Merry Christmas.

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Merry Christmas, ho ho ho!

No Christmas gift story this year, at least not yet. But Have one (a merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, or whatever it is you celebrate) or else.

What or else? I don't really know. Help me out fellow authors! I'm thinking or else I come to your house drunk and feed you the mint cookies I'm currently hoarding from relatives. Not sure that really counts as an 'or else'.

At any rate, none of you are allowed to be sad today; if you are, shoot me a line, we will have (pleasant) words.


I saw and thought of yous.

I was at another website and Saw people had posted a series of positive christmas images.
Mostly anime related, because it was an anime site.

Anyways, here is

Merry Christmas Picture Thread (2014)

I especially like the cat with a christmas-tree for a tail gif by 'littleporkchop'.

"Sometimes you need a little space to grow up or start over"- Me


Indeed, that is an adorable hair ball.


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Mint cookies?

Should go well with vanilla ice-cream.

Merry Christmas.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

Mint cookies...

Go well with anything; what is this heathen language you speak? I'd even crush them up and put them in beer if I could.

Can't drink enough for that anymore, I'm told it makes me crazy. As if, if that were the only thing making me crazy I'd be mostly normal.

Can't have that.


If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:

An update.

I'm drunk as hell and currently have 4 stories open at once. I'm writing in all of them, a paragraph at a time. Two are stories no one else has even seen, and the other two are likely updates you all don't want. :)



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