I am sorry everyone...funding for 'The Experiment' is on the line... I am not sure if it will be able to continue...
LOL -- If you are following the story: I have several upcoming business trips--one starting tomorrow (for most of the week)... There are other trips coming up that are going to impact my writing--and more importantly-- my ability to post...
I posted the fourth chapter ahead of schedule tonight. It may be next week (as in after next Sunday) before I can post again...or, if I can before then, it may be intermittent, at best...
Just know that the experiment WILL continue... Funding will come available...SOMEHOW! :D
The Experament
Hey, Life comes before any story. I following your story and I like it so far. So you post the next Chapter when you can. Your life is more important so live it first we will wait for that next chapter. Richard
Thanks, Richard!
I am glad you like the story. I should be able to get back to no later than next week... :)
Most people don't have business OR trips. You got both! :)
I guess I'll just have to experiment with being patient.
Yeah... 'lucky' me...! :P