Is anyone else having probs getting the home page to load completely? On my machine right now, I only get the story lists, but none of all the other stuff. Blogs, comments, ads, the In Memoriam list, who's online right now,a ll that stuff just won't load. I'm using the same MacBook that I've always used and havein't done anything that I could think of to cause this prob.
Catherine Linda Michel
Apparently there was some minor glitch that seems to have solved itself.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
yes. i mentioned this
yes. i mentioned this yesterday to erin. i still have the glitch, although it seems to
belatedly resolve itself after a while. phydeau
A bit.
The sidebars etc seem to take a long time to load lately & sometimes don't load at all. The story list it self usual loads OK for me.
Yes, can't seem to load entire home page....
Been like this for a few days now, it won't load completely on my galaxy tab 2 7.0, thinking it's timing out before finishing. it's loading slow to on my desk top computer as well. I haven't said anything til now because Piper's been sick. hope it can be fixed soon. Loving Hugs, Taarpa
Yahoo has been very unstable through the day .Different parts have slowly returned to almost normal function. My mailbox is on the LYCOS servers but they are restarting parts and have warned about this. They need to set up safety codes and that can take 3 days, but it feels bad as that is my only good email route
I get the same thing.....
And it's all in purple too.
D. Eden
Dum Vivimus, Vivamus
I had a bout with that
I had a couple of days when that was the case for me. But it cleared up all by itself. I was able to access blogs and such through the links at top.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I haven't seen the thumbs up button for over three days and there is an across page scrollbar at the bottom. None of it is over three days old.