Little Boy-Girl the Tales 1

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I’m the dad in the story as of part 3. I know my name is not said till part 5 but that’s how I planned it. And my name is Mario Davis Senior in the story. I’ll get to the kids in a bit but let me tell you how they ended up with me. Their dad left a note in a file that only two other people knew about. One was his lawyer. And the other was well me. In a weird way we were like brothers. The day he died was hard because I got a letter in the mail form him. I can’t say what it said but it wasn’t good. But that same day his wife got the news and went to get the kids but never made it to them as you read in part 2.
Now to the kids Sabrina was always looking out for her sisters. Nicole is the emotional one always crying and screaming after a bad dream. Jenny is the little mamma to Jamie and Amber. Now Jamie is a wild card because of his gender identity disorder but is still loved by his sisters. Amber is the baby in more way than one. She has to be diapers 24/7 because of a bladder and other health issues. Now I know you want the moms two cents. But she’s a little bit slower on thinking than me. Plus she’s busy more so than me.

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Nice add-on of giving us a

Nice add-on of giving us a little more about the children and their "new parents". Definitely helps to fill in the story better. Janice

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Thank you. The mothers name is going to be changed because of an issue that came up. The mother is not as bright as i thought.
