A worthless piece of poo makes it right

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Thursday, I rolled over in bed and on top of Felix's laptop. I then proceeded to move it further out of my way with my knee. Long story short, I cracked the screen. I felt bad. I felt horrible. And I should feel those things because, as everyone knows, I am a bad, horrible person.

I didn't know I cracked the screen until Felix came home and went to use his laptop. Only made matters worse. I guess I could have lied and said I had no clue, but I fessed up.

So Felix had no computer any more and I am too busy looking at cat videos and getting into arguments with radical trans activist to let him look up important information. We needed a fix. I went on Ebay, found a replacement screen, and placed an order.

Now I ordered the screen on Thursday night. It cam in today's mail. That's pretty damn impressive for free shipping. Since I've been a worthless pile of poop my whole life, I know about breaking computer screens and fixing them. I only had to remove 4 screws and wrestle with some tape to get the old screen out. I put in the new screen in a few minutes and other than not getting the screen bezel on right, it was in. Then it took me 10 minutes (longer than the whole operation) to get the battery back in. Evidently I was going the wrong way. I was putting the front in first and trying to slam the back in place. Now I know the back goes in first and you swing the front part down.

Longer story cut down short, Felix has a working computer with a screen and I'm going to eat cake and get fatter. If you want, you can invite me over and I can break your laptop screen too.



get an hp stream windows tablet from Amazon. full copy of windows 8 and includes Microsoft office. 7" is 99.00 and 8" is 168.00 and is a lot cheaper and more portable then a laptop. you can get a case with a keyboard for less than 30.00.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.

HP Stream

It is cheap for a reason.
sure it might be good for travelling but beyond that? It depends...
How about writing a book on one? Would Angharad manage to produce 'Bike' every day on one?
how long will the keyboard last?

I do know some people who use those old and vastly underpowered Netbooks but most of them hook them up to external monitors when being used at home. Sort of defeats the object really. The HP device is in that league IMHO.

I'd really struggle to use anything less (for anything but consumption) than a 14in screen for any length of time. When I travel, I take my 15in MacBook Pro with me. I can use that for hours at a time.
Just my 2p worth.

Use a mobile

I do major parts of my writing now on my iPhone. It's always with me and ready for use, and I can type reasonably fast (ie about as quickly as my brain creates text) using DocsToGo with the files stored on Dropbox. It's also more discrete - I can generally do it in a crowded room or on a bus without people looking over my shoulder and reading the text. Doing more complicated format operations (like drag and drop) is better on a laptop but then I don't take my laptop to bed with me, so that stuff has to wait until morning.

The important thing is that its small size makes it more difficult to step on (although I'm sure many readers are going to say the opposite!).