It has been nearly nine months since I last contributed a chapter to the site. It was not that I've not been writing, but I have made a couple of false starts and after 20-25,000 words I have become blocked. I have however now completed fourteen chapters and 44,000 words for my third attempt, and have a clear idea of where I want it to go, so I will risk posting again. I have just posted chapter 1 and will post chapter 2 tomorrow. Thereafter I will post chapters at weekly intervals as usual.
Nice to see you back
I have always enjoyed your stories and I was starting to wonder if you had retired. I just read chapter one of Honey Bunny and am looking forward to more. Great to see you posting again.
Before you continue your story. To prevent further deadends. It might be best to make a thorough outline of the middle, end, and beginning. In that order. This is because the middle is the is usually the best starting point for writing a story. Then, the ending. Once those are taken care of those two point, and you have an idea of where you are heading. Then, you can figure out the beginning.
Next, you can fill out the outline.
Once you have such an outline, and with you knowing where you are going, you will likely have no more false starts.
Also, don't delete you outline. Because you may need to use the outline as a reference for your story. Such as where a specific scene is in a story.
And sometimes you may have to alter a scene for the story, in a different manner than the outline.
This are just tips meant to help you.
Thanks for the tips, I will try them out. Some of my stories were written with detailed outlines, others came straight out of my head. I sometimes do not know exactly how I will reach the conclusion but know the general direction of travel. I guess we all write differently. In the past I have sometimes found that I can return to an unfinished story after a year or so and see how to finish it.
On endings
Just please keep in mind. Once you have figured out the ending. Or, endings. If you are dealing with multiple main characters. It make writing that story much more easier.