Shuffling Anmar

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...Doubtless some of you will think, "Deckchairs..." "Titanic...". Maybe you're right.

The more observant of you will have noticed that I have (today) moved around some of the content of Somewhere Else Entirely. If you didn't notice, that's fine; that was what is supposed to happen. There's the odd wrinkle, though...

The odd wrinkle relates (I think) to the upgrade of the site, which is that we apparently have a rogue chapter 98, which if you open it, is actually chapter 99... I'm assured that this is just a bad database pointer and can be ignored. That means that if you look at the last book you'll see a chapter 98 after all the existing ones. It isn't really there, so I'm told.

I have changed Book 6 to Book 7 and created a new Book 6... or, looked at another way, I've renamed Book 6 and created a new Book 7. Same difference. The new title of Book 6 more accurately reflects the content, as it covers the period when the Einnlanders are around. (Of course, the Warrior Princess in question is Eriana, not Garia!)

I had hoped (foolishly, of course) that "Of Chance and Destiny" would be the final book, and that is still my intention. I had underestimated the impact that the Einnlanders would have on everybody and there was little I could do but follow the process through. I couldn't just throw in forty odd Norsemen and then casually wave them off a few chapters later.

It has given me a chance to properly flesh out how this monster is going to come to a proper conclusion. I keep saying "we're near the end" but this time it's true. However, that may mean 8-10 more chapters...

Who am I kidding? We'll just have to see, won't we?



Thanks for the Update

I had noticed that "Of Chance and Destiny" was getting to have lots of chapters. Looks like you moved a few chapters from Book 6 to Book 5 also, or had you done that previously (and I had missed it)?

Chapter movement

Yes, I moved some back from 6 to 5 so that the books were more balanced.

It turns out that crossing the Sirrel on the journey back was about the best place to start a new book.

In the end the book divisions are somewhat for convenience rather than having any deep significance. I didn't want a 100-yard long column on the right hand side, the way some other stories have ended up. This way is just more convenient for everyone.
