I'm trying to use the Search box which appears near to the top of the Home page, but need a little advice.
I can enter terms like "Sentimental" and the search seems to pick up stories marked with a Sweet/Sentimental tag, as well as those which contain the word "Sentimental". Is there anything I can enter in the search box to restrict it to tags only?
Is there any way I can search on things like Standalone or Complete, which I understand are stored differently in our database?
Best wishes
Google search syntax:
If you want to exclude a term from your search results, prefix the term with a hyphen.
Don't ever feed your Aardvark honey.
Try the search using "Sweet
Try the search using "Sweet/Sentimental" in the search box. Include the quotes in your search. I think that will return only posts with the Sweet/Sentimental tag.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
when you got one hit with "Sweet/Sentimental" tag, click on the tag. that should do the trick.
or click here "Sweet/Sentimental"
as for the other part, I'm not sure, sorry
Peace and Love tmf