It took me about fifteen goes to post tonight's Bike, each time I tried I got this stupid message. It seems to be happening everywhere and I feel if I see it once more I'm going to throw my computer out of the window.
Can anyone explain to me why it happens and what it's supposed to mean because most of the time Windows can't detect why it happened?
I really feel like cancelling my broadband and binning this laptop, and never going near the internet again.
Most of the time
Most of the time it means that there was a temporary glitch in your connection, happens mostly with WIFI but can happen elsewhere in the chain, especially since you are overseas from our servers. Once the browser or other caching service between you and us gets a bad page like that loaded, it can keep serving the same page.
Best thing to do is to logout, if you can, clear the browser cache, close your browser, reopen it and re-log back in. For me, that usually clears up the problem. You can also try forcing a clean page reload if your browser has that capability. On my browsers that is hold down Command or Control and click on the refresh button.
Second best thing is wait five minutes and do the process above. It is almost never something we can do anything about from our end but we always check when someone reports this.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
It might be a DNS issue. If so, it is an easy fix.
If it is a DNS issue. Go to network connection, to go the connection icon you are using for your network card. Go to properties, to to IP 4 and IP 6. Check properties for both. The proper setting it "automatically detect IP". If that is not check, change it to where it is. Then go back to connection icon you are using, click "diagnose" (for windows 7, or "repair" for earlier windows), and that should fix your problem.
On a side note, if you have multiple hard drives, go to the energy saving selection, go to advance settings, and make sure Hard drives are not automatically turned off in twenty minutes. I lost two hard drives due to that setting. Set it for 2000 minutes. Or, something like that.
Can't display the page
I got the same error a couple of hours ago. I opened a new browser window and was able to connect to BigCloset from my bookmark, so I reloaded my original page successfully. It wasn't anything local to my computer. The error page I got said I successfully connected to a caching server, which couldn't complete the connection to BigCloset.
With all
That needs to go right it is amazing that the internet works as well as it does. When one of the fiddly bits takes a hankering to get its head in the wrong state, it is heck for use who just know enough to use the key board to not !@#$#@!%$^&^%$#@!!!!!!!! I have adopted a more amusing way for me to channel my inner rage, that is to blame it on sun spots. It is a bit like cursing Morphy's name, but some poor bloke doesn't catch random hell just because the universe is feeling peevish.
Bailey's misbehaving Faerie
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Same here
In my case, it was in clicking on my 'messages' link.