Bondfire Night

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Yes its that time of year again when we Brits celebrate the failure of dissident terrorists' attempt to kill our King and destroy our Parliament, we have long memories, it was in 1605, over 400 years ago!

A bit nearer to home, its time to celebrate the release of the next instalment of Gaby - Culture Clash, Part the Second is now available for your Kindle from Amazon and for other formats via Lulu. The third stanza is underway and should be ready for release at the end of November.

In other news, plans are afoot for the 2015 Gabycon, likely to be in June centred on Dorchester in Dorset close to the south coast of England. Format is expected to be similar to previous years, eating, drinking, cycling, storytelling and meeting likeminded Gabfen.

A little closer timewise, i'm off to Germany in a months time for the annual Weihnachtsmarkt trip, this year i'll be starting at Frankfurt, Mainz and Wiesbaden before heading north for Dusseldorf, maybe Munster and Dortmund before finishing off with the old favourites of Bonn and Koln. Not sure whether Gabs or Nena will come with me at present, it's Nena's turn but i guess she might be working!

Anyway, thats it for this week,





For a second there I thought you will make a bondfire by setting alight a certain hero/ine.


Bonfire Night

Rhona McCloud's picture

Lots of November 5th fireworks here in New Zealand . One group's 'terrorists' are another group's 'freedom fighters'?

Rhona McCloud