Eagle eyed readers might note that I have withdrawn the story.
I think that I might have painted myself into a corner on that story and anyway some clever people who were kind enough to comment, stole my thunder and gave away the twist. Also, through another one of you clever so and so's, I realised that what I was trying to get my characters to do, wasn't legal and wouldn't stand up to close inspection.
Here was I thinking that I was a clever writer, but my readers are much more intelligent than me!
Anyway, to parrot-phrase the immortal parrot sketch I have to report that the story has passed on! This story is no more! It has ceased to be! It's expired and gone to meet it's maker!
Its a stiff! Bereft of life, it rests in peace! It's metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'It's off the twig!
It's kicked the bucket, it's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisibile!!
Anyway, back to the drawing board and next time, I will try and keep my characters legal, above board and the plot believable.
Please keep commenting on my stories and I promise faithfully not to send any viruses or spyware to anyone who points out my plot holes and other silliness.
As an aside, I went to the O2 arena and saw the very last Monty Python show the other week. it was brilliant and I got to wave at Stephen Hawking!
I assume Stephen was taking the place of..
the late Graham Chapman?
-- snicker --
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. I hope MY comments and rabid speculation did NOT discourage you.
In any case it was a brave attempt.
Though you and your muse have your own ideas I would LOVE to see more of your St Vlad's tales.
The one with the young witch who seems to be becoming a vampire due to a blood sisters pact she and a sweet vampire girl did desperately needs completion.
Or more of The Power, another story in that general vein.
-- GRIN --
Hey, Halloween is coming soon.
John in Wauwatosa
I didn't mean it Sue!
When I suggested a honeymoon on the Nile I never knew that was what you intended. Please PM me your end to the story, which doesn't have to be legal or realistic… Real life is often neither!
Rhona McCloud
No Comment
There is NOTHING clever about making a comment that stops the wonderful Sue Brown from writing.
If it was a comment I made, please accept my apology.
And . . . look for your muse.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I know you say it is dead
I know you say it is dead/finish/passover/burnt to a crisp, but can you still post the last chapter.? or PM it to avid readers.
Who really care about the law in a fiction.? It was a nice train crash in the making with a way to save the day.
If I can be bold and ask commenter to passe suggestion by PM and not on the story, that might calm ours beloved authors.
Peace and Love
Hugs tmf
Was It I?
If so...I'm sorry! I would never deliberately wreck a Sue Brown story, because I enjoy them too much, and truth can be stranger than fiction,
add my name to the list of people who want the ending
I was hooked, wondering how you could pull off the ending in a single chapter.
Same here,
I was curious how it was going to end. I didn't speculate, but I suspected her boy was a FtM from one of the comments.
I would love to see your take.
OK you MAY have crossed the line
You know more than most of us where the line is. It was a fictional story and you were writing from the heart and who's to say this never happened or won't happen somewhere in the future.
I don't think you crossed the line but you did step on it.
You have a massive following and the ability get lots of comments and I was not surprised by some of them. this was supposed to be an inter-active story since they were two short chapters. Why don't you just start it again and start it as a dream to overcome some concerns then you can take it where you want it to go.
It's your story. Take another run at it. You know where the line is and can do this blindfold.
Julie D has a great idea, Sue
If I am reading her right why not play with this tale like a writing exercise.
Tweak it. Change it. Rip it apart and put it back together.
Try it from different approaches IE first person vs third person, modern times vs olden day vs the future and so on.
If software can have a ver 2.0, 2.1, 2.15 and and so on why not a short story?
Works for Micro Squishy.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa