Trying not to be contentious here

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But some authors are putting up several stories/episodes at once. This is a bit unfair as the front page is somewhat taken over with these stories and gives other authors less time on the front page and listing on the shortcuts.

Once a story goes off the front page, read counts go down considerably, so the longer a story is visible, the better chance an author gets for her work to be read.

Please think of others when posting several things at once.




Patricia Marie Allen's picture

My thoughts exactly.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Sharing is Friendly

Great advice.

I love your writing. If I thought I could have better access to your writing by invoking a rule, I'd back the rule, but rules cause hard feelings.

Hard feelings cause disputes.

Disputes cause authors to leave.

None of us want that.

I'm happy to share space with anyone within the guidelines already established . . . and common sense.

Angharad has carved out a unique space and is the exception. Otherwise, it is a bit over the top to post more than one piece on the front page at any time. I love your writing, but I'm sure you would gladly move aside just a bit to allow Angharad space to captivate in her own way. Angharad should feel free to post Bike and one other piece at any one time. If someone else comes along to also do what she does, I'd back that person's right to space as well.

Should one piece at a time be an enforced rule, probably not, but it should be the established ethical standard within this community.

You and I have been writing for this board for a long, long time. We've seen hundreds of new authors write one piece and never again post. We've seen authors come here, hone their craft, and go on to sell their words commercially. There is success in both of those scenarios.

Do you recall that wall of disinfectant odor that hit you when you walked into an adult book stores? You're probably too much of lady to have ever gone in such a place. I was so hungry for any information I could get about being trans that I would go to those stores for reading material. Then the internet happened. Erin and others made it up as they went along. Erin developed a great model where others failed. It's been two decades since I've had to equate disinfectant with shame. (I almost forgot the private mailbox I had in order to buy Sandy Thomas books. That was also demeaning!)

Part of Erin's successful model is allowing only one chapter of a serial on the front page at a time. Another part is to separate standalones. Both are worthy rules. Erin is also an author. When she writes. . .I read. I'm sure she's sensitive to the issue you raise.

Would another rule make sense? Probably, but shouldn't common sense simply prevail? Rule One - Keep It Friendly. Sharing is Friendly.

Did I mention I love your writing? You're amazing. When I grow up I want to be just like you.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

the rule - if I remember correctly

I think the rule is that once a new chapter is posted that the older chapter gets knocked off the front page.

Also, I vaguely remember that any one author is only allowed three stories on the first page also.

Perhaps with all the other site maintenance, the admins have been too busy to keep on top of things. I say we send them maids (old ugly ones, not sexy french ones, we don't need further distractions)

Katie Leone (

Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life

Pretty much correct

erin's picture

Though the three separate stories rule was later adjusted to four because two authors had four serials each that they were publishing one of each, every week and I was so in awe of that accomplishment that I wanted to let them have their time on the front page. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Hi Jill,

Hi Jill,

I agree Ang and others who post one or even two separate stories a day are not the problem and I admit to going all twitchy and getting withdrawal symptoms if I don't see my morning episode of Bike.

It is when several are put on at once over a very short period that seems to put a spanner in the works to my mind.

Picture a new author publishing their brand new baby on here after giving birth to it and nourishing it, only to find that the poor wee thing sinks like a stone because it doesn't stay on page one for long enough for it to mature and get its wings?

My goodness that all sounds a bit heavy and I should be mixing myself a drink rather than my metaphors, but hopefully you get what I am trying to say.

Anyway, just an opinion.


I'd go along with that

If I had several stories I knew would go down well I think I would still want to post them one by one.

After all, each one will (I hope) gather comments and I can use them to refine further posts. Like many writers here I have developed considerably, both as a person and as a writer, since coming here and it has all been down to the comments.

My exception to the rule is in the manner of Angharad: when you have a piece that seems to go on forever then it makes sense to post other short pieces (whether related or not) at the same time. My posting rate is low enough that the site can cope, I think.


Possibly the easiest thing to

Possibly the easiest thing to do would be to write your stories, put them up, but don't actually hit the publish button. Leave them private, and ask Erin or Piper to feed them out into the system. That way, they can just have the parent story page on the front, and all those 20+ episode pages that were fully completed don't show.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

No :)

erin's picture

I'd rather no one did this. It's much more work for me. Posting chapters as they are completed is part of the reason BC works the way it does.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I meant that if someone had a

I meant that if someone had a completed story that was split into chapters _that they wanted to post at one time_, it wouldn't overwhelm the front page. (I don't think most authors understand the nested story page process very well)

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

My own rule is

(or the one I try to keep to now)
Is one episode per week but preferably two.
For Singles as there are less postings and space, I leave it open. If there are a lot of other posts then I hold back a while.

Calling it giving everyone a chance.

one way might be not list

one way might be not list posted stories so much as the authors who did it, maybe with a dropdown for the stories they posted