From Yahoo News:
A transgender man who kept his female reproductive organs despite his transformation is now five months pregnant and will appear on Oprah Winfrey's television show, the talk show said on Tuesday.
"I'm a person and I have the right to have my own biological child," Thomas Beatie, of Bend, Oregon, said in excerpts from the show, which airs on Thursday.
The person is not Transgendered!
Transgendered means going from one sex to the other physically, most always to match their internal (minds) feelings. This person is not transgendered at all. I would say cosmetically enhanced.
Example, the He/She and the She/He folks, they are not considered transgendered. To have a faux set of male genitalia added while keeping the female genitalia disqualifies this person as a transgendered person.
That's my humble opinion on this matter.
Huggles Karen J.
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Angel, honey...
A person whose identity does not conform to conventional notions of male or female gender,
but combines or moves between these identities; a transvestite or transsexual.
---Oxford English Dictionary (page 3327)
Pretty vague for the OED, but I think they're acknowledging that it's an imprecise term,
given to a number of interpretations. I'm certainly not megalomaniac enough to say
mine is the only one, especially not when it would be felt like a kick in the teeth
by those I would be deciding this for...
~~~hugs, LAIKA
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
Opinions change and so do mine...
...from time to time based mostly on fact and reality. How I perceive something is MY PERCEPTION and I stated that fact as a closing sentence of my post. No one asked me to use the OFFICIAL DEFINITION of what being Transgendered is. I gave MY DEFINITION of what I PERCEIVE being transgendered is. That is my right to do isn't it, especially if I add that disclaimer at the closing of my posting?
Mom makes several good points about belief systems. You can believe anything you want to believe, but that which you choose to believe, in no way changes the true reality.
Example, you can believe that natural grass is neon orange, but true reality proves that natural grass is green.
You can believe anything you want to believe! You and Mom state that everyone has the right to believe what they want to believe, but no one has the right to use their belief in a discussion or debate over an issue or topic?
Okay, Angel you can believe what you want, just don't post your beliefs here if they don't agree with the status quo or might cause people to interpret your belief as threatening theirs? GEEZE!
I can't and will never agree to that! I've been on the receiving end of disagreeable views for many of my stories here. I've grown a lot since my first arrival here and have weathered several huge storms and survived. I say what I feel and I say what I believe. In every case it has been in a blog or in answer to another persons posting. I can honestly say I don't belong to any group and I have never used others to join with me to FORCE an issue or belief. I've had as well as a few other people here have had these so-called groups join together to attack me and them over an issue, story, or comment.
Hey, go for it! Group or no group, say what you have to say, but don't expect me or other individuals to stay silent on these issues.
Giggle, giggle...Yes I giggle about a lot of things and this is one of those giggle matters because to me, if you ask for my opinion, you're going to get it if I decide to comment. Just remember this all important thing.
THESE ARE MY HUMBLE OPINIONS! MINE, and mine alone. This is what I presently believe to be true and I state that openly! I also say this IS my right to do!
Huggles All
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
"Okay, Angel you can believe what you want, just don't post your beliefs here if they don't agree with the status quo or might cause people to interpret your belief as threatening theirs? GEEZE!"
That's called a strawman argument, you're arguing with a position no one expressed. I've been pretty clear with the policies here and they don't resemble your statement above at all.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Crying PC
I don't see how anything in my comment can be construed as an attempt to silence anyone. It was a disagreement, a counter opinion about the definition of the term transgender. And since words are a tool of groups of people, general consensus does have some bearing on their reality/validity. It's not a matter of what should be---like the OED is the Word of God or something---but of utility. If I can convince all my friends that dogs should be called flooble-beasts, then between us at least that's as good a word as dog. But it might be a harder sell elsewhere, and lead to some confusion...
These groups you speak of, out to FORCE conformity on people. I guess they do arise, and it's unfortunate. I abhor censorship. But in this case, Erin and I each countered your opinion with our own independantly of each other, at about the same time, and (in my case at least) without knowledge that the other was doing so. So viewing this as a group effort, a conspiracy of hardliners, emboldened by the power of numbers and out to enforce compliance with our shared view seems rather off the mark...
I understand that you might be in a tough position right now, having declared that you will refrain from offering comments. I don't hold you to this, and wouldn't think less of you if you right now decided to reclaim your right to express your opinions. Because I never was out to silence you, Angel. This is your forum as much as it is anyone's.
