So... inspiration!
I haven't had enough of this lately, but it seems to be in ample supply at the moment, and barring anything horrible happening within the next 24 hours I'm well on track to have the NEXT part of PFH ready to post either some time this afternoon, or tomorrow.
The question, then, is this: do you WANT me to go ahead and post it? Or, would you rather I wait until I finish the story?
Either way, I seem to be on a roll, so I'm honestly expecting to have the entire thing done by the end of the week at the latest at this point, or at least the first-draft version I've been posting to the site at any rate. I've known a lot of the events of the story for literally YEARS now, but re-reading the old parts the day before yesterday really helped them to congeal in my head, so things are flowing for me better than they have in MONTHS at the moment. Plus, with the shortened length versus all the filler I'd initially had planned to beef part 2 up to the same length as part 1, things are a lot more snappy now too!
Anyway, back to the question. I can post each of the next/last two parts of the story as I finish them, or wait and post both together if you would prefer. Either way shouldn't take too much longer (again, I could possibly have the next part out within the next 12-16 hours if my energy holds up, and I plan to head right into the final part once it's finished,) but waiting WILL be slightly slower.
After having waited years for these last few parts as-is, I'm leaving the choice up to y'all.
Melanie E.
Melanie, I tend to post it as
Melanie, I tend to post it as I finish the story so that my few readers can enjoy them as they come. Besides if I don't post it right away it would never be posted as I am my own worst critic.
Post Away
With over 2 years since Part 8 was posted, many people will likely need to go back and reread some or all of the story to go forward. For me, at least, that outlay of time would be easier to make if I knew the whole story was definitely going to be posted within a short time. Based on the size of Part 9, every other day wouldn't be too fast. I wouldn't recommend going longer than a month to have it all up as I believe you are saying that there are only 2 Parts to go.
Thanks for sticking with this, and getting back to it. I recall that I enjoyed the series.