Writing: Questions And Conundrums

Just a few questions I have for my fellow writers. Why don't you share your method of tackling these problems with the rest of us?

1: How do you write a character smarter than yourself?

2: How many characters is too many to keep track of?

3: Which is more important: creativity, or coherence?

4: How important is it to establish a central character's appearance?

5: When are real-world references appropriate, and when should they be avoided?

This is just a small smattering of the questions that could be asked, and the answers could help your fellow authors, so share your thoughts! I'll do the same after a few others have had a chance to chime in.

Alternatively, do you have any writing questions of your own? Are you curious how your fellow authors would answer? Feel free to post your own questions as well!

Melanie E.