I have neighbors whose opinions I disagree with far more than anything you've ever said, in fact their views repulse me, right down in my guts. They're White Supremists, of all things. I tell them how the findings of genetic science give lie to their ridiculous outdated notions of race, and they call me a deluded nigger lover under the influence of lying jew science. We don't agree, and are each trying to change the other's point of view on a daily basis, but they're just opinions, as messed up as theirs are (If they start burning crosses on people's lawns then it's a whole different matter). I just offer this as proof that I mean what I say about my lack of interest in silencing you. To shame these neighbors into expressing only ideas that agree with mine and only terms I approve of would not change their views but only drive them underground. Ultimately it would accomplish nothing except for allowing me to maintain the illusion
of some sort of "victory"...
And by the way, grass isn't green. It reflects a whole swath of the radio spectrum that isn't visible to the human eye. "True reality" is a dubious thing, since our brains don't see reality but only a symbolic representation of parts of it. Which doesn't mean that we should go nihilist and give up all attempts to know anything, but to approach reality with an understanding of our limitations, and our possibility for error...
~~~hugs, LAIKA
What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.
A person is transgendered if they think they are, no one else's opinion matters. Not even yours. If someone says they are a Christian or a fan of dadaism, that's an internal thing. It isn't a point that's really open for other opinions.
If you want to say that this person does not fit your definition of TG, that's fine. Your opinion is good. But here, you're claiming to know what's in the mind of this person, who you've never met. It's not legit.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because you know you need it too.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Did you miss my ending sentence? It reads...
"That's my humble opinion on this matter."
Only my opinion, operative word here is "...MY...humble opinion..."
Mom, you said that and I quote...
"If you want to say that this person does not fit your definition of TG, that's fine. Your opinion is good. But here, you're claiming to know what's in the mind of this person, who you've never met. It's not legit."
That is exactly why I added that last sentence. I'm just another human being trying to understand and saying what I believe and feel about certain things OTHER PEOPLE ASKED FOR MY OPINION ABOUT!
Hey, if they and you don't want my opinions about certain issues or topics, then don't ask for them by posting a blog. This blog entry specifically asked for our opinions on this topic. I gave mine, right or wrong, popular or not...
So, by definition I'm a transgendered person just by what I think? If I was born a boy and I think I'm a girl; therefore, I am a girl in the given definition for being transgendered? Because I think I am?
LOL...okay, if the dictionary says so! Reality I think defines being a transgendered person a bit differently.
That is why reality demands definitions for the so-called sub words as Transvestite. Not all transvestites think they are girls, they just like dressing up as one. Hence, by the definition you and one other put forth that transvestite is not transgendered.
That is unless you are saying that by the very fact that they dress up as a girl then they by definition are transgendered and if that is the case there better be a better definition for those that are actually suffering from Gender Dysphoria!
I wonder what they have for an official listing of their sex? Hey, why not just do away with Male and female designations all together? I mean the majority of humankind by definition are transgendered anyway! To cover all the bases we can choose from M/F/T, that way everyone can be happy!
Of course as my final sentence on this topic is...
This is my humble opinion on this matter
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
I did miss your final sentence because you put it last. I stopped reading when my bullshit detector went off. :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Female to Male transsexual operations often don't include surgery down below due to the higher complication rates. Does surgery really make a person a transsexual, or once all surgeries have been complete, do they then loose that "title". I suppose at the end of the day, it depends what the individual thinks of themself.
I was transsexual before I started hormones and way before I transitioned. I felt that I was in the wrong body.
I think that it is very brave that this person, even though they were living as a man, still wanted to have a child. Many male to females freeze their sperm before starting HRT, so they can still be a partner in having a child at a later stage. This man has just done the opposite - still wanted a child and done so. I don't think it should be up to us to say that a transsexual shouldn't be a parent.
Karen Page
I Saw The Show
I admire the courage of Thomas in putting himself out there and enduring public scrutiny. I was kind of puzzled as they talked about his previous life as a beauty queen. Most FTM's that I know, fought any attempt by their mother's to dress them in anything feminine. I guess he was trying to hide it from his parents out of fear. My mother sat there and watched the show with me. She said that Thomas was a fool to throw away his life as a woman. I was incensed with her because she was making a judgement about him without having the experience to know what it is like for all of us who deal with this. Some days I think my mother has finally gotten over her prejudices about this, but other times like yesterday, I still wonder if she has really moved forward at all. I do hope Thomas and Nancy have a healthy baby girl and the media stops trying to make a big deal about this. They have a right to live in peace without all the bigots judging them for what they do.
What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate
He said, She said, They said, We said!
OMG," its full of Stars
Open the pod doors Hal.
I just hope someday..
We can have biokids. I've heard they are working on it, so maybe I can be a mom. :)
TGSine --
TGSine --958