I've been sick

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Hey folks,

Sorry if I worried anyone else like I did Hope but I've been stuck in bed sick pretty much since last Friday. It took a Herculean effort just to post the last chapter of Raven's Blood on Saturday. I tried logging in once or twice to blog or respond to comments but I just ended up staring at the screen blankly unable to put any words together so I figured it was better to just wait until I was feeling better to do anything like that. I'm up and about today though and hoping to respond to some comments, and messages and maybe get some writing done before I need to go rest again.

One thing I would like to say now though; I just took a look at my numbers and I am amazed by the wonderful support I've been getting with Raven's Blood, especially since it's not even a TG story. Thanks to all my readers for their support in everything I've been doing. I love you all, you're the best readers a girl could ask for.

*big hugs*



True enough

Amethyst's picture

I do like putting characters in unfamiliar and strange situations.




Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Sorry to hear...

erica jane's picture

That you've been sick, Ames.


Feel better!

~And so it goes...

Glad to hear you're better

tmf's picture

Glad to hear you're better. I wish you a lot of good health.
Sending you good positive energy for you, your stories, and family.

Big Hug tmf
Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness

Get Well

Looking forward to your good health that is what counts , then I will look forward to new stories . Feel better HUGS


Amethyst's picture

for the well wishes. I went back to bed not long after posting the blog and replying to a few things and I think today I can almost breathe and think clearly again. I'm going to try to post the new Raven's Blood chapter today and maybe at least jot down some ideas I've been working on while I can.

*big hugs to you all*



Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3

Well, that is a real bummer.

Well, that is a real bummer. I hope you are feeling a little better now and get well very soon. Hugs Janice Lynn