Alternate Identities

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I like the name Rasufelle.

It's a name I came up with many many years ago; I was messing around with the Dungeons and Dragons second edition ruleset, a PC program designed for creating characters in fact, and I built myself my first ever elf rogue (drow at the time, though I've since learned better.) The only issue was I needed a name for the character. From somewhere in my brain, unbidden, arose the name Rasufelle.

It was perfect. It was appropriate for male or female characters (a good thing, since at the time my desire to only role play female characters when possible was already very strong,) it was exotic sounding without being hard to pronounce, and as would become obvious to me over and over over the years, it was ORIGINAL. I've never found a site where I couldn't register the name where the issue wasn't that I already had an account I'd forgotten about (I'm looking at YOU, Kingdom of Loathing.)

Now, though, I'm facing an Issue.

See, when I get back north, I intend to start a YouTube channel where I play video games and talk about the history/future/industry behind the hobby, as well as sharing helpful tidbits for non-gaming parents on picking appropriate content for their kids and things like that. I'm aiming to produce a family-friendly show that focuses on the games themselves and avoids any political, religious, or ethical affiliations whenever possible. Heck, I'm not even going to use the show to make opinionated claims on the best or worst systems, games, or anything like that; simply sharing enthusiasm for the medium, and what it means to enjoy every aspect of it, from the finished products to the development thereof, and everything in between.

I DO intend for the show to go a long while, and eventually have my TG status confirmed on it (since I'm not gonna let potential YouTube fame stop me from transitioning,) but at the same time I'm not sure I want that connection to be obvious from the get-go should anyone, say, Google me.

Thus, I am facing a rough situation.

I like the name Rasufelle. Rasufelle is... it's ME. I've used it EVERYWHERE. It's as much a part of who I am as Melanie E. is, or my male name (unfortunately) is. Do I really want to part with that identity in favor of security? And if I do, what name should I use? Using a variation on the name would likely be just as bad, and equally easy to track. If I establish another alternate identity, will I be able to embrace that one enough to make it stick with my audience, or will it distract me from what I want the channel to stand for?

So, opinions. Is it worth the risk to keep the name that I associate with so much? Or should I use some other identifier until I decide to make my TG status known to my audience, then share the existence of this identity? Or, should I share this identity at all?

I know I have friends here, so I want your opinions. I've got a list of alternative monikers I could potentially use, but I'd rather not if I can avoid it. On the other hand, I'm looking to try and make enough money to make a living off this channel eventually, so keeping a unique identity tied with work with the channel could be the long-term ONLY solution to build the audience I need.


Melanie E.



dawnfyre's picture

In my opinion, you should do what you feel is right.

if it was me, I would use this nickname. My legal name is my female name and I have no problems being out about being trans.


Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.

It's your choice alone

Angharad's picture

If you choose later to come out, you'll probably have lost little, if that's delayed for whatever reason, it could complicate issues later. Personally, I'd use another one, but then I've lived in stealth for nearly thirty years.

Good luck.



No Map, No Map

Been all over the atlas and have not been able to find your city. Where exactly is "Stealth"?

Googled "Stealth UK", but seems unlikely you live in a marshal-arts club.

Rasufelle . . . "a Rose is a. . .." The quality of your work will overshadow your issue.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I tend...

I tend to agree.

My nick here is NOT my RL name. :-) And, while I'm not ashamed of what I've posted here, I don't see any need to shove it down anyone's throat (only two members of my family have ever read any of this stuff though several know/knew it was there/here).

If you expect people to recognize your name from previous gaming experiences, then that's a different story. A slight spelling change would be sufficient to separate the two, yet still keep those who knew you able to recognize the two.

I guess - the biggest question is whether or not you think this stuff would be a distraction as you got that channel started and whether the name is well enough known by those who might follow you to be worth the chance of mixing.

Good luck - whatever you do. There seems to be a fairly even mix between people with nicks folks know and others from what I've seen.



My choice would be a new name, picked to be attractive to your target audience. This should be a business decision, not based on emotional attachment to a name. While I like Rasufelle, I can see where it might be a little strange to non game playing parents. I might shoot for a friendlier ring.


Daphne Xu's picture

There are persons here who have taken on several pseudonyms at once. If you wish, think up a new family-friendly one.

-- Daphne Xu

Thanks for the input, everyone.

I think I've decided it's worth it to use a different name. My TG nature will come out when I transition, but that's not going to be for some time yet (money SUCKS,) and it's worth it to avoid the issues related to tying my trans identity immediately to the channel's identity.

I'm thinking about hosting a name brainstorming session in the site chat later, maybe tomorrow. Thoughts?

Melanie E.