New Half-Lilin sequel - choose your heroes

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Just yesterday night, I received a vision, after taking a dose of Panadol and falling asleep on my coffeebean-filled pillow. There I received a revelation, a storyline for a new Half-Lilin sequel, The Quest of Heroes! I know most people have forgotten the Half-Lilin series, what with the first installment being so terribly written and all. Not to mention that most of those who actually liked this story had mostly either disappeared or passed away (I miss Stan).

In this story, Ilyse, our gender-bending demon and the new Queen of Hades, is stuck in Purgatory with her demonic powers all sealed up. To unravel the plot aimed at discrediting her, she recruits a bunch of long-dead heroes. But despite Sarai's suggestions, there are hundreds of heroes of old who were already dead, so how can she choose from all these heroes?

Unlike the previous stories, this time, Ilyse does not go through this alone, or with Shaina. Now it is up to you, my fellow readers, to suggest your idea of a party of 6 heroes in mythology. It doesn't have to be from the same era or even from the same civilization. You can mix and match between Greek, Mesopotamian, African, Germanic, Chinese, Japanese, Mesoamerican, Celtic or any other civilization you know of.

There are only these restrictions:
1) Please make sure your heroes are researchable.
2) Please provide reason why you think this party will rock.
3) Please don't suggest modern heroes (no Mahatma Gandhi)
4) Please don't suggest fictitious heroes (no Wonder Woman or Harry Potter)
5) Please don't make up your own heroes (no SuperSweetyPinkPantiesMan)
6) Please make sure these heroes actually has a certain measure of mythology to him/her (no Julius Caesar or Caligula)
7) Please avoid suggesting pretty girl heroes unless she totally rocks and will actually help (no Helen from Troy), we only need one pretty face in this story ^_^

If you could go on an adventure with 6 mythological heroes in Tartarus, which heroes would you choose?

*This doesn't mean I will abandon the other stories, I'm still writing, just itty little bits in every chapter in each story. The next chapter of The Last Water Nymph is ready though.
**Please take note that Ilyse will also be accompanying these heroes, except, as Pat. As the seal on her lilim powers were never permanently lifted, she has no access to her or Sarai's demon powers. She can however, use the spells she learned as a lili though it weakens her greatly and she has power over Tartarus and the dead, she can also shapeshift to an extent and her principal power apart from Death, is Ice.


Looking forward

Looking forward to this. I was looking earlier for stuff, but had to concentrate on my own writing. Only came up with one hero so far.

Lạc Long Quân -- Vietnamese Hero

  • Fought off a giant fish monster.
  • Fought and defeated a nine-tailed fox
  • Had 100 children.
  • Is a descendant of the Dragon.

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shiinaai's picture

Thank you. I shall research him. Please add more if you can think of any.

Not really

shiinaai's picture

Historians suggest that Heracles, Perseus, Theseus, Jason, Ajax and Achilles most likely existed at some point in time. What I meant by fictitious, is comic book heroes.


I vote for Boudica, Warrior Queen of the Celts. Her husband was a King who had left his kingdom half to the romans and half to his daughters. When he died, the romans ignored the will and took over the kingdom, beat Boudica and raped his daughters. Boudica raised an army and defeated a roman legion, burned Londinium, and almost caused the romans to give up on Britain. She was described as tall with tawny hair, and had an "intelligence not normally seen in women."


shiinaai's picture

I've seen the documentary. While she's a real kick ass character, there's no mythology surrounding her. Her wins were generally because her forces outnumbered the Romans and her defeat was thought to be superior strategy by a Roman general.

I think I'll make an exception with her, though. Putting Boudica would make an interesting story. If you have any other suggestions, feel free to add more.

Another one

Babylonian demi-god with superhuman strength
Ruled his kingdom for 126 years
Battled to a draw the wild man that the gods sent to humble him
Became friends with said wild man and went on many adventures together
After his friend's death went on quest to find the secret of immortality


shiinaai's picture

While I won't confirm anything yet, Gilgamesh was indeed one of the characters I wanted to use.

Another hero

My recommendation would be Sigurd from Norse mythology. He is most notable for slaying the dragon Fafnir, and there is quite a bit of research available on him.