Must..... stifle... muse....

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I finally closed the book on one of the three ongoing stories I'm juggling.

And I breathed a sigh of relief that I only had two tales to attend to...

(Apologies. I embrace alliteration when exhausted)

...but this clean space on my virtual desk is now becoming the itch that must not be scratched....

I've been dying to write a sci-fi (ish) first-contact story for a while now.

Of course it has a TG element, or I wouldn't be mentioning it here. ;-)

The longer I resist, the stronger the urge to start becomes.

I remember the George Bernard Shaw quote about tossing ones hat over a wall and then needing to scale that wall.

I don't know how much longer I can hold onto this hat.....




to paraphrase Walt (Pogo) Kelly: 'I have met the enemy. And it is me.' :-P


Send your muse my way?

Page of Wands's picture

I mean, if you're not gonna use it... I've made basically no progress on any of my writing projects since before the holidays. I'm wondering if I burnt it out putting up two stories in a month.

Embrace Your Muse

Daphne Xu's picture

Embrace your muse. Nurture her. Love her. She will serve you well for many years. In other words, get writing on that story. :-P

-- Daphne Xu

Sweatshop muse.

I truly want to respect and nurture the muse. I was bereft when she abandoned me for a while.

That is why I am determined to finish the two stories that I've started before placing another yoke on my poor little muse.

But I can't tell you how eager I am to get started on the first-contact story I want to call "the Emissary". :-)


Eh, let it have fun...

Page of Wands's picture

Honestly, if you're having trouble getting words going for one of your stories, let yourself start writing for the new one to warm up. Once you get into the swing of getting words out, you might find yourself able to work on one of the other stories.