him I didn't have a vacancy probably until late March or early April. (This is true, I've got an immense workload on at the moment and I've no idea when I'll see the end of it. (Hence there's been little or no writing these past months.)). I'm convinced I've got O.C.D., workaholism cos' had just finished scheduling my work and plans with a view to by-passing the anticipated hurdles I had fully expected to encounter IF I went up to Caring Cross.

To avoid the Charing Cross debacle I had intended completing my building programme then flying to Thailand sometime in March or more probably April with a view to having an orchidectomy privately. I have one British Psychiatrist's letter diagnosing me as DSM 5 so it would be a simple matter of seeing a Thai psychiatrist, to diagnose me and that would be the psychiatric hurdles dealt with.

My work load is fixed now because I have builders and tradesmen all lined up and they'll need daily supervision. When I told the Charing Cross Crew my dilemma they advised me (Almost pleaded with me,) to reconsider my decisions and offered me appointments for three different days in Early April.

I ask myself how come my sisters, that is my tee-girl friends in South Wales, have to wait years for appointments but if a bit of money is waved under the doctor's noses they'll swim through shit to get their hands on it.

I'm still considering my options but I'm curious to hear what they have to offer up in London.



At the time, in August of 2007, I heard in the clinic I was in , Dr Kamol, Bangkok, that with $200 they could refer one to a "Shrink" who would give them the letter of permission you need.

Especially if you are going to do the thing sans faux Vagina, it should be cheaper and easier. I believe that you have endured enough shit from the pricks in the UK.

Were going to Thailand going to be your choice, here is the Doctor I used.

I would begin correspondence with him immediately.

Best to you.


In addition

I believe what they did to you in your youth was right out of fucking hell and the bastards should be jumping through their arses to help you. And you can quote me on that.


Keep on Truckin'

But one thing you have to remember is that it is down to the NHS to pick up the pieces if pretty well any elective surgery abroad goes wrong.
This applies not only to the TS community but right down to dodgy dental implants done in Bucharest (rather than Budapest).

Try to go and see what they say but remember, as you are going private they can't stop you. You never know, they might be very supportive of your chosen path.