Flu bronchial infection?

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Last year I picked up this stuff (bronchial) I put up with it for over a month before I pushed it out. This time I was ready. Cowboy Beans with a ton of garlic and onion loaded in. Teaspoon of DMSO, and ten drops of GSE in OJ several times a day. Couple glasses of Alvera every day. Ten drops of MMS twice a day. Teaspoon of colloidal silver once a day.

Flu-bronchial jumped on me Sat night. Sunday and Monday the cough syrup and cough drops were best friends as I tried to keep from coughing my head off while my homeopathic remedies got a chance to get hold of the situation. Tues morning cough is gone along with burning deep down inside my lungs. I learned my lesson from last year. Taking a swipe at this nasty super bug with one or two cures wasn't working. Throw the whole damn kitchen sink at it and be sure you got it killed. I'll stick with the homeopathic for the rest of the week to make sure it doesn't come back.

Wanted everyone to know you do not have to put up with whatever is going around unless you are afraid of homeopathic treatment. I told my son the Alvera tastes like kerosene. He said he didn't know which bothered him the most. That I was drinking something that tasted like kerosene or that I knew what kerosene tasted like.

My friend has been going to the doctor for over a month and still coughing and wheezing. Probably where I got it.

Albert Einstein "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

I wish everyone health and happiness.



so you are saying that you and Albert are the same level of insanity ? we should all be as smart . "everybody knows there is no sanity clause" Marx brothers circa 1930 ish . Feel better HUGS Richie2

my friend

BarbieLee's picture

Hugs Richie2,
I think I was referring to my friend who keeps going to the medical establishment for a cure when nothing is working. However as to your "pun", I had to roll that one around for a little while. I know my choo choo derails often. I'm wondering if you joined me sitting on the side rail waiting for a load?

I wish I could share life experiences with everyone. Yet each of us must travel our own path to our own destiny, sharing tiny pieces of our lives with others as our paths cross or even blend for awhile.

hugs to all

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Gee Barbie,

I've got some DMSO that I used externally on my arthritic knee a few times. I don't know if it helped. The warnings on the bottle, however, are pretty scary. I hope you researched your self-treatment thoroughly enough. I don't know what your other ingredients are. Do you think you are treating a viral or bacterial infection? I like the idea of colloidal silver; guess it might work against both bacteria and viruses, but I don't know that.

For alternative medical treatments, I sometimes take Zand Formulas 'Insure Immune Support', a tincture/liquid suspension of 17 herbs, from a company In Washington state, USA. It once helped cure a bronchitis I had that was resistant to some antibiotics that I was prescribed. I don't know if my trouble was viral or bacterial. If you cough up any flem, gook, whatever, you could get it cultured. It might be a antibiotic resistant bacterial strain.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,